Jim Collier is a straight talking man so when a few months ago he wanted to use the word “nigger” in an article to shock us into accepting that there still are people who believe and use this outrageous word, our editorial staff took collective objection and we did not print it. The editorial staff continues to object. In this article however Jim reminded me that the New York Times avoids using the word which convinced me that WestView should. –George Capsis

The uproar in the press at the stunning defeat of Eric Cantor, the former majority leader of the House, “unrivaled in the history of Congressional primaries,” according to the New York Times, has shown a spotlight on the persistence of racism in the United States. The newspaper reports have said that Cantor was “insufficiently conservative” on issues like immigration. This is undoubtly true; but it covers a greater and more important truth: Cantor was defeated mainly because his opponent, a man happily named Brat, was able to tie him to Obama in the minds of voters. Again according to the Times, Brat’s most effective campaign tool was a photograph showing Cantor standing next to the president. Brat took it for granted that a connection to Obama would be disliked by the voters in question. The Times added that such conservative Republicans have “a vocal base that demands unflinching opposition” to Obama and are “determined to stage confrontations with the president at every juncture.”

Presidents have been subjected to stinging attacks before. Franklin Roosevelt was royally hated by conservatives for his advocacy of social programs and support for unions; and Lincoln was shot for his tolerance of the recent enemy. Ironically, Obama has never strongly pushed for the strong social programs liberals expected of him. He has, indeed, been quite passive in his approach to governing. Conservatives ought therefore to have recognized that for a Democrat Obama was about as good as they could get. But, says the Times, “any hint of cooperation with the president” was the kiss of death for candidates in conservative territory.

It is possible to draw only one conclusion: these far right voters hate Obama because he is black. The simple truth is that there is still in America an irreducible measure of racism. A large minority have for some six years have been quietly angry that they must have in the White House a member of an inferior class of people. Until recently. however, they have felt constrained to keep their mouths shut. But America’s increasing tolerance of far right opinion has made racism more acceptable, so long as it can be disguised, however thinly, as politics.

Unfortunately, the media, including the New York Times, has been wary of addressing this issue. In its reporting on the subject it says only that Cantor’s problem was his support for immigration reform, including the legalization of people who had been smuggled in as children. There is no doubt that easing of restrictions on immigration, which basically means admitting more Hispanics from Central and South America, is opposed by substantial numbers of Americans. So doing is entirely consistent with what we know about the behavior of groups, about which I have written in WestView before. Groups don’t like strangers, and to non-Hispanic Americans these Central Americans are strangers, with a different language and set of folkways.

But blacks are seen as even more “different.” In this viewpoint, Obama is not “one of us” to many Americans and is therefore, if not exactly the enemy, at least an outsider.

One of the great surprises of this particular election was that the polls consistently showed that Cantor had a huge lead over Brat. The polls were not just slightly off, as they often are, but dramatically wrong. Nobody should have been surprised. Clearly, a whole lot of people who would not admit to a stranger on the phone to being racist, in the polling booths did what their hearts urged them to do: vote against Obama, even though he wasn’t on the ballot. And one of the results of the Brat victory is that we are unlikely to see another black candidate for president for some time to come; the risks are too great for major political parties to take.



    • Author gravatar

      To tie a vote for Brat to racism is lazy reporting. That is something I would expect to see in the comment section of an article online, not within the article itself, unless the statement was backed up with some solid evidence. There is little of that in the article.
      I live in Richmond and from what I can tell, people in this area wanted a Representative of their interests. Cantor was no longer a local representative, but attempting to become something much greater than the office to which he was called. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be upward mobile, but don’t try to do it at the expense of your existing job. That is what got Cantor fired.

      • Author gravatar

        The evidence is in the location and the company kept by those who make no sense in their arguments against candidates and incumbents of anything but white antiquated spirtual thinking, and by the number therein.

        • Author gravatar

          Why is GOD here , for hate to build in the white house , just say it you you hate blacks and while you’re at it say to the GOOD LORD you hate black for no reason and will stop this bitterness . SO this is politics

          • Author gravatar

            Hatred, prejudice and bigotry are always done by cowards in darkness. Whether the darkness of night, a hooded sheet, a voting booth or a smile, they don’t have the courage to face the realities and consequences of thier own truth.

            • Author gravatar

              Hatred, prejudice and bigotry are all tied to fear and ignorance.

            • Author gravatar

              James should learn to spell their ignorance stay home

            • Author gravatar

              Com’on…don’t be stupid!!! We’re ALL racist…..just some of us will admit it.

            • Author gravatar

              Because he is black? No..Just the worst, ignorant, dumb, cowardly, cant admit he has failed america, person to step in the whitehouse!! More worried about offending muslims than terrorists killing us…Letting a third of lazy americans stay on welfare, and gave the ok for nuclear weapons along with billions of dollars to Iran, the biggest sponsers of terrorism in the world!! Wake up people, these are the facts..Plus he is racist..Called the woman who raised him a “typical white woman”..If a white president called someone a typical black person, they would be impeached!!

            • Author gravatar

              To Marc B…The Iran deal was made to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, the billions of dollars you are talking about is already Iran’s money. The woman who raised the President was his grandmother, his blood and him calling her a typical white woman is no where no how racist. President Obama has done a great job as President and it doesn’t matter if you hate him or not, he’s done his job.

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              Calling his grandmother a typical white woman, IS racist, this man went to reverand Wrights church for 20 years..Imagine if a repub called someone a typical black person?..They would be crucified..The money that was Irans was theirs, but what about the interest? Also, do some research..This deal guarantees iran the nuclear bomb with a breakout time of 10 years, according to obama!, but you wont hear that on msnbc..We bent over for iran, they didnt release all of our hostages, and just last week, they took more hostages..Obama THANKED them for releasing the american sailors when they had no right to hold them or film them in the first place..I bet you didnt notice that in the video they didnt feed the American woman, and they made her wear a head scribe..Obama is a disgrace, lowest household income, most people on welfare ever, not to mention he is going to pardon as many as 50,000 convicted drug dealers this year which is unsafe, just like bringing syrian refugees to the u.s…Im a republican, and I will b the first to say Bush was a disaster..You dem’s will defend obama to no end..The petulant child that he is…One more thing..Im sick of paying for everyone elses health insurance..My deductibles quadrupled due to obama, and now 306$ a week from my union pay package goes to my health insurance…What a scam from a liar of a president..All his pot, booze, and coke use destroyed his brain

            • Author gravatar

              No, I Hate him for him! And the stupid things he does and says.
              Because he’s Black its not right to hate him? Or I am Racist? No! I do he ruined the World and I AM NOT WHITE!

              Everything he does is for himself,he is not Martin Luther King he was a Hero !

              Obama is a Racist Ass that does as he likes for himself…..
              The worst President in History along with Hillary.

              He’s Not a Nigger he’s White Racist that trys to be Black…a PIG! Devouring the Wold and destroying America!

      • Author gravatar

        The article speaks the truth people like David live in denial. The article is also a statement as to what a large portion of white america is thinking and saying behind closed doors.

        • Author gravatar

          First of all, John, how do YOU know what people say, let alone think behind closed doors? Do you have some magic power that allows you to hear people thoughts and listen through closed doors?
          Second, Dawn, what the hell do you mean by “antiquated white spiritual thinking.” It sounds like something you picked up listening to left wing academic types. Don’t you that no one has taken left wing academics seriously since the 70s. If you have your degree you are no longer required to regurgitate their spew.
          Third, I came to this website because I wanted to see what excuse the publisher would come up with for using the “N” word. I don’t buy their excuse. The only time I ever hear that word used any more (whether or not behind closed doors) is when I am in the locker room: For some reason young Black males are not content the word to fade into history, and so they call each other the N word in front of whites as if they enjoy watching the discomfort they create.

          Finally, there is in fact a Black who could potentially successfully run for President in 2016 and his name is Dr. Ben Carson. Of course that does not fit the false STORY line that ignores that it was Republican’s who papas send the voting rights bill, and a a Republican who proclaimed emancipation..

          • Author gravatar

            Well said David. End of discussion!

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              @ David W and H.A. Brown. While I don’t disagree with some of what David is saying, you two surely you don’t think that some whites aren’t saying or thinking this behind closed doors do you??? If I am hearing this in front of me (I am of Japanese descent) then I would be hard pressed to think they aren’t saying the same when I am not there, i..e., behind closed doors.

              While racism is less prevalent then it was when I was growing up, I also believe it’s not as overt. Instead of calling me a “Chink” (which isn’t even the right slur) to my face, they now say things like “your people” or “your kind” or you speak good English (funny, because I don’t know a “lick” of Japanese).

              So before either of you spout off about what is being said, maybe you should walk in my shoes and hear what is still being said to me.

            • Author gravatar

              This is obviously a race-baiting piece.

              I am a conservative white and would have no problem casting a vote for Ben Carson or Allen West.

              The Hispanic immigration debate has less to do with them being “strangers” etc. as it does with what it is going to do to our welfare system along with employment problems AND the money that will be needed when we are in no position financially.

              Weak argument for the comparison to Roosevelt. Obama has expanded those programs and cell phones weren’t around in the 30’s.

              Try being a responsible journalist. NOTHING good came come from this sort of rhetoric.

          • Author gravatar

            Not well said, David W. John does not need to stand behind closed doors to hear conversations and racists words spewed about Obama. Our country is in deep denial about having a Black man run this country. Forget the fact that he is a Harvard educated law professor who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008. He is Black and that scares the crap out of Whitety who are so brainwashed and delusional to think we are Christian nation. Bullcrap! The birthers and Donald Trump can keep the myths and lies to themselves. Obama is a progressive President trying desperately to get this country out of the 1950s pre-birth control pill where white men forced their wives to stay home to raise the kids. We are the last nation to adopt universal health care and we still subsidize billions to farmers who don’t need the money. We are a country of the rich by the rich and full of elitist, racist, older white males who rail against any progressive move to help everybody who doesn’t make $100K a year or more. Dr. Ben Carson is a lunatic who believes science is hogwash and this coming from a man who is a doctor.

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              I am white and got married to a Black Man in 1981 and have 3 grown children. I can tell you that when most white people talk politics to me, they do not know my connection to Blacks so if they were going to say disparaging racial remarks “behind closed doors”, they could fire away. I have not heard one white person reference race to Obama. Either they are extremely for or extremely against Obama. On the other hand Blacks continually reference race, and continually state that white people are against him because of race. Also the majority of racism I have personally experienced was from one group, and the same group that physically attacked my kids back in the 80’s, and 90’s while spewing racist remarks was the African American group. I think the author of this article should spend a month renting an apartment in a predominately black neighborhood and then write an article titled The Honkey at the Typewriter, if he is still alive.

            • Author gravatar

              Racism is still very prevalent in the United States of America and the case of President Obama is the clearest example possible. No one ever spews their racist remarks unless completely comfortable and surrounded by individuals that they KNOW share their opinions. They change the words to “socialist” or “criminal” or (one that has been directed throughout my entire life) “thug.” Or dare to say he wasn’t born in America. The far righters will do ANYTHING possible to discredit a president that is 10x greater than his predecessor. I truly believe that the level of hatred shown toward the president directly correlates with his nationality not his policy decisions. The immigration fight shows the far right’s obsession with keeping America as white as possible, keeping us living in the days of northern Jim Crow(subtle and unspoken racism).

            • Author gravatar

              Thanks Benito,

              It’s nice to read some “common sense”. Most conservative republicans that I know dance around racism but struggle to identify what evil President Obama has wrought upon the country. They use conservative-speak that comes from talking points repeated over and over until those in a trance believe it.

              When is the last time you heard entertainment news mention the stock market or the increase in jobs numbers? At one point it led every news cast.

              Finally, Thanks to Mr. Collier fro letting the elephant out of the closet and back into the room.

            • Author gravatar

              Interesting comments David W. Tell me…. how far is it from where you live to REALITY! Also, Dr. Ben Carson is as black as Pat Boone. The fact that the President has accomplished ANYTHING speaks to his brilliance and, like most history, the truth will be rewritten to conform to WHITE standards. I.E Native Americans, Slavery, Christianity and so on. This article is as they say across the pond….SPOT ON!.

            • Author gravatar

              Wonderful insights here regarding the fact that racism is indeed alive and thriving. I’m African American. I travel to Illinois weekly, and stop at a truck stop along the way for breakfast. Without fail, 5 minutes after sitting down, truckers will begin talking about what “Obama has done to the country”, ect. I spend my dining time listening to the same misinformation that spews out of the radio once you cross the state line. Down in Belleville, the local paper regularly runs caricatures of Obama that are so racist, along with a full page of hateful comments regarding minorities and the poor, that are so amazingly repugnant that I actually take them back with me, because it really puts the lid on folks who make ignorant statements like “There IS no racism. Look, we’ve got a BLACK President..!” The title of the article does indeed echo what many whites say behind closed doors, but that’s been going on since the beginning of the country.

          • Author gravatar

            Well David , you must not live in Kentucky. I am sad to say that racism is not only alive but thriving. I see the rise in openness about it in acquaintances posts on FB all day everyday as well as in person. It is obvious that it goes hand in hand with the Tea Party movement because the people making posts in support of the Tea Party are the same ones posting outrageous things about President Obama. It disgusts me to see so many make outrageous statements about our President, and any politician associated with him, with no basis of fact!

            My husband I just watched a documentary called “The Sixties”. We both thought that the White establishment of that time looked and sounded like the Tea Party of today. My husband and most of his family are republicans but he could see the correlation plainly. We also both recognized that you could replace the blacks of the sixties with gays and other minorities, and show group intolerance based on supposed religious beliefs, fear of the unknown and a need to feel superior to someone.

            Also David, you and all of us must be aware that the republican and democratic parties have evolved into something totally different today. A comparison to the parties in the days of Lincoln, is like comparing apples and oranges. In my opinion 🙂

            • Author gravatar

              Thank you Patty. People forget that the Republicans back then would probably be considered moderate Democrats now…the parties are not the same.
              Also, regarding the racism…it’s really quite sad and disgusting to be honest. I’ve overheard conversations that make me sick to my stomach, but of course, it’s not about race. It never is.

            • Author gravatar

              Well said Patty. Thank you for making an intelligent argument.

            • Author gravatar

              Lincoln said at beginning of Gettysburg address “Fellow citizens, we CANNOT change history”. President Obama’s and his administration’s record so far speaks for itselt. Poorly –2years to go and counting

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            David: John does in fact know magic word. It’s ‘non-denial’. You should try it some time. I have another two words for you: Treyvon Martin. If you are so short sighted that you have not read the warning signs of the based on the outcry of supporters who hit the blogs with every imaginable story justifying their hatred based on national incarceration figures of black Americans, then I don’t know what further proof you need. Isolated incident? It happened again, in Florida On January 22nd of this year. A young man was shot for simply running through the front of a man’s yard. Had he stolen anything? No? Did he interface with the man who killed him? No. He was just running, and black and in Florida, that’s all it takes. Turn the table around and there’s Marissa Alexander, a black woman who fired a warning shot in her home with the same ‘stand your ground’ as justification, which was rejected by the judge is looking at a minimum of 20 years in a federal prison.

