Drug Dealing in Washington Square Park


I appreciate your coverage of the drug dealings in WSP. Perhaps it was overlooked that dealing and usage does occur in the SW corner by the chess tables, which is adjacent to the childrens’ playground (“the mounds”) which is also directly across from the rest rooms. There is little if any activity on the east side of the park by those other playgrounds. Also, that activity starts as early as 6:30 a.m., before much of the park staff arrive, and continues well into the night after staff is gone.

Moreover, I think the far bigger story is the lack of prosecution by the judges, especially in the case of repeat narcotics offenders. Arrests are made, however even multiple time offenders are released! Check those facts with our local precinct, which has made dozens of arrests only to see releases overnight. Weed is not a monumental issue in my mind, hopefully it will be legalized, just don’t smoke it (or cigarettes or cigars) in a public park. The dealing is more than weed, you certainly are aware of the deadly consequences of fentanyl and harder drugs. Additionally the trickle down effect of shoplifting and similar crimes by that clientele contributes to the overall crime in the area.

Anyway I do appreciate your coverage. Please leave my name out of this for fear of retribution. Many of my neighbors are on a campaign to eliminate this blight but wish to keep our names out of the spotlight.

Thanks, Steve 

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