Happy New Year 2021!
We treasure both our online subscribers and our print subscribers. We exist for you and because of you. Thank you for your incredible support throughout 2020.
New Issue, New Column
Top stories this month in our January 2021 issue:
• City Winery Opens on Pier 57 Amidst Shutdown
• Working to Save West Village Restaurants
• 2020—The Return of the Depression?
And be sure to check out our newest monthly column, Catch and Release, by “Karen’s Quirky Style” author Karen Rempel.
New Subscriptions and Renewals
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You can also subscribe by sending an email to finance@westviewnews.org with your name and address.
Or you can mail a check directly to:
WestView, Inc. c/o George Capsis, 69 Charles Street, New York, NY 10014
Subscription Rates
• 6 Months: $12
• 1 Year: $24
• 2 Years: $48
Best wishes for a bright, happy, healthy year ahead! Together we will make it through.
George Capsis, Publisher
And the WestView News staff and contributors