            The message: Stand Your Ground is in fact a law, if you are white. The real message: A black person does not have the same rights as a white person and racism is alive and thriving in Florida.

            I spent a few months in Asia in the 80s. I had to deal with countless incidences of racism against me. I know what it’s like, John. Do you? Do you know how it feels to be isolated? Not allowed to eat at a restaurant and being called ’round eye’ as you are escorted out? Almost arrested for politely telling the owner of a store he had spelled the word jewelry incorrectly on his store sign? Once you have experienced this for yourself, you will be changed. It’s been 50 years since the civil rights movement, and three times that since the civil war, but it seems that we are still fighting the ghosts of another era in this country, which will again be great once we give this up for good.

            As far as your suggestion for president… Ben Carson…how many elections do you need to loose before you realize that this is not what the majority of Americans want to lead their country? His positions on abortion, immigration social services and supporting owning non registered firearms is exactly what we don’t need. Seriously dude, I am trying to help here. You r party will never be elected until they fully realize what has stopped them from there n the recent past. It’s time to rethink and when you do to the extent that that your party actually gets the job, you will find that you will adapt much of the democratic treatise to get there. Sorry to break it to you, but this country wasn’t designed to be enjoyed by middle age and up white men to the expense of other persons rights.

            • Author gravatar

              After reading your “Rant” I can attest that you are full of sh*t. You more than likely grew up in a ghetto and the radical crap was drilled into your head from an early age.

              I grew up in Florida, most of my friends were and still are “Black”. We studied together, played football together on and off the field. You only see the aspects of life that agree with you’re limited amount of brain power.

          • Author gravatar

            If you feel uncomfortable hearing young black men speak to each other, try minding your own business. And don’t use the word yourself? You can handle that, can’t you?

            And who the fark is Ben Carson? You will crap treasure in the morning before he gets a single GOP delegate. quit trying to fool yourself so you can feel better and just accept what the GOP has become. If you want to keep voting for them, fine. But dont pee on my back then tell me it’s just raining.

            • Author gravatar

              Your comment is right on target…The only Republican politician since Richard Nixon’s famous “Southern Strategy”, who ever made an effort to reach out to the black electorate, with some meaningful ideas for improvement was Congressman Jack Kemp of Buffalo…It just so happened that Mr. Kemp was a fine NFL quarterback for many years with the Buffalo Bills, and played alongside many outstanding black teammates.. He knew them as wonderful people as well as teammates and so couild relate to them, as most conservatives cannot.

            • Author gravatar

              reply to “ech”. told the person leave if they dont like the language. Well, this is another example of bad behaviors and until behavior stops, stereotyping will also continue. sorry….I complained about the line in Beyonce song “He wanna F>>>> me” and a friend said well you dont have to listen to it. Correct, but to lots of people who are civilized, these words and bad english are offensive, not hip. Yuck

          • Author gravatar

            i am a jew,and like hitler better than obama. when he was elected in 2008, i said he would destroy the world.. i am not didappointed. obama is the black joe mccarthy. the world hates america, and obama has caused more racial hatred than i have ever seen.. i loved blacks, now i hate them. obama has destroyed the civir rights gains made in the last 50 years.. i would rather hang a picture of hitler in my room , than obama.. i am a 100% born jew.. tha says it all.. i did not use the n word for 50 years, it is now part of my daily vocabulary.. when obama said i barack husein obama, america had died..

            • Author gravatar

              Dr Don BurDICK the best you could amount to in this life is to put your retarded backward ass head in a microwave oven, set it to lets say 2 mins (it shouldn’t take that long to burst as there’s not much inside) and yell Nigger as you hit the start button! You disgusting despicable excuse for rodent

            • Author gravatar

              Dr Burdick you should be ashamed of the awful things you posted. Hitler is better than Obama? You hate blacks because of Obama? You are a Jewish person with such lack of insight into racism and intolerance?
              Oy vey!

            • Author gravatar

              @dr don burdick. “i am a jew, and i like hitler better than obama.” That has got to be THE most inane, ignorant statement ever made since man first put pen to paper. I suspect your are not a “dr.” of any kind, not a jew, and barely function above the level of a certified moron. If you are referring to the “hitler” I think you are referring to, then how on God’s earth does President Obama even come close to inflaming 4/5’s of the earth in war, murdering 6 million people, and physically causing the destruction of his own country? How is it that America and is dead? When evidence to the contrary is right at your finger tips you fool? Did some Gestapo type knock at your door after your posted the ignorance you wrote today? Are they to be expected? How is that more guns and ammo have been sold in the USA since his election and he has overseen the death of America. (PS: I am a registered gun owner, NRA Certified Instructor, member of IDPA and USCCA). It is ignorant poeple like you (or liars like you) that give dissent a bad name. Grow up!

            • Author gravatar

              Mr Burdick, I don’t believe you’re a Jew or a Doctor.

              Please, OH PLEASE, tell me exactly WHAT changed so much in the last 6 years that made you change your feelings towards the black race?

              Was it when the blacks burned down America’s cities?
              When they raped all the white women?
              Was it when they walked into a school and killed 20 children?
              Was it was when they were stopping and frisking white people in NY?
              Was it was when they killed that unarmed white kid in the hoodie in Florida?

              It seems to me, that someone who says, “I loved blacks”. Never really did.

              Are you that shallow?
              Now let me get this straight. (just so I understand fully)
              You now HATE all your black friends?
              (I’m assuming you had many since you said, “I loved blacks”)

              YOU sir, are the racist.

              What was so TERRIBLE about Mr Obama that made you think “America had died” when he took the oath in January 2009? And as a doctor (and presumably a man of science) shouldn’t wait for a result before forming an opinion?
              You had him (and America I might add) tried, convicted and executed before he left the steps of the Capitol Building.

              YOU sir, are the racist.

              And for you (who is supposedly a Jew) to say you like Hitler better than Barack Obama is a disservice to every Jew in the world.

              You need a reality check sir.

              Here we are in 2014, and the world STILL stands.
              And so does the USA. Stronger than ever.
              The world doesn’t HATE us.
              (incidentally, you used the word 3 times in a 116 word comment).

              I would say that you are the hater.
              YOU want to see the USA fail.
              You’re the worst kind of American.
              Much like the members of Congress who block EVERY SINGLE THING the President tries to do, you’re an American that wants to see the country fail for one simple reason.

              The color of the President’s skin is black.

              YOU sir, are the racist.

              You talk of freedom, but you don’t believe it. Not really.

              You really don’t deserve to live here.

            • Author gravatar

              A doctor, huh? Can’t write a grammatically correct sentence to save your life. Hate to see what you do during a prostate exam.

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              Dr MurDick, I really feel sorry for you. Hate is a heavy burden to carry. Get rid of your heavy load!

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            My response is to David, who claimed that a Republican claimed Emancipation. Thomas Jefferson, a republican, proclaimed Emancipation for all except Blacks in the Declaration of Independence, because he believed in slavery. On the other hand, the Republican Abraham Lincoln promoted Emancipation to free the slaves. Ironically, that Republican party stands for the issues that the Democratic stands for today. That Republican party can not be equated with the conservatives that exist today.

            • Author gravatar

              Abraham Lincoln did what he had to in order to save the Union! Did you know that the republican party used to have many people of African Decent? We could use some truth in the American History! Required refresher courses for all of us. ERP hits on it.

          • Author gravatar

            The Republican party or 1860 is not the same as the party or 2014. Review the history. The Republicans (1800s) was the party of the north and the Democrats was the party of the south. When Johnson said that he was going to sign the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, Housing Acts and institute a war on poverty the Dixiecrats told him that they would leave the Party. They did and became members of the Republican party.
            This is the only president that has been called liar to his face, had a mayor wave her finger in his face, has had several members of the military refuse to be redeployed because they do not believe that he is the Commander-in-Chief and published their comments on the web. They have faced court martial and kick out of the service and served time. In 2008, within 24 hours of his election Mitch McConnell said that the only thing that the party would focus on is making him a one term president. From the very beginning no matter what he did or said they disagreed with him even when he was willing to sign bills with every thing they asked for. The Republicans said no. That is not politics. As much as Bush was disliked, a candidate was not penalized because he was civil to him. But candidates are penalized when they are civil to Pres. Obama. Look at what was said about Christie before the bridge scandal. Republicans did not like the fact that he shook his hand when the President visited NJ. The hatred towards Pres. Obama goes beyond politics. Now he is being sued for taking executive action once. How many times is Pres. Bush do it and no one wanted to sue him. As a black people we are seeing more overt racism since 2008 than before. There are also bobble head dolls of the president with vaudeville features. There have been caucasians dressed in black face calling themselves Barack Obama in the style of vaudeville. There have been protest especially when AHC was signed with people saying a black man cannot be a legitimate president.

      • Author gravatar

        Disguise it and call it anything you want. The truth of the matter is racism is ingrained in the American culture. The way we treat people of color in this country is despicable and most of all disturbing.

        Here are the reasons why…

        Americans, compare to the rest of the world, are uneducated. You can go to states like Mississippi or Texas and still see areas of segregation. People of color are still referred to “colored” and the bible is always used as a justification.

        The fact that people like Dr. Ben Carson and Allen West, who cater to the Conservative/Tea Party base tries very hard to go on record saying that “racism does not exist” either hasn’t been paying attention or refuses to acknowledge that people in their own party are not that much comfortable with having them as leader of this country. I voted for Obama, I would NEVER vote for Carson or West. Their views are too extreme and ignorant for today’s society.

        Finally, no other president has received as much push back from Congress on every single thing he did than Obama. It has already been established that they were never going to work with Obama trying to make him a one-term president. When he won a second-term, now they are trying to “defining his administration’s legacy.” The truth is that the GOP’s legacy will also be defined and it could hurt them in future elections. Brat might not have a chance of winning the election this year, because of his extreme religious views.

        • Author gravatar

          It should be noted that several mostly southern white republican leaders gathered together in a hotel in Washington DC on the night of President Obama’s inauguration in January 2009 and spent 4 hours mapping out how they were going to sabotage, undermine and destroy America’s economy It was an “invitation only” meeting with GOP Hate-Propaganda Minister, Frank Luntz, and attended by the following republicans: Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX),
          Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI), Rep. Dan Lungren (R-CA), Sen. Jim DeMint (SC-R), Sen. Jon Kyl (AZ-R),
          Sen. Tom Coburn (OK-R), Sen. John Ensign (NV-R) and Sen. Bob Corker (TN-R). and Newt Gingrich.

          These republican men didn’t care if they destroyed our economy, much like they are currently holding hostage to the Immigration bill, replenishing the Highway Trust Fund and renewing the Export-Import Bank.

        • Author gravatar

          Their views are too extreme and ignorant for today’s society. Translation= Faith based, god fearing, law abiding and intelligent. That’s what the majority of Americans want in a president

      • Author gravatar

        That’s so much BS, David Voss! To say that Eric Cantor’s coupling with Obama cost him the primary is entirely realistic (considering putting his arm around Obama’s shoulder cost Chris Cristie HIS popularity numbers at the time of Sandy). How else do you explain Confederate flags [symbols of White Supremacy] at virtually every rally by the far right/Tea Party? You people can try as you might to camouflage racism behind “reasons” that you think may be acceptable, but we’ve learned to recognize it for what it is.

        David W., YOU need to take a big swig of “SIT DOWN & SHUT UP”, with your foolishness…we might not have magic to “know what people are saying behind closed doors”, but actions since PRESIDENT OBAMA’S election(s) have spoken loud enough for us to surmise what’s being said behind those doors…the above-mentioned Confederate flags, hanging effigies, an outhouse supposedly representing Pres. Obama’s presidential library, continually accusing him of being from Kenya, etc., etc., etc….do you think a brick house has to fall on us for us to see the racism that has fueled a constant barrage of disrespect for this man, who has done everything he can to get along with the Republican party. A party by the way, that BOTH you and your co-signer, H.A. Brown think you can pawn off as the “party of Lincoln”…don’t be ridiculous; we fully realize that the Rethuglifool party and a great influx of DIXIECRATS (segregationists) at the signing of the Civil Rights Act of ’65…NO RELATION to Lincoln’s Republicans…nice try, but we gotcha. And your Rethuglifool “Step&Fetchit” Ben Carson is going to stand about as much chance as your other Minstrel Man, Mr. “9,9,9”, Herman Cain. So H.A. Brown, that tripe was NOT “Well said”…

      • Author gravatar

        All Republicans are either themselves racist or tacitly approve of active racists formulating policy on their behalf.

        • Author gravatar

          Well said. All racists are republicans although not all republicans are racists.

        • Author gravatar

          Now WHO’s being racist ? Your comment is laughable. talk about stereotyping. Please please STOP already with the primitive mentality, we are adults and should act like one. Please spare me, Grow up already

        • Author gravatar

          Like the former senator Alan Keyes ?? Now he might have been an excellent president, as well as other “black” “uncle tom” republicans.

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          I see racist remarks directed against Tea Party members all the time. All black Democrats are racists and openly display their bigotry every time they open their mouths. They even refuse that President is as much white as he is black. In fact, he was raised by whites.

      • Author gravatar

        WhoTF is “Cantor”?

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        Oh NO! You DARKIES HAVE FIGURED US OUT! ALL White people meet up in SECRET on the internet and coffee shops EVERY NIGHT! We then formulate a PLAN TO KILL ALL DARKIES! BLM and others think you are so SMART! You are following WHITEYS PLAN EXACTLY, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK OBAMA (WHITEYS LITTLE UNCLE TOM!) You idiots need to get a grip!

    • Author gravatar

      While I am always offended by anyone including fellow blacks using the “N” word, I appreciate and commend you for the point you’ve made in your article.
      Thanks for your honesty. Certainly no one can accuse you of playing the race card.

      • Author gravatar

        How can you defend a point of view when the title itself is offensive?
        N Word in a Head line is exercising the lowest level of journalism. No merit basis warrant. He’s a racist bigot. The publisher should be fired. No one should be offended when a Swastika symbol is displayed with Hitler across the front page headline. Oh, the article was very informative and it depicts just how far we’ve come. BS.

    • Author gravatar

      Look up the deffinition of nigger! I live among 100’s, losers, who live on disability. They get their rent paid by my tax dollars, drive cars and own Harley’s . Yes, there are niggers they can be any color. I’m tired of that word always being connected to color.

      • Author gravatar

        I would find it hard to believe you are a person of color to make such a comment. If you are a person of color how ignorant of you to not know your history. That word is tied to color. No matter what people say it is tied to AA. Yes AA know the definition and we know that there are many people that act according to the definition. But please don’t dumb down the word because that is the worst you can do. It still hurts to hear the word. So when you try to dumb it down you negate other peoples feelings.

        • Author gravatar

          hey guys im an investigator and I am not even close to crazy, and the real problem here is that this illuminati, or new world order is a satanic cult led by the richest and most powerful people in the world. they are largely homosexual and pedophile. they work hand in glove with the C.I.A. and freemasonry. they are Aryan supremacist. they believe in white power, just like the K.K.K. they plan on killing all Christians first. because of their relationship with JESUS CHRIST. I myself will stand next to any white, or colored person because it will take us all to wipe out this evil. that our government or the freemasons have been pushing. LOOK, your government wants to make all of us people that are poor slaves. once your guns are gone your freedom is next. the schools have stopped saying the pledge of allegiance. kids cant play with toy guns outside without the POLICE shooting them dead. financial collapse is imminent, then marshall law. trust what I say your government created terrorism. and we need to put all of them out of office. GOD BLESS EVERYONE.

