On Thursday April 14th, the Village In-dependent Democrats had their monthly meeting at St. John’s Church on Christo-pher Street. There were reports on a variety of political issues by club President Nadine Hoffman and District Leader Keen Berg-er, followed by reports on election activity (mostly petitioning for Jerry Nadler) by Tony Hoffman, and an update on the VID Awards Gala to be held April 28th at Tio Pepe’s restaurant.
The majority of the evening was used for endorsements for upcoming elections. Brad Hoylman was endorsed for state senate and Rachel Levine for Democratic Party state committeewoman, both unanimously. By an overwhelming vote, Deborah Glick was endorsed for state assembly and Benjamin Yee for Democratic Party state committeeman. The next monthly meeting will be on Thursday May 12th at St. John’s church. Alec Pruchnicki is a member of the VID executive committee.