During a recent Zoom contributors meeting (usually held in the publisher’s ample kitchen, or in good weather, his backyard) Editor George Capsis noted the Art Deco, Coca-Cola signs, and Mickey Mouse memorabilia and requested a photo to grace the pages of the May edition of WestView News. Robert Heide (pictured here in his kitchenette) and John Gilman, WestView contributibng writers, in addition to authoring guidebooks to Greenwich Village and the backroads of New Jersey (O’ New Jersey, Roberts’ home state) are the creators of fifteen illustrated coffee-table books on American popular culture and in the writing of them collected the ‘stuff’ shown here including American advertising icons, vintage movie memorabilia, cowboys and indians, Mickey Mouseiana and much more. The Mickey material was taken in boxes and unpacked by the authors to show Katie Couric and her television audience of 40 million to publicize one of their books published by Disney, Mickey Mouse, the Evolution, the Legend, the Phenomena! Some of their other books, available on Amazon, are Popular Art Deco, Starstruck, Home Front America, Box-Office Buckaroos, Disneyana and The Mickey Mouse Watch. Photo by Philip Cohen.