        • Author gravatar

          I am tired of all you bleeding hearts. I am a member of the working class, Truck Driver 48 state. When I am on the docks being loaded or waiting to be loaded I quite often hear two blacks, both men and women or man and woman get pissed at each other. It is not uncommon to hear them call each other nigger. I also am called cracker from time to time just because they want me to know they can get by with it. I do not care if it is man or woman (I am also somewhat over weight) I will tell you right up front I do use my 1st amendment right and I do not care who likes it or who does not. Just today I had a totally stupid black woman driving a truck who had no business driving it that could not even turn it a round and caused a total lock up of movement for 40 minutes. Enough was enough. I went out and made the statement it had to come to an end. I said straight out I have a class A license if would like I will turn it around for you to get things moving. The answer came back I don’t need any help from a fat ass like you. My reply was you are a nigger bitch (dumb and stupid). Well it was OK for her to call me a fat ass but it was a sin for me to call her a nigger. To dammed bad, cut loose on me and I will light your ass right back up. I give my freedom of speech up to no one. I never use the N word if it comes to that It will be nigger plain and simple. Don’t like it to dammed bad! Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Now the rest of the story. Example: AA Alcoholic’s Ammonias (African American) This could be considered dumbing down to an Alcoholic Grow up and get over it. If you were old enough to have lived in the south and been a slave It would be different. I am sure that does not fit you at all, you are just wanting to play the race card and that does not work with a lot of us. Id say I know a lot more White niggers than I do black niggers.

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            The real question here is how much do you weigh? Because if it is a number not proportional to your height, then you might, in reality, be obese. In layman’s terms, that is known as fat.

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            if your generation were never slaves, i would agree with your statement. but i dare you to say this comment in front of a group of black people

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            Mr. D. Wayne. You sound uneducated thus unenlightened and are a victim of your classless, clueless and uninformed environment. The term you are looking for , by the way, is Wigger.

          • Author gravatar

            Hey my brother. Food for thought. Would you have said it if it had been a black man driving the truck? Have a nice day buddy. From MyNigger.

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            My mother has always said you can get more with “honey” than “vinegar”. Instead of reacting to that woman’s comments by calling her names – most of what she has probably heard over and over again while growing up, you could have simply said “yeah, I’m a bit fat but my dear, you look like you can use some help and I would like to help you”.

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            A F-WORD IN men!

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        Lou, you and I both know that 99.99999% of the time when the word Nigger is used, it’s used to define a Black Man, not Webster’s definition of Nigger. And I’m tired of the word being used to describe the males of my race, my father, husband, brother and sons. Even most racist men rarely use this word when speaking of a black female. But I’ve heard it used by a white woman to describe a black woman. America ought to be ashame!

      • Author gravatar

        Read past the horrendous headline, in keeping my mind open to your subject. Opinion remains the same, the use of that hurtful, hateful, “N” word was not necessary to make your point. A good headline writer could have done much better. You may be able to get attention with its use, but did you think about how many people would be hurt by it? Insult or enrage by it? The word belongs back with the history books, and wiped from our current language. A teacher told me once that if you have to resort to profanity to make your point, you lack in vocabulary skills! Would expect more from a professional writer. Disgusted.

      • Author gravatar

        We have a “color” neutral word for those types …”TRASH”

      • Author gravatar

        A dictionary does not define the n-word, history does. It has always and will always be a word of hatred. You can not make it acceptable by rewriting or blurring history. If you could then words like rape and incest would be re-defined so that they can become acceptable to use in everyday conversations. If you’ll notice most decent people are outraged when those words are used. It should be the same when the n-word is used.

    • Author gravatar

      OK, so now that I’ve got my blood pressure under control once again, I can say thanks Jazz, for putting the truth dead out front where it belongs. YES, no matter how they deny it, the hatred of MY president by so many White- ass conservatives is based in their ire at having a Black azz president. Even though the Repugnantgan he beat out was anti-American as all Hell, and not worth two dead flies. No matter how often the Tea Partiers deny it, their strongest motivation to oust Barack Obama is based on their rabid racism. The Klan may be outted & disenfranchised but their spirit lives on in the Tea Party.

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        The truth be your black ass President has royally screwed up this country. How many lies did he tell to become President ? Scandal after scandal !!! People died in Bengahzi ! Whites are not pissed at this President because of color, they are pissed because he is proving to be a Socialist Dictator who invited 100 thousand illegal alien children form Central America and if you been following the news, Your President is dumping these children on city streets without support. Can we all say – Child Slavery is back enabled by most powerful man in the World. Can’t wait until he is out in 2016

        • Author gravatar

          Johna, you should consider comedy as a career as you appear quite gifted in that arena! Scandal? Socialist Dictator? If i’m not mistaken, America (and the global economy) was already quite screwed up in 2008 when our President was first elected. Considering the state of our economy in Sept. ’08 versus today, i think someone could make a strong argument that we need more Socialist Dictators as President!

          By the way, if you were to chart the growth of middle/working class Americans against Presidential policies, you will see an inverse correlation between how well we do and conservatives in office. The problem with your argument is that you can’t objectively evaluate this administration’s performance because you are stuck on talking points instead of collective problem solving. For our democracy to work, we better figure out what we all have in common and work together from that basis…good luck to you sir!

        • Author gravatar

          Sounds like your opposition to him has nothing to do with race, does it?

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          Johna you are ignorant of the law I want to back your ass to 2002 and 2008 the law that was passed and signed by your so called white president Bush to cater for young kids that immigrated to country . American is the land of immigrants as your dam forefather came from somewhere , European passed the law to allowing free flow of human being within Europe. Your damn ass want cheap labour and without cheap labour you will be crying that all the jobs are going to China . God that creates everyone will forgive your hatred for black people Why is such that Republican do not want a good things for human being and your ass dam follower will cry for social justice

        • Author gravatar

          Wow Johna, you’ve definitely drank the “tea” (aka kool-aid) that the far right tea-party spews. Zeig Hail buddy….

          Try “MADE UP SCANDAL AFTER MADE UP SCANDAL” which are born of the extreme far right (aka Faux News)!!!!!!!! (that enough exclamation marks for you to read there?).

          Let’s see, 1st “scandal”: That he (Obama) is not even an American citizen (he’s Kenyan don’t ya know), therefore he is ineligible to even be elected as president. 100% BS 100% of the time. He was born of an American citizen, on American soil (see 14th amendment / birthright citizenship), which BTW is more than could be said of his then opponent John McCain (born on German soil). Amazingly, over 20% of repugs still believe that one… Hmm, 2nd “scandal”. Anyone remember the “Terrorist Fistbump of Doom” ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_vmQrTi3aM )?!? Or how about the him being taught/brought up in a Muslim “madras”? And those were just the lies perpetrated by the far right during the f-ing election! The list of these “so called scandals” goes on and on with this kind of clap-trap BS, Benghazi being only latest cudgel that the infantile repugs have latched onto. Labels like “Socialist Dictator” are basically the far-rights’ code words for “F-ing N-word” in the WHITE house that shouldn’t be there, which is true whether or not you are consciously aware of it.

          I mean, right from word “jump”, this president has had to put up with the outrageous undercover racism AND DISRESPECT that is rife on the far right. Someone yelling “YOU LIE!” during a live televised Presidential address to congress showed outrageous disrespect, and nothing like it had EVER been done previously. I could go on and on, and give example after example of the extreme right wing repugs both hard and soft types of racism. But for the people who have “drank the tea”, I’m afraid my words will only fall on deaf ears (just as Mr. Collier’s words obviously have, onto a weak minded fool like yourself Johna).

          The whole point to the title of this article, in case you missed it, is to SAY OUT LOUD what many on the far right, either consciously or unconsciously, already think. While on its face this title seems shocking, it does point out that the “dog whistle” that the right wing has been blowing on so hard for these past six years; has not gone unheard by the left (or the rest of the electorate)….

          Why else do you think President Obama has won (count them) TWO national elections, AND even taken previously red states away from his opponents?!? When the racist fangs of the extreme right came out during the 1st election, it was a clarion call to every black, Hispanic, red, yellow, green, and even many white AMERICANS to come out and vote for him IN SPITE of your parties rampant racism!

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            It is sad to think that one person could run, and get elected twice, without have an official document of his citizenship for the United States? Talk about a poor background check system.

            • Author gravatar

              Scooter, I’m afraid to break it to you, but an official document of his birth certificate WAS released and was declared authentic by Linda Lingle, Republican Governor of Hawaii at the time. Poor background check systems would be say someone with a questionable mental capacity who can still obtain guns legally. I really applaud you and others to really educate yourself by watching other than Fox News. Seriously, they are not even real journalism.

            • Author gravatar

              Gary, I think you misunderstood me. I know it was official. I think it is hilarious that people think he is not a citizen. It was a poor attempt at humor. But I do watch Fox, but for humor.

            • Author gravatar

              Scooter – love the sardonic humor my friend! Outstanding!

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            Pat, even though Obama won the second election and by more than 50% he lost more than 9,000,000 votes from the first election. It’s not racism that lost him those votes it’s excessive socialism.

          • Author gravatar

            Pat: Just a minor correction there. John McCain was born in Panama – not Germany.

            But it does bring up the question as to how many people have actually seen Ted Cruz’s birth certificate.

        • Author gravatar

          did you all know that all of the presidents are related to each other through the bloodline of King John Lackland Plantagenet and they are all freemasons except for martin van buren..

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          1st it’s OUR black ass president…. You are probably a resident of the USA and not just a visitor…. Secondly this country was royally screwed long before Obama took office… Oh how quickly people forget about Bush and his weapons of mass destruction theory…. You don’t like who the president is then go kill yourself… It’s been 6 years now so the ranting nobody really cares anymore

          • Author gravatar

            WRONG, people do care. Our nation will continue in (pardon the pun) black ditch-water until Jan 2017 when he leaves. I was not fond of Bush either, but show us ONE positive policy choice he has done to improve our country. To quote Uncle Remus, he has done “ZIPEEDEE DOOOH DAAAH. And please take your own advice

        • Author gravatar

          Johna, this article is really about you and your ilk. Your points are untenable but at least you’re honest.

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          Johna – You have it all wrong. The article correctly points out that a great deal of the opposition, often bitter opposition, to Obama is born of race prejudice. You show it in your comment. When you raise the issue of Benghazi, are you silently giving G W Bush a pass on the 33 embassy personnel killed when GWB was in the White House? Why the double standard? And what do you expect Obama to do about those children? To send them back takes court hearings which take time. Also Congress will have to vote funds to pay for the trips. Why is this not the fault of Congress, too? Again, your double standard is showing.

        • Author gravatar

          The truth is the level of your ignorance! Four dead Americans in Benghazi are too many but it pales in comparison to the 96 Embassy staff members that died in seven different Embassy attacks around the globe while GW was the president! As far as the Illegal children from South America you may want to educate yourself and learn that under Home Security Act that was passed in 2002 while GW was the president the Border Patrol is required to take child migrants who aren’t from Mexico into custody, screen them, and transfer them to the Office of Refugee Resettlement . He is just following the law! Which part if the law don’t you understand Johna? Being bias without facts will land you the word recist!

          • Author gravatar

            Wait a minute, did the Bush admin put someone on sunday morning television shows to lie about these deaths? The O admin sure as hell did, then we as Americans did have “righteous indignation” when finding it was all big fat lies….Now really, do you get mad when you are lied to ?

        • Author gravatar

          so i guess your white president george bush who had over 20 million soldiers killed. His 1st three months in office over 350 thousand job layoffs, after 8 years in office over 10 million jobs were lost, do your history. George Bush destroyed this country and your prejudice self is bashing Pres Obama.

        • Author gravatar

          Johna- We can only assume that more than 4700 dead and 10,000 plus wounded Americans from Irag alone based on lies about WMD from G.W. Bush is okay cause they used lines like. “We don’t tuck tale and run”, or “Mission Accomplished” and “they hate us for our freedom”. Keep on drinking the Kool-Aid my friend and see where that leads ya. Facts Under Obama: Record high for the Dow and stock market, record number of oil rigs and drilling, lowest unemployment rate since 2008, highest amounts of corporate profits, greatest wealth and income inequality in US history, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan over and Bin Laden is dead! Take your stupid rants elsewhere. Your rhetoric is as empty as your head.

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        Al: To be truthful if you are pulling the race card o-BUM-a is not you president he is our president like to or not, do not forget he is 50/50 he is as much white as he is black. Daddy was black and mommy was white. The problem with him is he is a communist, muslim, dictator that hates all Americans and the USA. He is playing both sides of the tracks. Find a history book on Adolf Hitler & one on Nazi Germany published before say 1960 and read them for yourself. o-BUM-a is using Hitler’s playbook right down to the tee to try and set himself up as dictator. The illegals coming a crossed the southern border is a ploy to smuggle in the muslim brotherhood of which he is a member. When he gets his way he will slit your throat as quick as mine. He is not working for the blacks he is using the blacks for his good not yours. He is a traitor to all Americans. Be glad he is what he is. When it is all over and we take The United States of America back. You can still say We will have a 1st black president and hopefully a good president. o-BUM-a will go down as an illegal muslim president. You have a lot to still be able to look forward to.

        • Author gravatar

          Hitler’s playbook to a tee, huh? Is that why I see Jews wearing yellow stars again? Fucking idiot.

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          Did you forget to take your meds?

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          Anytime someone makes a clever zinger out of the president’s name, I know I am in for high levels of wit and insight. Not.

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            Psychic: I agree with that 100%! The Republicans have invented a new layer of coarse wit (?) and name-calling which has reached new levels of stupidity. I chalk it up to lack of education – it they were smarter the names they choose might even be somewhat entertaining. Instead they show their lack of imagination and the depth of their unthinking and unimaginative hatred for the President who represents THEM before the world as well as the rest of us.

            Who in their right mind would soil their home and their world leader like the TEARepublicans have with their ugly rhetoric and name-calling? Only empty-minded people who can’t get over losing the election to a black man. They would rather destroy the United States’ standing before the world than think through the damage they are causing to the country they live in.

            • Author gravatar

              Oh we lost allright, big-time. But remember to factor this in to your equation: the STUPID people in this country far out-number the smart ones !!!

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      I am a white jew and have been called a nigger by a black neighbor that was really pissed at me. I laughed and tld him that I was a jew and as such, one of the original niggers for over 5000 years.

      When the city council and local police were terrorizing children that use roller skates and skate boards, I referred to the children as “skateniggers” to make a point that they were treating the children like Jim Crow treated blacks in the south in the old days.

      As an author, I feel certain words have to be used to make a point, especially with readerships that are asleep and need to be awakened.

      • Author gravatar

        you are truly patheticm, how about a black person call you what hitler called all of your, would you feel the same. lets have it printed in the headlines, what the germans called your. now you know how we feel when our family were slaves and called that word

    • Author gravatar

      Is the house for sale?

