Dear readers, neighbors, friends, and supporters,
We asked you to help because our beloved local newspaper is in danger of folding forever. You answered with a surge of donations, messages, and even ad requests! George and the folks at WestView News are overwhelmed by your love and support for the paper.
We’ve raised almost $15,000 in the first two weeks of the campaign. Wow! Thank you! A heartfelt, resounding “Thank You!” thunders from George’s office at 69 Charles Street and echoes along the bricks and cobblestones of the Village.
If you’ve been meaning to help but haven’t had a chance yet, please donate today to our crowdfunding campaign.
A Note from George

George can’t believe all the wonderful comments about how much the paper means to the people of the West Village. He has also been getting your kind letters and checks in the mail. He’d like to share a few comments with you:
Ricki Fier – We really appreciate your efforts and expertise at bringing issues to the forefront to all in the West Village.
Nelly Godfrey – Hi Jorgito. You know I would love to put an extra two zeros to this donation. Its totally worth it to save the WestView–the beautiful colorful paper that comes to my door with the latest news about the community and the world.
Christine Tralongo – The Village isn’t the Village without WestView News. A great newspaper with information you can’t find anywhere else.
Ellen Synan – I’m sure it’s the best community paper in the nation, and I would miss it sorely if it were no longer published. I am very grateful to George for whom I have the greatest respect and admiration.
Please Help Today
Bolstered by your support, George pledges that he will keep the paper going.
Together we’ve raised almost $15,000. We have $35,000 to go to reach our goal of $50,000 by September 30. This will bring peace of mind to the staff and vendors of WestView News, knowing they will get their pay and their payments in the coming months. Your help means so much to us.
If you’ve already donated, thank you! If you haven’t donated yet, please donate today to our crowdfunding campaign. Please give what you can afford, what you think the paper deserves.
George Capsis, Publisher
And the WestView News staff and contributors
P.S. Please share on social media and ask your friends and neighbors to give as well. Thank you. We greatly appreciate your support.