MULTI-GRAMMY-WINNER Cuban pianist, Arturo O’Farrill at the keys. Hear him on
November 9th at St. John’s in the Village Church. Photo credit: David Garten.

By Hannah Reimann

Like the re-emergence of post-pandemic Broadway, the Village’s theatrical and cultural world comes alive with exciting events in October and November 2021.

The official soft launch of Welcome Back, West Village! will kick off this October featuring local restaurants, concerts, films and other performance events on the streets and in venues of the West Village.

“The Village has a real small town community feel. The goal of this event is to bring the area’s soul and spirit roaring back,” says Rema Sayge, the founder of Welcome Back, West Village! “We want to help usher in the renewal of the neighborhood to reinvigorate our streets, inspire our residents and support our local businesses.”

Spanish restaurant, Sevilla, WestBeth Artists, St. John’s in the Village and The Charles Street Block Association are just a few of the restaurants, venues and organizations that will participate in this ongoing community effort. We’re creating the roster as you read this. Here’s a taste:

October 2021

Tuesday, October 19:

Body Medium: Annika Rhea dances and paints on a floor canvas to live music. Revelation Gallery, St. John’s in the Village (postponed from September 28)

Saturday, October 23 at 6pm:

Meet & Greet with Composer David Amram including screening of short film, “Pull My Daisy” (1959) featuring Jack Kerouac & Allan Ginsberg, music by David Amram. Q&A to follow. Revelation Gallery

Saturday, October 23 at 8pm:

Composer Michael Moss and Jazz Ensemble, Roots to Shoots. Revelation Gallery

Saturday, November 6 from 9am–12pm

Bulb Planting with the Charles Street Block Association. Southwest corner of Charles & Bleecker Street

Tuesday, November 9:

Grammy-winning Cuban pianist, Arturo O’Farrill. St. John’s in the Village Church

…and much, much more.

This live local event series for our community and visitors will be featured in a monthly WestView News calendar. Outreach for seniors and children with discounted prices and free events are coming your way. There will be theatrical shows, spoken word, local artists, community events for all ages and tastes. We’ll post more online and in November. Stay tuned!

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