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      This article seems like a thinly disguised rant of a racist finally getting in his shot at using the potent n-word to satisfy a long-standing desire to vent his bitter hatred.

      In college, I was confronted by these types of white people on several occasions. They appeared to tolerate some blacks as the acceptable thing to do, until they could no longer hold back their true feelings, and the n-word came spewing out at some unexpected moment.

      One guy, with whom I’d shared many nights of slamming beers and hanging out at the campus pug, just blurted it out one night, as if he needed to get it in to add to his bucket list, or pass some fraternity initiation task…who knows. I remained stalwart, refusing to give him the satisfaction of my being offended. We never spoke again for the remainder of college, as he had so clearly chosen sides.

      Mr. Collier somewhat awkwardly threw in this offensive phrase to reveal, as he explains, what what was whispered frequently in his circle of non-black friends and acquaintances. Really? I think he just needed to take his shot while the White House still has its current tenants, and vaguely connect it with a political story of little relevance. The dissonance is glaring, but his self-satisfaction is complete and satiated.

    • Author gravatar

      Canadians have the same problem with the french-Canadians. They are draining the economy and expect a free ride forever. Sometimes being prejudiced is required to preserve a country’s very survival!

    • […] may have heard by now that a local newspaper in New York City’s West Village ran a column entitled “The N*gger in the White House” a few days ago. The column was written by James […]

    • Author gravatar

      Fuck you george caps u r the worst piece of shitt in news media. Hos dare u call the president that word. Fuck u n ur mom n ur whole fucking family. U deserve the worst u n ur whole fucking family.

      • Author gravatar

        This is the best response on the whole thread. Can’t spell. Can’t punctuate. Can’t even type entire, three-letter words. Pretty sure that someone read this and thought a nigger wrote it.

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        Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Wow. Vitriolic spew from a third-grade dropout. Is it really that much more work to type “you” and “your”? I mean, clearly you have a grasp on longer words, like fuck, fucking, and president. Come on, pony up for the extra couple characters. Oh, and “shitt” only has one “t”.

      • Author gravatar

        Most Likely Your are a Nigger Too…. Jobless… Living off other whom do work and serve……. try to READ the MESSAGE……

    • Author gravatar

      Dear sir,
      I’m truly bothered by that word and I’m not even an African American. I’m a sephardic jew from Barcelona Spain. I’ve lived in the U.S. for over 42 years and I can tell you that I have been called a fucking spic a sand nigger and a kike and this is from people that don’t have any idea where the hell I’m from. It’s funny when a white person says that there is still racism in America and uses such a harsh word, because you never lived it.

    • Author gravatar

      I love how democrats spew hate, lies and vitriol. When one analyzes your typical democrat character assassination trashy article because you have no FACTS, it reveals that you are the racist using your SAY NOTHING REALLY article as an excuse to say what you really feel about the president but are too cowardly to say directly. Indirectly is much more petty and cowardly. . Everyone one knows, or at least is catching on, that white Democrats are the most racist of all, double standards don’t apply, eh? White democrats love Margaret Sanger, mother of abortion of black babies-IE EUGENICS. Democrats, originators of the KKK. Lets get the truth out there, for the low information voters. The people that voted out Cantor, are high information voters who believe in the CONSTITUTION and that’s it. Get over yourself secret hypocrite. Anyone who can’t see what the Democrats and Obama are doing to our country are blind, dumb and ignorant or just love chaos.

      • Author gravatar

        JazzisASecretHypocrite- No, you have it backwards, amigo. The GOP are the true torchbearers of racism, misogyny and oppression in America. Obama is slowly and painfully pulling this country into the 20th century as we are easily 50 years behind Europe in terms of progressive policies. You might want to take a trip to California sometime to see real change in progress. Driver licenses for undocumented workers, new restrictive gun laws and legal pot is next. The GOP base is white males with a high school education who live mostly in the South. Those peeps are the truly low information voters who vote with their hatred of any Black man with a college degree who doesn’t play football or shoot hoops for a living. Facts Under Obama: Record high for the Dow and stock market, record number of oil rigs and drilling, lowest unemployment rate since 2008, highest amounts of corporate profits, greatest wealth and income inequality in US history, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan over and Bin Laden is dead!

      • Author gravatar

        Two words…George Bush!

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      i have lived on both sides of the world , i cant tell you how wrong you are , your hate for white people is in this article and very clear , and you call white people raciest , i dont care what color Obama is , i dont like his policy’s. that has nothing to do with his color , the man has lied in almost every second he has been in office , about everything , and although i am rep. i did in fact think it was great he got elected and won , that was a big step for America , and i applaud it , for you to say because im a rep. i hate black people or im racist , there is no justification for it , other than your hate for white people , just an idea please stop using the past to live your life today , what happened back then , had nothing to do with me or you , i cant change what did happen , but i refuse to live in the past , if you have that much hate about what happened years and years ago that you cant forgive , you might think about some mental health , they have some great programs to help with these things and good tools that teach you to move on and it is not a bad thing

      • Author gravatar

        This is quite possibly the longest, run-on sentence on the Internet to date.

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        Issue- Yawn!

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        @Issue – You don’t have to be someone who lives in the past to be a victim of it. There are all too many people who are willing to continue perpetuating stereotypes, finding ways to keep not just black people down but other minorities as well. In order to truly be able to make comments like the ones you made, you need to walk a mile in my shoes first. Once you have done that, come back and chat with me. ‘Nuff said!

        • Author gravatar

          i know what it feels like to be minority , there are places in the U.S that white people are minority , and i have found myself in that position for over 2 years , no i didn’t like it , i hated it , and since the past is so important to the way you live now , it was a dem. that started slavery , dems support supererogation and the KKK , it was the rep. that fought against these things , do your home work , WTF is “Nuff” so now we make up words

          • Author gravatar

            The second longest run-on sentence on the Internet.

          • Author gravatar

            Issue- have several seats. Knowing what it feels like to be a minority temporarily and being discriminated against for your entire life are two completely different things. It’s not an unfortunate pastime that men and women of color can tell their kids about, it is still here today as it was “years and years ago.” Do a little more reading before you start trying to school us on issues you haven’t experienced.

    • Author gravatar

      Mr. Collier, you claimed to use the ‘N’ word as an attention grabber to capture curious readers. I have several comments that I would like to bring to your attention. As Mr. Don Lemon from CNN had mentioned, you never explained the usage of the ‘N’ word within your article. You also used a lowercase ‘p’ for president when referring to President Obama. Every journalist knows that you use a capital letter when depicting a person, place or thing (Noun). And this was no oversight on your behave because you capitalized words like American, Republican, the Times, WestView and Central Americans.

      So I believe you deliberately used a lowercase ‘p’ for president to show a lack of respect for President Obama. This is true because in your article you still refer to African Americans as blacks with a lowercase ‘b’. I truly do not think that you are a bigot, nor do I think your prejudice. But I do think that you’re out of touch and showed a lack of respect for the Office of the Presidency. I’m interested if you had used uppercase P’s in your past articles when referring to previous United States Presidents.

      • Author gravatar

        You referred to blacks with a lowercase b, as well.

        I am white. I am black. He is white. He is black.

        The words in that context are adjective and are not proper nouns.

        Oh, and it’s behalf, not behave.

        African-American is hyphenated. And “…do I think you are (or you’re) prejudiced.”

        Just saying.

      • Author gravatar

        obama is not black , not even close to black , and yeah i used a lower case “o” for obama to show my lack of respect for him and his policy’s , he should be impeached ,obama bit off more than he can chew , and dont have a clue how to run the office , wait “i watched it on CNN” apparently his only source of whats going on in this world is CNN , he lies to us all , and still you support him , he promised gold we got coal , please wake the heck up America

        • Author gravatar

          I should get some schooling because I have no idea how to write a paragraph with the correct punctuation or capitalization or any other part of the english language because I cannot wrap my head around the fact that maybe how I write things properly could make my argument more effective or at least make me come across as a minimally educated individual but I chose not to because I am lazy and dont hav’e spellchecker thingy on MY phone and this is “just” so ridiculous! that it looks as if eye ham having a goddamn stROke while I type all of this NOnsenSE

        • Author gravatar

          “Wake up America”???? Great balls of fire. That came straight from the John Birch Society and has been done and overdone for decades. Whenever I see it, I know that a hard-shell, close-minded, basic reborn Conservative is speaking and I shut down.

          Get a new mantra – that one is as old as Methuselah and means absolutely nothing. America is not sleeping and you are not the one to carry your load of bad tidings to the rest of us.

    • Author gravatar

      You’re a shithead James Collier. Grumpy old fart!

    • Author gravatar

      I do not agree with placing the N word in the title. It had added nothing of value to make the author’s point and it has been offensive to many readers from all persuasions.

      The only reason for the author to do so would be his selfishness and craving for cheap publicity, which, BTH, he, regretfully so, has received.

      It also looks like for the author’s kind, it is almost impossible to comprehend that there could be a substantial number of people who resent the president’s policies and actions just on their merits, without invocating any racial undertones in their decision making.

      As far as Mr. Cantor is concerned, he lost because he has become a poster child for crony capitalism. He has developed close and cozy relationship with big business, banks, and the Wall Street, and has lost connection to his roots, at the same time. So, the results of the race could have been predictable, if somebody would have been willing to listen to the common folks.

      Rana Foroohar wrote a good analysis of it in the current issue of the Time Magazine, from July 7th. Of course, for this author it would be too much of a stretch to analyze the situation deeper; he had already had his preconceived thoughts ready to be published without much research.

    • Author gravatar

      Finally, a headline that speaks the truth !

    • Author gravatar

      It’s funny to hear all these people that are against Obama, Saying he is ruining our country. Well let’s talk about former presidents Regan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush. All of these presidents were responsible for many Americans being killed. Soldier after soldier sent back from abroad in body bags. The last Bush that was in office was responsible for thousands of deaths alone, both on the home front and abroad. Now everybody is blaming Obama for what happened in Benghazi like he wanted for those four Americans to die. I can only hope the families of those four lives that were lost can find it in there heart to forgive the Obama Administration for failing them, and may god bless their souls. Now as far as the previous Adminstrations especially George W. Bush who did nothing but lie to the American people from day one until his sorry self left office could ask for forgiveness. I do remember 9-11, the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq, hurricane Katrina. Lie after lie and let’s not forget how he and his Vice President profited off of all the dead soldiers that came back from those wars. Let’s not forget all the injured veterans that has come home to a faulty VA system that’s been screwed way before Obama took office. Oh do any of you remember the company Enron I do. So before you open up your mouth to say that Obama has screwed up the country take a look back past him and compare the others. I’m just sayin!!!! I Love what Obama is trying to accomplish. I hate how those that call themselves true Americans are disrespecting our president do to the fact he is black. As a country we are becoming ever so close to being a country live Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. Simply because of pure hatred. It’s a damn shame!!!!!

      • Author gravatar

        Don, so truly stated, and yes, it is a “damn shame” that our nation is so enflamed by those who feel that they, for whatever the reason, are superior to those of color when in actuality, those individuals who reside along the avenues of hate and prejudice and greed and corruption and deceipt and self-righteousness are no less worthy of value than the very insects that we squish beneath our shoes on a busy street. Yes, it is a shame that those who feel superior are the very seeds of what will run our nation into the ground while buried in a cauldron of bigotry, chauvinism, and bitter selfishness. And it is a shame that our forefathers who felt every right for those forging ahead to found a new nation where liberty and justice should indeed be for all are not and have been all for not. Those who feel this alleged “superiority” have just squashed the very essence of what our forefathers fought so hard to maintain — a NATION BUILT ON EQUALITY. All their hard work, all their torment of fighting for what they believed in, all their determination to make this country the most powerful nation has dwindled down to nothingness due to the insanity and pride of those “Americans” who think that they are “better” than those of color. I AM ASHAMED OF AMERICA! SHAME ON YOU, SHAME ON THOSE WHO HATE for the sake of hatred, for the sake of color, for the sake of prejudice against skin, against gender, against all and everything that they don’t believe in. It is YOU, yes, YOU — the “Superior” White Conservative Racist Bigoted Chauvinistic Prejudiced Deceitful Self-Centered Self-Righteous Alleged Americans who have KILLED our forefather’s wants. It is YOU who have KILLED THE FOUNDING FATHERS wishes for a nation formed in unity and with equality. It is YOU who are KILLING this nation, and with it, its eventual fall. And YOU will be held to BLAME for its downfall. Like you said, Don, yes, “It’s a damn shame!!!!!”

    • Author gravatar

      GET THIS HEADLINE OFF YOUR WEBSITE. It’s awful! Why would anyone, for any reason, ever feel like it’s necessary to use this horrendously offensive word as a way to make some point??? The author is acting like someone from the Fox News network! STOP BEING OUTRAGEOUS SIMPLY TO GET READERS!!!

      • Author gravatar

        you mean the #1 news station in America “Fox News” i guess if you want to be lied to , you can watch MSNBC , or wait CNN , and ABC dont report things that are against there political agenda , i wonder how “Fox” get #1 , maybe because they are the most watched , the most honest and reliable news station in America

    • Author gravatar

      How dare you call the nigger in the White House a nigger!
      He is an insult to the nigger, the nigger at least has scruples to the point most niggers are not faggots.

      I dislike Obama not because he is half nigger son of a porn whore and a devout communist nigger Frank Marshall Davis.

      I hate Obama because he hates America.

      I defy this interloping racist bastard nigger because he wants to destroy America and turn it into a shilthole country like where he was born Kenya.

      Niggers just can’t lead, can’t effectively pull themselves from a government’s tit.

      I don’t like niggers be they red, black, white or yellow.

      I prefer fine upstanding decent black people like Ben Carson & Allen West.

      KMWASA (kiss my white Anglo Saxon ass) niggerz!

      • Author gravatar

        Note: Frank prefers fine, upstanding, decent black people… but that doesn’t mean he necessarily likes them either.

      • Author gravatar

        Wow !! Since you feel that way , u should round up all your buddies who feel the same , Get on a boat and you should all get lost !!! Funny thing is pretty soon you’ll be the Minority . I pray to god you’re not any bodies father !! You all forget so quickly what GWB did to this country , you’re just pissed that a black man is fixing what another dumbass did !!! The disrespect that this President has faced is Disgusting !!! Never have I seen such disrespect for a President ! I know why they beat President Obama up and it’s because they want to deter another from running but guess what ……. We not scared and we Will have another black president !

        • Author gravatar

          Can anyone in this thread explain in detail what the president is fixing ? And to other point,this POTUS pretty much has sealed off the chances of another black man being elected. (Tho there are several qualified) It goes to old axiom “Fool me once..” And while we are grandstanding, in a symbolic gesture let’s elect Hillary in 2016 so we can have a WOMAN in the WH. (another unqualified candidate) Let’s repeat same stupid behaviors again !!!

      • Author gravatar

        arent you late for your klan meeting or can you leave your job flipping burgers

      • Author gravatar

        Frank, as a black man your comments simply don’t offend me. And the reason why is because you’re dying, your version of America, your people are dying off and America is truly becoming the melting pot that was envisioned. We will be much better off without you, so peace and love.

        • Author gravatar

          Wow, too many issues to even began discussing here.
          So just in response to Trevor D, you think America will be better off
          When “white” people die off and you end with peace and love.
          Well there didn’t seem to be much peace and love in Chicago over the
          July 4th weekend, was it 60 people who were shot? Before you go blaming gun control everyone in my hood, which is lacking In diversity, meaning it’s 99% “white”, own firearms and we had 0 shootings. How bout a large number of these so called immigrant “children” who are 16,17,18? That are admitted gang members don’t speak English have no job skills now what the hell are they going to do, not to mention the diseases these ” children are carrying. Yeah sure are country is really heading in the right direction.

          • Author gravatar

            I dont think founding fathers envisioned melting pot with criminals welcomed warmly. In today’s world they would have been labeled “HATERS” for turning away undesirables but I assure you this gaggle of folks would not have been let in. Period.

      • Author gravatar

        Frank – I’m laughing out loud over here! Please explain the “shilt” that gets put in the “shilthole” when you have a moment…and I’ve got some disturbing news for you buddy — the oldest human remains are found in East Africa, very close to Kenya which means that your & my ancestors are from a “shilthole country” like Kenya.

        KYTH (Know your true history)!

    • Author gravatar

      Of course I am here because of the title. But the article is pretty good. I only which it was longer and went further. America has sadly missed a great President because of the color of his skin – we did not get the fullness of what could have been.
      But Obama is only a representation of a class of people and missed opportunities in this country. As we all watch the unprecedented mis-treatment of a US President, imagine what black men and women at all levels face. If the last six years of wanting to see him fail b/c of skin color exists in the office of the presidency then what do we suppose happens in corporate offices and other offices – every day. Obama is simply a picture of what “minority” life is like – all day, every day. This mistreatment of other Americans comes with great political, social, moral costs. And if none of that moves you – it comes with great economic cost, too. We could have passed a jobs bill, had healthcare equal with the rest of the world and seen the economy rebound 5 years ago and ended our wars and our country would be in a much stronger position – but this country just is not ready to accept minorities and release our own fear.

      • Author gravatar

        We DONT want healthcare the equal of the rest of the world. You missed the point entirely. (I read majority of Americans not happy with ACA). Why do people from foreign lands fly to U.S. for operations, etc ??

    • Author gravatar

      Thanks for having the courage to write what is an overwhelmingly clear
      truth. We are a nation of hypocrites and racists. We vail ourselves in moral and social correctness, and turn a blind eye to our inadequacies
      because as a nation we are as ignorant as we are arrogant.

    • Author gravatar

      For over 25 years I have been serving in law enforcement in the deep south. I serve under the first African-American Police Chief in my city, currently as an Internal Affairs Investigator. I investigated and arrested three officers for abusing their authority.

      I truly believed they did it in part, because of the minority and economic status of the victims. Some prosecutors concurred that it was one of the underline motives, however It was concluded that a hate crime would be difficult to be added to the aggravated battery and official misconduct charges.

      The Chief and I was warned by a high ranking prosecutor if we went forward that the police union and certain law enforcement members will attack our character and be prepared for attacks and a very long prosecution. The police union had the financial backing and high profile defense attorney’s that would make it difficult and drag out the prosecution knowing it was difficult to keep contact with migrant victims. Some of the crimes were video recorded, however we were told that some of the victims are poor immigrants and some may have been under the influence of alcohol and are uneducated.

      The Chief was determined that every person regardless of their race, legal status in the U.S. or their economic status, that they are entitled to all the protection that the constitution provides and we had a duty and responsibility to police ourselves.

      After approximately three years and many trips out of state picking up victims from farm fields, so they could give sworn statement’s to the state and were crossed for hours by defense attorney’s along with many witnesses and investigators, two of the officers took misdemeanor pleas and were allowed to retire/resign and one surrendered his law enforcement certificate and was placed on a one day probation. The state dropped one of the charges on the third officer and that officer was terminated and is pending arbitration results.

      Years of depositions and many public records request and a constant attack in social media along with racial undertones has tested and is testing our resolve.

      We must and we will assure that everyone is treated equal and justice is provided to the weakest, and by doing so it makes us all stronger.

      I was moved to make my comments and tell this incident after watching a CNN interview of James Lincoln Collier by Don Lemon.

      How I’m approaching the Using of the “N” word associated with our President, is with my own experience in dealing with racial divide and undertone feelings that I as a public servant encounter.

      As I stated, I been a law enforcement officer for over twenty five years. When N.Y. was under attack and the twin towers fell. I was one of the many law enforcement officers that volunteered and responded to N.Y. in a convoy of police vehicles along with many other municipalities from South Florida. Being born in N.J. and remembering visiting my father and other family in N.Y. City brought a wave of different emotions.

      After we were sworn in Police Plaza One, I was assigned to ground zero for the first day. A tired NY officer jumped in my patrol car and his uniform was torn and dirty and was rightly exhausted. He didn’t introduce himself or asked who I was. He just screamed out that we needed to go across town to get a tool at a firehouse and we needed to get there fast. He pointed out were I should drive and as we drove away from ground zero the city was still moving and looked as nothing happen, I had my emergency equipment activated and was going through traffic. We arrived at a fire station and someone handed us a large wrench for a fire hydrant. We ran code all the way back and all he could say is that his life would never be the same, that none of our life’s will never be the same. We arrived back at ground zero and he handed off the wrench to a fireman. He just looked at me for a few moments and said he was so tired and fell asleep in the passenger seat. I let him sleep for at least two hours as I stood guard. He woke up and he gave me a hug with two taps on by back and stated, “Thanks Brother”. He walked off and we never met again.

      For the next several days I was assigned to different location and no one ask me what was my nationality, religion or if I was gay or straight.

      But just several years before that, an incident happen at my station after roll call. When some fellow officers found out that I had a Latin African America cousin. They took white shoe polish and wrote “WATER DOWN NIGGER” on the back of my patrol car window.

      In 2014 after the two Officers pleaded guilty, officials are more concern with public records request that allegedly were not fulfilled or allegedly improperly destroyed after meeting retention than the actual offense that was committed. Where was the outrage, support and interest when minorities were attacked and abused by officer who were sworn to protect them. I never got a call from a state agency or any other agencies that called or offered assistance to the victims and keeping track of them throughout the years. Nor offered assistance in the picking the victims from state to state for depositions or taking their sworn statement.

      The original prosecutor was outstanding and due to that prosecutors ethical judicial responsibility to the law, is in large part that justice was served at all. The State has a difficult job and the State Attorney herself has stepped up to public corruption and with such a diverse county, one would think no racial undertones exist.

      Once again, I can speak to my experiences and I believe that our President, President Obama’s accomplishments with the passing of historical healthcare reform, his strength and resolve in dealing with terrorist and many more accomplishments that are over looked and attacked by some. Because of their believes and support of the “N” word and what it stands for and they inject those believes in the political arena nationally and locally.

      I believe I stand with the majority of our citizens who want to promote prosperity for all who live or come to our country seeking liberty and justice.

      • Author gravatar

        Dear Tony,

        This article is not about you.


        • Author gravatar

          Historic healthcare ?? Premiums skyrocketing, policies cancelled, crony capitalism, insuring illegals, all to be paid for my US taxpayers including propping up insurance companies against failure, whatever it takes to make this monstrous bill to work? You dont stand with your fellow citizens

          • Author gravatar

            Strength & resolve dealing with terrorists? Are you kidding ?? How about sealing off the southern border of the U.S. for starters….Again, here you DONT stand with the majority, THEY want the border boarded up!

    • Author gravatar

      Appreciate the author’s honesty since I heard an in-law say the same phrase about our president less than a month ago (much to my distress). Can’t say I agree with Mr. Collier’s conclusion about Cantor’s loss though. I believe Mr. Cantor slimed his way right out of that job. How about addressing the real villain of the piece. I have been listening to FOX News spew hate and propaganda about this president for the last 6 years. At every family event, I have to listen to Obama wasn’t born here or Obama is a Muslim. They will ultimately cause the death of the Republican party by default. No fair minded person can listen to this propaganda long without wanting to distance themselves from these haters and the people who believe them.

      • Author gravatar

        But let’s not just blame Fox News for the spewing hatred of the President. Rev Franklin Graham has been preaching about how the president is a Muslim for six years as a lot of “so-called Christian” ministers have been doing particularly in their Southern Baptist churches. But then, why should we be surprised at Rev Franklin Graham’s lies and hatred when his own father’s true feelings about the Jewish people was caught on Nixon’s tapes.

        Fox is the conduit for a lot of hatred we see in America today. All I have to do is name a few situations where Fox instigated a swell of misinformation and hatred through their reporting: Shirley Sherrod – (who may get the last laugh in Brietbart vs Sherrod), Trevon Martin, Bundy. I could go on and on at the misinformation and hatred that FOX has spewed across our airwaves.

      • Author gravatar

        Propoganda is correct…If you like your doctor you can keep it. If you like your healthplan you can keep it. Fox news didnt make this up. Laughable

        • Author gravatar

          So you can go on and on about the “misinformation” huh? What about Susan Rice on 6 sunday morning news shows and the spontaneous reaction to a video? Was Fox news behind that? No, the POTUS once again protected by media since they did no concrete inquiries. THE biggest threat to a democracy is a corrupt media

    • Author gravatar

      It is obvious that this newspaper is more than likely suffering from a lack of readership and/or subscriptions they have. For someone this ignorant to even allow this to go to print is an attempt out of desperation.
      However, I refuse to argue with ignorant people because they will try to pull you down to their level, and then beat you with experience. This paper needs to be shut down for such a foolish article!

    • […] piece focused on Republican congressional primary last month, in which David Brat defeated House Majority […]

    • Author gravatar

      What year is this, 1854? As an independent, I shall speak for myself. I don’t dislike the President due to his black ancestry, it’s all about his actions or lack thereof. He does lean toward a socialistic society & is allowing illegal aliens from Central America to cross our borders without taking proper actions. There’s just no way he can be taking America’s best interests seriously, nor does he care. And look at the National debt. Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether the President is black, white, green, blue, red, yellow etc. Think of your favorite sports player, when he does well you cheer, when he doesn’t do well you boo! Yet your dismay isn’t towards him personally, it’s directed at his performance.

      • Author gravatar

        your family was never put in chains, regardless it could have been a better and more respected terminolgy. when bush destroyed this country we did not put immoral sayings in newspaper because we are more civilized.

      • Author gravatar

        No one claimed that every opposition to Obama is racially motivated. However, you must admit that Collier is correct that a sizable part of the opposition has a strong racial element to it.

      • Author gravatar

        You are hiding your racism and trying to talk intelligent. You should check the facts before you make your atttacks on Obama. He has turned the economy around after Bush’s Destruction. He is REDUCING the national debt. He is has set the record on the number of deportations of illegal immigrants and is asking Congress for money to send all these illegal children back home.

        Just check the facts before you make your attacks.

        • Author gravatar

          turned economy around. Hmmm…. Gasoline $2.00 per gallon when Bush exits, now $3.99 gallon where I live…you know what? your’e facts ARE correct

      • Author gravatar

        President Obama can’t just send the people who have come here from Central America simply because you want them deported. Because of a law signed by President Bush, these people must first be given a hearing where the determination is made to either deport them or give them asylum. the President has to follow the law – right?

      • Author gravatar

        How do you guys dare to blame president Obama? Since Ronald Reagan our industries moved to china. Not only the government lost tax revenue has we had to pay China for imported good leaving us in debt to them a debt started with asinine assassin George Bush!. . . The initial industrial exodus before china was first to Mexico and South America, creating millions of jobs that then were moved to China creating unemployment on those countries. . . This is the reason for the immigrant crossing the border into the USA. America never does any wrong or accepts responsibility for its actions. Scumbags like James Lincoln Collier , always fail to tell the truce.

    • Author gravatar

      Feeble attempt of an aging writer to stay relevant.

      – Why must we be such separatists? A person’s skin/eye color, age, race, nationality, sex, etc is (should be) irrelevant. Children in the sandbox/playground are examples of this daily.

      Presidential elections are simply our organized way of choosing the ‘Lesser of the Evils’. Obama was definitely the Lesser of the 2 Evils in his elections. President Obama has not lied. He’s a politician… an elected negotiator. He gives to get. Same as all the other politicians.

      The USA is a “Melting Pot”. None of us are Native to this land except for Native Americans.

    • Author gravatar

      The word NIGGER should be used and not removed because it offends someone. The attempt to exponge the word from usage is an example of dumbing down and bowdlerization. For example, if one wants to use slave narratives and the interviewed slave, a Black American, used the term nigger because that was the most common word used and so it was automatic because all Americans, Black and White, enslaved and exploiter-rapist-torturer had been taught use of this word as part fo the Normative Cultural Model. Mark Twain uses the word often in his famous novels to show the common language that was used in the South in any locale in the South and the North for that matter. Twain use sthe term to lock term in as a static unchanging man perceived as eternally subhuman although he was not and so the term “nigger” becomes transcendant and ironic. Albion Tourgee, another contemporary White American novelist of Twain, however in his novels did not use the word and he had Black American characters discussing all sorts of social political and economic issues. The term nigger like kike chink jewboy hebe guido dago spic wetback cunt whore bitch riceeater slanteyes fag bender should all remain in use and WE SHOULD RECOGNIZE THE CONTEXT IN WHICH THE TERM IS USED TO BRAND THE USER AN IDIOT IMBECILE NUTTER WHEN NECESSARY. LANGUAGE IS A PRECIOUS GIFT AND ALL LANGUAGES HAVE TERMS THAT OFFEND – GET AN EDUCATION. RATHER THAN RESORT TO CENSORSHIP.

      • Author gravatar

        Ill tell you what, go chain yourself, have someone beat you unconscious and have someone get your wife or daughter pregnant while you watch, than you can make statements about slavery. other than that you get a better education because the one you have now has made your very ignorant.

        • Author gravatar

          What are some of you so scared of. Go ahead and watch 12 Years A Slave. The men enjoyed raping and having children by black woman and giving black people in general your names and taking away any and everything from them – including opportunities, like reading. Look at the policeman that was just convicted of raping 13 woman still going on isn’t it, but it seems to be ok. Read the real history and stop being so ignorant as d.rob stated.

          • Author gravatar

            Thats all the media tells about..The bad cops..Fact is 99% of them will take a bullet to protect us…All obama has done is put the public against the police..What about the white teen shot in his car? Where were the riots for that? Or the black ‘officers’ that shot into a car and killed a 7 yr old white kid? Guess what, shit happens! yes, there are a few cops who acted badly and killed innocent people, but usually, if people were not involved in criminal activity in the first place, and showed some respect for authority, like michael brown and freddie grey, these things wouldnt happen..At least not as often..You cant blame all cops for the actions of just a few, then complain that the police are not there when you need them!! Look a the animals that go out and burn down their own city and rob, loot, and steal!! They are just using the police as an excuse to run around like animals and you know it!! Did obama speak out against this behavior? NO, HE SAID ” STAY THE COURSE” maybe he was confused since he was on the golf COURSE?

    • Author gravatar

      You people are so goddamn gullible. It is SAD-SAD-SAD. Face facts, Obama will go down as one of the worst presidents in our history. Just deal with it and stop trying to make it about race… Has your ‘race card’ campaign become so pathetic, that you now need to embrace such a ridiculous article? This might have well been written by a 10th grader. You people are so clueless. One day when you wake up with NOTHING, you will realize just how brainwashed you were by this whole charade. To those that want America to come out of this sleeper, you must defend your rights at all costs. This liberal goofball (journalist?) certainly flexed his 1st amendment right… we better continue to do so as well. Now click away from this nonsense. This is probably the most traffic this little website has ever had, and I’m sure that was the idea.

      • Author gravatar

        WorkingMan, at work, on his work computer, or on his work phone, commenting on a non-work issue on work time.

      • Author gravatar

        yeah go have a barbecue with george bush who already destroyed this country and don’t be afraid to show your true self, prejudice, hatred against blacks and keep flipping them burgers.

    • […] piece focused on Republican congressional primary last month, in which David Brat defeated House Majority […]

    • Author gravatar

      The problem I have here is that you never reference the President as “President Obama”. You just say Obama. He is the President, so why can’t you reference him as such. I am white and I think you have written a great article. It certainly is true. I know what people say.

    • Author gravatar

      Obama is 1/2 white (his mother is 100% Honkey). He cannot be classifed as a true nigger…

    • Author gravatar

      The real howler is ” Lincoln was shot for his tolerance of the recent enemy.” Although Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia had surrendered four days earlier, Booth believed the American Civil War was not yet over because Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston’s army was still fighting the Union Army. On April 11, 1865, John Wilkes Booth was in the crowd outside the White House when Lincoln gave an impromptu speech from his window. When Lincoln stated that he was in favor of granting suffrage to the former slaves, Booth declared that it would be the last speech Lincoln would ever make. By targeting Lincoln and his two immediate successors to the presidency, Booth seems to have intended to decapitate the Union government and throw it into a state of panic and confusion. Booth had hoped that the assassinations would create sufficient chaos within the Union that the Confederate government could reorganize and continue the war if one Confederate army remained in the field or, that failing, to avenge the South’s defeat.

      • Author gravatar

        … just as a follow on:

        WHY THE WAR WAS NOT ABOUT SLAVERY – Donald W. Livingston

        “The no-slavery-in-the-West platform that Lincoln ran on was merely a code word for no-Africans-in-the-West, slave or free. As a historian of Kansas put it, “The western settlers did not talk about the sinfulness of slavery; they despised the Negro.” The editor of the influential Chicago Tribune said the North’s greatest fear was “if the slaves were liberated, they would become roaming vagrants; that they would overrun the North and subsist by mendicancy and vagrancy; and that from the day they were made free, they would cease to work.” That might well be true if they had to live under the black codes of Lincoln’s Illinois, but not if they were gradually emancipated, endowed with basic civil rights, and given their own farms in the vast unsettled West.”

    • Author gravatar

      My heart aches for all the responses that promote evil and hate. You must be exhausted carrying around so much pain. I forgive you for the sin that is in your heart, but you will probably say you don’t need to be forgiven. Look to the heavens where you help comes from. Jesus is love. Our joy is in the Lord.

    • Author gravatar

      The first five minutes from his video, “KATT WILLIAMS – KATTPACALYPSE”, should help clarify this matter….


      Why should anyone argue with this eloquent explanation, from a most credible and respected source?!

    • Author gravatar

      I think the article is on point, but I don’t think it covers all of White America. There is certainly a LARGE cross section of that demographic that were horrified at the prospect that a Black man could become President. Conversely, there was an even LARGER cross section of Black America that voted for him simply BECAUSE he was Black. None of us is blameless when dealing with the race card. Personally, as a Black man, I can admit that at least a portion of my vote went to Barack Obama because he was Black. It was certainly a proud moment for me. But a far more significant portion went to him because of the message of hope and change that he brought. I like the way that he has tried to keep his campaign promises just about through any means necessary…but I dislike the deep partisan divide that has been created…though admittedly, that divide cannot be attributed to him only. I think if all the commentors here can agree that at least some racism has been displayed on both sides, we can have a more productive debate. Bravo on the article Jim, because of the discussion it has evoked.

      • Author gravatar

        A lot of us voted for him because we were voting against his opposition. The Republicns have been fielding some weak candidates the past few years. Sheesh.

        • Author gravatar

          Yeah, your fellow countrymen really appreciate you. You are supposed to ASESS the candidates and THEN vote for the most qualified after that. (your civic duty & responsibility) Thanks for nothing

    • Author gravatar

      Great article. Terrible headline.

      The headline is too distracting and alienate the readers, discouraging them to read further.

      The problem is not what that minority radicals are doing (start with racism but now it is waking up a lot more radical sets of points of view). They are very active, defending their interest and systematically finding ways to impose their systems of viliebes to the rest of the community, states and country with all kind of morally acceptable or no acceptable methods including serous deceiving techniques.

      The problem is what the rest of the potential passive voters are not doing. There futures has been severely affected at this point in a no positive manner just because they do not do their responsibility to be properly politically informed and go to vote in election day.

      If this trend persist, the only winners are and will be the strongly radicalised and motivated minorities placing representants in both chambers of the legislative and soon enough a president where they will be fully empowered to define the system of laws, practices and resources management that will ensure their achievement of goals and impose their own system of values in full detriment of the rest of the country (that is the majority).

      More articles should be written that unveil the truth about the actual political crisis and its actual negative consequences to encourage all communities to assume their responsibilities from now to every future voting day to ensure their quality of lives, rights, opportunities and lifestyles become protected and enhanced, and no longer become victimized by powerful minorities well organized and very resourceful as it is happening right now.

    • Author gravatar

      Thank you for speaking plainly on this issue. As I see it there is an element of denial that is integral to racism. Our minds are built to generate information from the data our senses provide. It is natural for us to experience this information as reasonable judgments even though they are fantasies generated by our correctly functioning minds. When we act on these fallacious judgments or prejudices in response to racial factors our behavior is racist. It takes a vigilant and conscious effort for any of us to employ the higher function of our minds, our ‘better nature’, to behave in a manner that reflects reality.
      Those who believe that racism is not a major factor in the Obama presidency are naive. Reacting with blame and anger to those poor souls who are trapped by their denial will only serve to harden the walls that keep them blind. We all have the capacity to break through our denial and work against racism. Our best shot at helping those who do not even recognize that it is a problem is through empathy, compassion and shared experience. I could easily be counted among them.

    • […] York Times avoids using the word which convinced me that WestView should,” he added. Collier’s piece focused on Republican congressional primary last month, in which David Brat defeated House Majority […]

    • Author gravatar

      OH MY GOD!!!

      I never thought I’d see a journalist with the balls to report the truth in no uncertain terms, without a sugarcoat, without being bound by the yolk that is “the N word”.

      The South promised it would rise again, and while it looks a little different in that the tentacles of Southern racism and intolerance have reached throughout the country, it indeed has! And one more time, it must be crushed, even more ruthlessly than the last time. Where is Sherman when you need him….

      Mr. Collier, thank you for, if not sounding the alarm – we all know racism is alive and well in the United States – for doing your part to get out on the table, for calling a spade a spade.

    • Author gravatar

      This is a sad country, for a racist newspaper to put the N word. what about the people who work in that office. everybody who has sense should quit and they would be entitiled to unemployment based on that headline. George Bush destroyed this country, but we are not putting headlines in newspaper saying immoral things about the caucasian race. because we are more civilized.
      The mentality of ignorance is what is destroying this world. Learn your history, 75% of the caucasian race, the prejudice ignorant ones included would have died off it wasn’t for the black inventors and black scientists. The indians are the main force who helped beat the japenese during that war. To see my history of slave trades in my family and for my child to read this. evil is still upon this world.

      • Author gravatar

        d.rob you’re wrong. What is destroying this world is bad pie. I had an Apple pie the other day that horrible. They used to be so good. I suggest you eat pie. It will make your life better and help your anger.

    • Author gravatar

      Poor Scooter, brings little to the table other than witty cheap shots.

      • Author gravatar

        Not “witty;” “witless!”

        • Author gravatar

          Hey Chuck,

          That is absolutely the saddest attempt at a three-word sentence. Seriously, friend, let’s have a lesson.

          Your sentence looks like this:

          Not “witty;””witless!”

          What in the hell is this, chuck? You can’t even remember to capitalize your own first name, so why am I not surprised you have no idea how to use quotation marks and a semicolon?

          The correct answer is as follows:

          Not witty. Witless!

          There is no need to use quotation marks since the comment is placed in a box next to your name. This would imply that the comment made is associated with a person named chuck, which we would all assume is you. We assume this because you are the only fucking chuck on the planet who does not capitalize the first c in his name.

          You and Fred need help. You both really need a sense of humor, some love, and Jesus.

        • Author gravatar


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        Anything you want to say Fred, you can follow up here. What I find so funny is seeing how many people responded and didn’t actually read the article. People couldn’t get past the use of the word nigger without falling apart. So I had some fun with it…

        And your punctuation sucks.

      • Author gravatar

        Scooter, you might want to take Ferd Berfel and chuck’s comments to heart. By the way, chuck’s grammar was completely correct as he was quoting Ferd (although he may have misspelled it, it’s kind of arrogant of you to change it to Fred btw). There were other ways to say it, but you’re the one who’s wrong. And for your information, it’s quite common for people not to capitalize their names here and elsewhere online. Did your mother name you Scooter or did you change it to that out of disrespect? Maybe, like chuck, it’s a nickname?

        • Author gravatar

          Shalom Rabbi,

          Fred was a typo. I apologize to Ferd.

          If you think Chuck’s grammar was correct, you are sorely mistaken with the English language.

          Just because monikers and the like are common on the Internet does not make it immune to improper use. Doing the popular thing does not make it correct.

          Yes, my mother calls me Scooter. It is a family nickname. My given name is Robert. She gave me that name, too.

          Your mother also calls me by both names, too.

          • Author gravatar

            Pleased to meet you, Robert. Mom’s dead, but she’s great at nicknames. She herself went by her middle name all her life. I’m pretty sure she’d like yours.

            I’m not sure where you went to school, but my English skills allowed me to test out in college all those many years ago. Here’s the quote form I’d use based on my understanding of our crazy language:

            “…you are sorely mistaken with the English language.”
            – Scooter

            and my suggestion at correction,

            “…you are sorely mistaken [in your usage of] the English language.”

            I use the quotes because I am quoting you, as chuck did when he was quoting Ferd. I did study journalism, and you can find this style in virtually all printed news quotes. Sorry.

            Shalom back!

    • Author gravatar

      Obviously Mr. Jim Collier beats his wife. Do I have any evidence? NO, but that is what I think, therefore, it is true.

      This is the same logic you present in your article. I disapprove of President Obama due to his policies. I disagree with Immigration, Health Care, Environmental regulations, the take over of General Motors, his Supreme Court nominations, all economic policies, education, foreign policy, Bengazi, use of the IRS against his enemies, withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, withdrawal of support for Israel, and etc……….

      I, like Rush Limbaugh want Mr. Obama to fail, not because he is black, but because his liberal policies are taking the USA in the wrong direction.

      • Author gravatar

        Go look in your mirror there you will find the evidence to support the reasoning this article is addressing. Ask yourself, why you disapprove of President Obama when: Immigration problems in this country existed before President Obama. Why is he suddenly the cause of immigration problems. He has tried but he has been blocked by Congress on Environmental regulations. The agreement with GM to help them financially began during the Bush administration. Jobs were saved and GM has paid every dime back with interest. The SCOTUS should reflect all citizens of this Country not just the old majority who will soon be the new minority. Foreign Policy is always a delicate balancing act where the variables change daily. Bengazi happened because radicals with no God in them took actions that killed four Americans. President Obama would have needed a crystal ball to prevent this terrible act. President Obama does not control the IRS. Besides, he was elected twice so his enemies were controlled at the ballot box. Iraq and Afghanistan, the last I checked this country is called the United States of America. Why should our sons and daughters continue to die in a land that does not want us. A land we should not have invaded in the first place. Bin Laden is died. The voters said get out of those wars and he did what he was elected to do. He has always made clear his support of Israel. Fox News is the only place where the truth is edited to suit one narrative and create an entire segment of our population that fed lies and half truths on an hourly basis. No one, who is a true citizen of this GREAT country, would ever want their President to fail ever. That would mean the country fails. Why would you want President Obama to fail. Go look in the your mirror. There you will find the evidence that supports the narrative that this country has a tread of racism still holding up true unity and true progress.

      • Author gravatar

        Did Fox news tell Susan Rice 2 go on national TV on 5 times to lie to us? NO they did not. Our embassy was attacked due to “spontaneous” reaction to a video ? This fiction also perpetuated by Hillary and others? We as citizens dont need to take exception to that ??. .this alone should have sunk his re-election but help came from the radical liberal media. What followed was a news black-out (pardon the pun!) It’s awful that this admin. would fabricate a bogus story weeks prior to a national election and add insult to injury Susan Rice is REWARDED by being appointed national security advisor! This is arrogance including incompetency to its finest, and if we complain…wait for it…RACIST.

    • Author gravatar

      Mr. Collier spoke the truth. Kudos. However, the article is weak. A sensational title was needed to get us to read the article. May be time to retire. Here is some more truth. As an African American the word nigger has lost its potency for so many of us, yet there are some who are still offended. Nigger, nigger, nigger, big deal! To my AA brothers and sisters, get beyond it. Here’s a subject that might give your paper a little on sizzle. Why USA, USA, USA has become a racial mantra for those who feel that this country is for some people (white only) and not all people. You might have to do a little work to make this a good article. In the final analysis. Have a great day all. From MyNigger. (In the words of an ex slave after emancipation, I’m nobody’s nigger but my own)

    • Author gravatar

      “Thumbs up to the Author” !!!!!! I wish not to argue or direct any disagreement towards anyone. This article is just what’s needed to begin a real conversation in this country. Thanks!!!!

    • Author gravatar

      I appreciate the author’s right to exercise his !st Amendment rights and shock the world with this headline. That aside, he may be stretching the results of the Cantor race, but he is spot on about the way ‘conservative Americans’ feel about the President. Let us not forget the closed door meeting that was held days after Obama was elected to his first term, to ensure he was a one-term President and vowed to be unsupportive. To accomplish this, the Right Wing media and Tea Party members have taken every opportunity to seperate the Country along racial lines; not political ideology. Remember, there are people that voted for the President because he is Black, and many that didn’t vote for him because he is Black.

      Truth of the matter is, he inherited a mess and continues to work through a mess. I don’t agree with all of his decisions, but nobody agrees with all of mine. The Republicans want to push back on every piece of legislation he proposes and make a big deal about Executive Orders, something every President does. They want to Impeach him, sue him, call him a liar, talk about his wife, and disrespect him like no other President before. Get over it! He is the President of the United States of America; regardless of what you say or think.

      • Author gravatar

        OK, so when will he begin acting presidential? It appears only time he has any back-bone is when he is trying to hurt political enemies, including regular everday Americans. Example= during govt. shutdown last fall shutting down all national parks,, I laughed so hard when his goons went to shut down Mt. Vernon and were made “hip” to the fact that it is privately funded, so the parking lot instead was shut down. Perhaps some staffer should have checked before going off half cocked like a bunch of punk hot-heads. REMEMBER, these actions come from the top down. His true colors shone thru….

        • Author gravatar

          Correct me please if I am wrong, govt. shutdowns during the reigns of Bush & Clinton, no national parks shut down… And how about all the old men, the veterans who tromped their way past barricades to see the WWII memorial after arriving on an honor flight ? This president has no shame and it shows the bad will and contempt this admin. has for the American people.

    • […] And he’s just figuring that out? Interesting. To read Collier’s entire article, click here. […]

    • Author gravatar

      I am a white man living in a Southern state who will readily admit that white conservatives, when they think they are alone “with their own kind” so to speak, will readily use the n-word in reference to black Americans. Even when they don’t use the word, they express stereotypical attitudes towards black Americans as a group. I have witnessed this personally on many occasions. If I object or make it clear that I’m not comfortable with their racism, I find myself excluded from future unguarded conversations. So my point is the absolute validity of the author’s contention that racism is alive and rampant in the USA in 2014.

    • Author gravatar

      Bravo Jim Collier for opening a much needed dialogue. Jim Collier is absolutely correct. I know you asinine politically correct people are screaming right now – He used the “n” word. You are just like the many Americans who are furious that a black man was elected president. None of you want to face the truth. The truth is not pleasant but if we want to address racism, anti-semitism, mysogyny, xenophobia, sexism and more then we need to see those stinging words in a non pejorative way. We need to be slapped with them or we will always skirt around them and not face prejudice. You can’t fix something unless you are willing to cut it open and feel all that pain. Go ahead curse me out and stick your heads in the sand and ignore reality!

    • Author gravatar

      The only black people who loves this article is Ben Carson and the republican Clarence Thomas. Those two hear that all the time around their friends. Even dinner parties when they say the N word, Clarence and Ben just laugh like good old boys. Well not every black person are good old boys who kiss masters feet like these two.

    • Author gravatar

      ad hominem.

    • Author gravatar

      You really need to check yourself don’t put everybody feels that why. you discuss me i have a black nephew and a niece i have black friends and i voted for oboma to get the a hole bush out of office and i will be voting for hilary clinton ITS 2014 SO STOP USING THE N WORD WE ARE CALLED AMERICANS THE END IF YOU LIVE IN THE GREAT U.S.A

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      I don’t understand for the life of me why people call Obama “black”. He is “mulatto” !Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not an Obama supporter. In fact I think he is the most useless person in government today. But let call it what it really is. The black side of his family walked out on him. It was the white side of the family that gave him his education. I wonder what he thinks though about going down as the worst president in US history. And you fools voted this ass clown in twice. Ha!

      • Author gravatar

        He is doing a Great Job. The worst economy since the depression, fixed. Healthcare for all, fixed.More People paying attention to what happens in their government, fixed. Diversity reflecting the true make up of the U.S., fixed. All jobs that were lost, fixed. The list goes on. Perfect? no one is perfect.

        • Author gravatar

          I agree with you Southern Mom. The President is not getting any assistance from the GOP, Republicans and the Tea Party.

        • Author gravatar

          As “the great one” Mark Levin said about of fotus speeches, WHAT COUNTRY IS SHE TALKING ABOUT ??? Just check the imaginary boxes I guess

      • Author gravatar

        I for one, CAN NOT BELIEVE Obama is anything other than THE SMARTEST President EVER!!! With that statement out there, I must tell you at least he was actually VOTED in and not appointment or decided upon by the Courts. BUSH, both of them were and will forever be THE WORST EVERYTHING! (in my opinion) The last Bush…there are not enough degrading words in the English language to describe my disgust for him and his family. But, you are correct on one point – Obama is bi-racial and/or “mulatto” as you stated. He is actually the prime example of what an African-American is. Not all Black people are directly from Africa or have relatives from Africa…we’re all kind of “mixed” with a little bit of “everything”…:-)

      • Author gravatar

        President Obama won’t be going down as the “worst president” in history. Oh, I know you would like to think that, but when the DOW \was 8,077.56. and it has over doubled – now over 17,000 since Obama became president. You may not agree with all of his policies, but history will treat this president with more respect than people like you.
        By the way, President Obama is in my family tree and I’m proud of it.

      • Author gravatar

        Well we can now all travel to the Move-on.org website. I have read all the posts and learned a lot. I like to think I have an open mind to formulate opinions with. I honestly did give O the benefit of doubt, I even saw him locally @ rally way before SS protection. also saw JohnEdwards @ union hall, but O’s record speaks for itself no matter how the “loyals” want to spin it. The next pres. will be Republican, thats how political cycles run, 8 years of dems., than a new party. As Mary Poppins said, “Everyone have a nice day !”

        • Author gravatar

          Additional blather for anyone that reads this post. In closing my comments (YES! FINALLY!) when the new republican president is sworn in Jan 2014 they should have presidents marine corp band (formed 1787) play Franz Von Suppe’s light calvary overture because then we as americans shall be triumphant !

    • Author gravatar

      It’s to bad your message was lost in the title. As a black man, I am very offended by this article. Many, will not even entertain it, simply because of your need to grab attention to yourself by being a coward and presenting this trash of a title. There are several other titles that could have got your point across in a more civilized manner. Now, you’ve pissed off the President, and countless others, I say we boycott any publication that runs your work.

      • Author gravatar

        I can’t imagine that President will waste any time thinking about this article. He has presidential stuff to do.

        • Author gravatar

          CORRECT…like playing golf, PR @ fund-raisers, party city @ WH, going on talk shows for puff piece interviews, bloviating in endless speeches & rhetoric, and continuing his global vacations provided by U.S. taxpayers. Appears to majority of Americans that the “presidency” is merely an annoyance…..not on his “things to do today” list. Laughable at best

      • Author gravatar

        Shaun you are so correct. cowardice veiled behind bigotry. If this man wishes to proclaim that he is free of racism or racist thoughts or ideology, then he is a true fool. His age should tell a great many things about him. He was brought up in the middle of the great clashes. Tell me his parents (assuming their financial status) did not precipitate hatred for minorities. Lock the doors, OMG there goes the neighborhood! Tell that wet back not to miss any weeds! He is a product of upper middle class ignorance. Left, right, moderate, whatever. He has MADE it about race. HE has made it.

    • Author gravatar

      Great and brave article. The unvarnished truth. I am, however, saddened by the knee-jerk reaction of many liberals to the use of the word “nigger.” Context is everything. Anyone who is “deeply offended” by an article clearly in defense of black Americans and president Obama in particular against racially motivated attacks from our elected officials should take a deep breath and count to ten. The shocking part of the article is that some Congressmen think it is acceptable to pander to Tea Party racists. It is not tolerable! If we can only discuss the disgusting bigotry in this country with flowery euphemisms then we can’t even describe it properly.

    • Author gravatar

      I can think of many black people I would rather have in the White House than the current or last three presidents. But Mr. Collier has to resort to the same feckless, desperate defense of this President by playing the race card. Rather than making lame assumptions about Mr. Cantor’s motives, why not look at some real facts about Mr. Obama. His birth certificate is a fake; he lied about Obamacare; he lied about raising taxes (Obamacare is just one he imposed); he lied about knowing Bill Ayers. A recent poll gives the president the lowest rating of any in my life time (I’m 60). Your logic shows just how desperate are you to swallow and defend this man’s lies.

      • Author gravatar

        Wow. How does one reply to such vitriol. The things you recite as facts are conjecture. Your so called facts are undocumented opinions by hateful people.

        • Author gravatar

          race card used very well to get people to back off from legitimate criticism. they dont play nice/ they dont play fair. people is this country are SICK of it. ask anyone!

      • Author gravatar

        Glen Morgan – You are clearly a #1 fan of FOX misinformation. I suppose you think that the 1961 announcement of the arrival of Baby Barack Hussein Obama was also a fake. On the subject of Bill Ayers, he has never said he didn’t know Bill Ayers. He not only lived in the same neighborhood as Bill Ayers, but he was on the Anneberg Education Foundation board with Bill Ayers. That doesn’t mean he was friends with Bill Ayers but he did know him and never lied about it. If you think the president has the lowest poll ratings, then that means you weren’t paying much attention to George W Bush’s.

    • Author gravatar

      Maybe we all need “The Dome”.

    • Author gravatar

      Glen you clearly listen to crap that rush limbaugh makes up and then you parrot it as your opinion. Why do you do that? So many FOX (faux) news watchers do the same. It seems so lazy to let one person (rupert murdoch or rush or whoever) do all of your political thinking for you.

    • Author gravatar

      Not really anything new here. The republican party represents the 1%’s best interests. Since that leaves out 99% of us, they should never be elected to office, because they don’t have the numbers. So they have to make their party about something else to appeal to less educated people. They used Bill Clinton’s BJ to claim a religious morality to their party, while demonizing the Democrats, thus bringing in the Christian vote. They use the threat of reverse racism to bring in the vote of the uneducated middle to lower class white male. They are pro gun to appeal to that demographic. They are anti abortion to appeal to that demographic. These issues are really all fluff to the Republican party. Their main objective is to dismantle as much government control, so the 1% can get richer and richer, regardless to the damage it can do to the 99% of us. Without government regulation in place to protect and provide for the common man, it becomes all about money. And the masses will lose that fight every time. So….should it really surprise us that lots of white male republican voters view Obama as the Nigger in the White House? No. That’s the one of the main demographics they targeted to support their party. And like this article says, that demographic isn’t smart enough to realize that Obama has been pretty moderate.

    • Author gravatar

      Folks from West Village must not be to bright if this rag represents their collective voices.

      Collier’s writing is mediocre at best and his supposed conclusions are supported by conjecture, far left ideology and National Enquireresque sensationalism. Using ol’ Jimmys race baiting premise, how do we know Cantor wasn’t beaten simply because he’s Jewish?

    • […] c’est qu’il y a encore aux États-Unis une mesure irréductible de racisme”, peut-on lire dans l’article qui condamne la façon dont “l’augmentation de la tolérance américaine par rapport à […]

    • Author gravatar

      I wish the author would have went in further on racist white folks and Jews. People seem to forget that Cantor went against The Uncle Tom In Chief (That’s what I call him…he works for his white and Jew overlords and has done nothing for black folks) at every turn and guess what? Cantor is a Jew.

      These KKKracKKKers have done nothing but obstruct anything that Uncle Barry might have been allowed to do to help black folks or the middle class. To say otherwise like that fool Daniel above is flat you BSery.

      Folks need to get real with themselves about all of this.

      The Alabama KKKracKKKers that hate on Uncle Barry fail to realize that he was installed by our racist, elitist white and Jew Wall Street overlords to pacify ignorant black folks and many white so-called liberals and that those KKKracKKKers should thank their lucky stars that Uncle Barry has forestalled the inevitable revolution that will come. God bless!

    • […] piece focused on Republican congressional primary last month, in which David Brat defeated House Majority […]

    • […] wrong for a pro-Obama article to use the n-word? Posted at 1:18 on July 8, 2014 by John Aravosis A quite pro-Obama article in a small neighborhood newspaper in New York City is facing criticism for using the n-word in its […]

    • Author gravatar

      Actually, Barack Obama is NOT black, but a MULATTO. For some strange reason it seems some people do not know that Obama’s mother was white. He was raised by his white maternal grandparents. These facts should be public knowledge by now.

      So if people dislike him, the only conclusion is because he is ‘black’? How about the fact that so many dislike him because of his policies?

      • Author gravatar

        The Race Card protects people from bad behaviors, or bad adminstrstive policies REAL FACTS about all the scandals, incompetence or corruption dont come into play.

    • Author gravatar

      This is what I have seen for all of my life. When the subject is brought up in public it is always denial. But around close family, and friends people try to make it a point their feelings about race.

      I lived my whole life around people saying one thing about race, and doing another in public. Many with smirks on their face while they clearly stated their feelings of hatred at others that were a different color, gender, or from a different country. Racism is not gone in America, it never was. Many just learned better ways to hide their true colors in public.

    • Author gravatar

      I see nothing wrong with using the word. What I have a problem with is that the article itself does not follow the title and there is no substance in the meat of the article to back up such a bold opening statement. I think the article was just the excuse for a shock & awe title. The tail wagging the dog. A very weak attempt lacking substance!

    • […] Ever since Barack Obama was elected President of the United States, people with common sense around the globe immediately noticed the level of contentiousness towards him escalated with extreme prejudice. After everything that occurred during George W. Bush‘s presidency, it was hard to believe that America could find more conflicting character than him — but the country did, in its first Black president. This was apparent in the subtle racial jabs made by members of the GOP, the incredibly racist “jokes” made at the expense of Barack and Michelle Obama, and the overt xenophobia displayed by the Tea Party. But still, Obama’s staunchest Caucasian opposition refuses to acknowledge their implementation of the dirty, little r-word into their politics. Most become incensed when there’s mention of their political dissent being tied to prejudice. And this is why every American — Black, white, or other — must read James Lincoln Collier‘s op-ed, “The Nigger in the White House.” […]

    • Author gravatar

      I find it immature to use this word. It sets us all back to 50-60 years ago. It is not appropriate for white/white, white/ black or black/ black conservations. Most people in the u.s. have never even met a slave as it was abolished after the civil war. Read their memoirs and the stories of perseverance . We can all learn from them. Don’t ever call the commander in chief, in the land he is sworn to protect, such a personally degrading word. I would feel the fight knock out of me is someone were to name call base on my race. Some parts of you are impossible to change. For Obama; It is not a political term. liar, cheat, ignorant, cunning, deceptive, over confident, indecisive, aggressive. Otherwise, you weren’t bringing attention to the fact that there is still racism in America, you were fueling racism

      • Author gravatar

        And I don’t believe this word should ever be used in professional journalism !

      • Author gravatar

        Well he has all the rap “elite’ visiting & partying @ wh. They use the word, quite a bit in their (music ??) ?? that would also seem to be disgraceful too

    • Author gravatar

      You need only to look at White mans justice and then look at Black mans justice to see how divided people are.

    • Author gravatar

      This “writer” is an idiot. Does he not realize that showing your opponent next to a President, that your constituents are against, gives the illusion that your opponent is “in bed” with that President and that President could be of any race? Is he THAT dumb? And, he thinks he can get away with using the N-word by saying people that are against Obama’s policies are racist? Do you not see the irony in the title of your article you racist POS? Is “Lincoln” really your middle name?

    • Author gravatar

      As someone who grew up during the civil rights era, I’m both offended and saddened that James Collier chose to take the low road when titling his piece, and that the editors of this paper allowed it to go to print and online. Far too often those who call themselves “liberals” and on the side of minorities tend to show just how out of touch they really are. The title negates the article imho.

      All Collier ends up doing is showing his age and attitude, which is one of entitlement. I also saw his interview with Don Lemon on CNN where he states: “I expected there would be some response but not to the extent that there has been, and that makes it very clear to me that this is still a very emotional issue for the American people.”

      No kidding? Did he not realize how it would be viewed for those of African ancestry, especially those who recall segregation and the many “progressives” who also thought they were friends to the “negro” yet these progressives and their benevolence dripped with their own form of bigotry, yet they too couldn’t see it?

      What this truly appears to be all about is grabbing attention, no matter the cost. I hope it was worth it in the long run, but I seriously doubt it.

      In an effort to confront the bigotry of others, unfortunately James Collier and those who let this go to print/online have shown themselves to be just as clueless regarding race in America.

    • Author gravatar

      Race really brings out the crackpots.

    • Author gravatar

      In trying to keep my comment simple….
      1, very good attention getting article.
      2. very true article.
      3. the wealthy originated american racism to keep the workers divided.
      4. the tool of racism is based in a genetic belief that african genes are dominant and therefore, race mixing can ultimately cause the extinction of the white race…. the race mixing fear….
      5. america is a white race controlled country and there is a fear that that control is waning.
      6. and, just to end this…. the 2010 election was the backlash from those in fear who stayed home and didn’t vote because they did not think a black could ever win…. rise of the tea party.

    • Author gravatar

      7. Oh yeah…… Barack Obama’s comment should be “Informed article….and….. Na na na nah nahhhhhhh”.

    • Author gravatar

      I am white or at least sort of light pink tan. I am Scot and Irish and maybe a bit English.
      Many of my ancestors were brought to the US as bonded servants much like slaves.
      The Folks whose ancestors came here as slaves were at some point after the Civil war released as were the bonded servants.
      My ancestors did ok, maybe they should have tried harder.

      • Author gravatar

        Indentured Servants had more of a chance to finish thier servitude and move to a place where they would be accepted.

        You have a better chance if you blended in, Scots and Irish and English blended in quite well especially after one or 2 generations

      • Author gravatar

        Light pink / tan Mac:

        The difference between your ancestors and mine is that your ancestors from Scotland & Ireland came here as second class citizens and managed to do “ok” in part because they participated in the rape, robbery and exploitation of my ancestors. In fact, my great great grandfather was an Irish man named Jake Rodgers, who raped my great great grandmother who worked in his house as a teenager, resulting in the birth of my great grandmother. All of her kids managed to finish college, so please study up on true American history and learn the details of how this country directly benefited (and still benefits today) from 400 years of free labor and the deep impact that the destruction of Black civilization continues to have on Africans around the world.

    • Author gravatar

      Mac….. thousands…. thousands…… thousands of freed slaves were lynched just for trying to do better….. for trying to progress in post Civil War America…. be honest with your light pink tan self…

    • Author gravatar

      I continue to be amazed at the spin people white and black put on the state of racism in America. I appreciate the article and the fact that someone white has balls enough to tell the truth. There is no way anyone is going to get me to believe that the level of hostility shown toward our President is not racially motivated. No other President has had a “do nothing” congress like this one. President Obama has performed admirably based on the mounting challenges he faces daily. When he took office we are running at (+) 9% unemployment, deregulation of anything consumer friendly, and 2 wars just to name a few. No matter the good he has done there are those that are working really hard to spin his Presidency as a failure and it is far from it. The mere fact that now you can get medical coverage with an existing condition is huge and some of the same people bitchin about Obama are the main ones benefiting from his initiatives.

      America is entrenched in racial injustice and racial prejudice is woven into the fabric of our culture and society. It is not much better today than it was when I was born in 1960. The year I was born my parents could not vote. It infuriates me when I hear white America dismiss the reality of racism and attempt to play it off on something else. African Americans as a people have their own internal issues like every other ethnic group however it’s interesting how white America dismiss / ignore legitimate racial concerns. I totally agree with the writer and until white America acknowledge their own issues with black America we will never live out the creed of one America.

    • Author gravatar

      I feel dumber just having read all of posts in this thread. You all have your own agenda and have embellished the truth for your own cause. I HATE the “N” word no matter who says it. I HATE racist people. Having said all that, Obama has been a terrible president. I never thought that kind of arrogant politics could end up in this country. Juan and Ava Perone would be proud.

    • Author gravatar

      As a Messianic Rabbi, I teach truth and law from its only source, Judeo-Christian Scripture. I’m Pink, in case you’re concerned.

      Let’s look at some simple observations of the reality currently under examination – racism exists – and about some of your imaginations from a Christian perspective.

      If you think that anything you don’t like – racism, guns, war, unkindness, bad language, bad spelling, etc. – is EVER going to go away, you are an idiot and listening to your opinions and proposed solutions to these imaginary problems is a waste of time. You probably vote Dumbascrap. You can’t possibly grasp that there is simply no such thing as an intelligent liberal as those principles and its premise are false and often self-contradictory. How much did you pay for for the indoctrination that leads you to such brainy quips as “Faux News?”

      There’s no need to even use words that could be construed as racial slurs when describing President Hussein for what he really is – in this case literally a cheap trick by a second rate excuse for a journalist.

      What is he then, really? His books, his actions and his words indicate that in fact, President Hussein is a queer-loving, baby-killing, lying, drone-murdering, socialist, foreign Muslim Brotherhood agent who has committed treason and is guilty of many Federal crimes with regard to his identity, his interactions with terrorists and flouting of the Constitution and many many other laws.

      As one of the graphic professionals who can personally shred the infamous Birth Certificate (live and in-your-face if you wish), your rants will NEVER convince me that he is anything but the best contender yet for The Great Deceiver and the Lawless One. He is in fact by nature of his father’s residence a dual citizen, and his British citizenship is what makes having voted for him for President to have been an act of treason itself. The “Birth Certificate” is nothing more or less than the greatest deception and diversion of all history. Morons!

      pat, Kenya didn’t even exist when President Hussein was born – I love it when people claim knowledge without having done any actual fact checking.

      I love it as much as having a queer-loving baby-killing Muslim socialist in the Whitehouse, AND knowing huge numbers of people who were retarded enough to let – no, MAKE – it happen. By the way, you are either a Christian, or you are an Antichrist. Look no further, you’re the problem. Oh yeah, and let’s everyone hurry up and tell Jews all about slavery!

      God bless you, or God damn you. Your choice!

      • Author gravatar

        You are either a Christian, or you are an Antichrist – Rabbi Mark

        I’m not sure which group you have offended the most.

        • Author gravatar

          Scooter, don’t you have anything better to do? I don’t give a flying squirrel if anyone is offended, especially where scripture is concerned. Most of us here can also defend anything we write if you care to actually enter the discussion. If the truth offends you, you’re likely already lost.

          If you don’t know what a Christian is, and you don’t know what an Antichrist is, you can educate yourself. If you wish to start now and cure your profound ignorance about your ridiculous jab at me, please read and understand the following in your Bible – you do have one don’t you? – and wake up: Matthew 12:30; Luke 11:23; 1 John 2:18, 2:22, and 4:3; and 2 John 1:7. Just a start.

          P.S. YOU are the one who needs to learn how to use punctuation, especially quotes – especially if you’re going to preach about it. You did it wrong in your replies to me AND chuck.

      • Author gravatar

        You’re not a rabbi! A rabbi would never say G-d da–ed. Tard nugget

        • Author gravatar

          Eva, I am, we would, we can, and I did. Are you just another name calling fool who happens to be wrong? Not all eyes in all tribes are closed. Do you understand what Rabbi means? Your definition may be too narrow. As one of the Sephardim, which side are you on? Do you have anything else useful to contribute? Just doing my job. Read the scripture I suggest and educate yourself along with Scooter, please.

      • Author gravatar

        Unfortunately for the image of my intelligent friends who think they are liberal, the liberals who think they are intelligent have the inability to argue and can generally only resort to personal attacks. There are actually two groups, and you can easily tell them apart in a few minutes’ discussion. See? Watch.

        • Author gravatar

          I think that it is hysterical that neither one of us had anything better to do.
          Paraphrasing the Bible is a dangerous thing to do. While there are consistent themes throughout the Bible, one cannot always pick and choose verses to create their own story. Those verses are deliberately in places for specific reasons. The echoing of the Lord’s intentions is consistent. I wouldn’t dare try to mix and match; however, those verses share consistencies. Is that educated enough for you?

          To have a pronounced role in spirituality such as yours being a Rabbi, I find it interesting in your chosen vocabulary. Are the words you speak yours or of the Lord you serve? The reason I ask is because your tone does not reflect the Lord that I understand, and I think that you would be surprised that we probably share more in common in faith than not.

          With that said, neither have my comments. In all honesty, I am interested by the story and by those that comment on it. I have made most of my comments in humor, even if it has been crude and demeaning. But, these comments are made on specific observations about what I see here on this thread. I’m not worried about whether or not people are mad at me, but I said things mainly to see how people would react to the idea that everyone’s absolutism about this topic has flaws, grammatical or otherwise. Even my own…

          If our ancestors had never built the Tower of Babel, none of this would have ever occurred…

          • Author gravatar

            Hey Scooter – Robert, if I may – I’m on vacation from my day job, and this is one of the few forums left for actual honest political (and religious I guess) discussion. 96% of the year I don’t actually even have time. That’s what I hope to contribute, and my tone is called Righteous Indignation.

            I do my best not to paraphrase, but rather to summarize thoughts in scripture. That’s why I quote Bible verses and expect the reader to approach them WITH UNDERSTANDING. That means in context and in consistency with other passages. Everybody loves the loving Jesus (we use the Hebrew name Yahshua in our assembly), but noone wants to admit that He was the one who came 2k years ago. When He comes back, He’s going to “kick ass” and I’m just a watchman here to warn you all.

            After your most thoughtful post yet, I must admit that I was expecting worse of you, and that my tone can be harsh. It’s called tough love where I grew up. Sorta my style, unfortunately, after 30 years of theological study. Familiarity breeding contempt? My bad. It’s something I work on. Your wit clearly indicates intelligence; however…

            It had appeared that your whole existence here was a distraction for those of us with real arguments to contribute. I was about to suggest that you grow up, stop the bashing, stay on topic – or keep giving us all the impression that you were a complete asshole. Thanks for admitting that your comments don’t reflect the Lord you understand (if I follow your grammar correctly). We can work on your understanding some other time.

            Concur on the Tower assessment, too.


    • Author gravatar

      I am Chinese American and I was born in this country. I just finished listening to his CNN interview. Pathetic.

      Like many, rather than allow of the POSSIBILITY that maybe there is valid argument that this president has not done such a great job, he plays the same immature race card that says, if I’m against Obama or any black person, I must be a racist.

      There are droves of black conservatives and people of all colors who support that point of view.

      There are definitely racists in this country. I would love for them change their way of thinking. But when you embrace the point of view that if I oppose Obama, it’s because of race, you yourself are guilty of racism because you cannot accept the possibility that a person with a certain skin color and political affiliation cannot find fault with this president unless he/she is racist.

      I am a Republican. I am Chinese. I did not vote for Obama, but when he got elected, I felt very proud that our country had voted a black man into office and I rooted for him. I wanted him to succeed. But he failed. So I want him out.

      There have been bad Republican presidents and I was not found of George W. So I was glad to see him go.

      Which of you in the Democratic side is man enough to say Obama has his shortcomings. But perhaps you are only willing to say that behind closed doors.

      Maybe, you support Obama JUST BECAUSE IS BLACK and he symbolically represents something important to your cause. And for Obama to fail is is embarrassment to your race and your party.

      A survey finds that he first black President is the Obama Is First As Worst President Since WWII. A CNN commentary says…well it was a small sample size. But, gee — all of the polls are saying generally the same thing, aren’t they?

      Tell me something, how many people voted for Obama, just because he is black.

      Aren’t you racist for for overlooking all the important qualifications a president must have?

      And how many of you, if 3rd terms were possible, would want Obama to stay in office just because is black.

      You know the rest of the story.

    • Author gravatar

      This article consolidates what I have always suspected – Americans are not racists, they are insane. White America, conceived on invasion, attempted genocide, enslavement, and subterfuge is insane. This is the same country that postures as the “home of the brave and land of the free” when none of it is true.

      To emphasize my point, how would you respond to a good friend who hated all people who wore black clothing? In fact, your friend would often want to harm, de-humanize, even kill anyone who wore black clothing? Going a bit further, your friend would conceive of and lobby for legislation that created barriers to anyone wearing black clothing from achieving the “American Dream”, whatever that is.

      If you really cared about your friend, wouldn’t you suggest that he/she needed to seek counseling, for clearly something is irrational about the “hating people because of their black clothing thing”?

      We all know that language has great power and influence over the way people think and behave. Why don’t we all agree to stop referring to this irrational hatred of black people as “racism” and start calling what it really is – a mental disorder? If change the language we use when referring to and identifying with this mental illness, perhaps people might pause and re-evaluate this largely unfounded hatred of people of color?

      Let’s give it a try and see what happens. After all, it can’t get much worse that to refer to a duly elected two term president of the United States of America a NIGGER! Or can it? Peace to one and all.

      • Author gravatar

        Wes, it appears that you are confusing racism, which is a form of prejudice, with bigotry, which you are practicing by expecting everyone to adopt your idiotic opinion. The example you give is irrelevant since clothing can be changed, and too, because prejudice will never go away.

        It’s people who think like you with no actual valid frame of reference but your own convoluted thoughts – brought on by expensive indoctrination – that liberalism is all about. You’ve really got to be clueless to claim not to understand the American dream. Trying to “change the language” is a dead giveaway. Your proposed world is totally imaginary.

        If you really cared about your friend, you’d probably laugh at his preferences about other peoples’ appearances because you’d know you can’t do anything about it, and you know he doesn’t like some of YOUR preferences. Or, you could just point out that they probably shower naked, and risk having a good laugh together.

        You obviously hate people you label as prejudiced, even though you are too. Therein lies the self-contradiction of your idiot liberal mind, and the Babylon of confusion you feel every day as you imagine how others should follow your will. Racism isn’t about hatred. It’s about prejudice. None of the three will ever go away. It’s not prejudice that keeps people from getting along, it’s actually people who are wrong not having the guts to ever admit it.

        Peace back. Get a clue please.

    • Author gravatar

      The left love to make that argument, don’t they?

    • Author gravatar

      I say we have a president who thinks outside of the box, who has worked for all the American people since he’s been in office. Even the ones who are mindlessly drinking the Kool-Aid of those who are surely working towards America’s destruction. He works to get things done despite the efforts of those who claim to love America. Our President is a forward thinker and in the coming years, even the ones who drank the Kool-Aid, will come to realize that President Obama did the best he could in a bad situation.

      America’s worst enemies all are inside her borders. Her enemies are the big business and super-rich who have enriched themselves at the expense of average Americans. Anytime a community provides a tax break for a developer, that locality generally increases the property taxes on homeowners. We pay the difference. The same principle applies to your town, it applies to your county, your state and the US as well. They make up the loss “elsewhere”. Guess what role you play here?

      America cannot be sustained with the divisions and factions that we have. The Dems, the Reps, Tea Party. No matter what party you affiliate yourself with, we ALL are AMERICANS and we need to start acting like it. I pray every day that those who claim they are supporting a political position (cleverly disguised as hatred) will wake up and realize that they are literally giving away their future income to people who don’t care about anything except hoarding more and more money.

      Our President is really not even the issue, the REAL issue is how can anyone expect America continue to exist without a middle class? America’s middle class is disappearing — rapidly — and at some point there will only be the rich and the poor. Go ahead! Lets hear your inarticulate rant about how you’re gonna get your guns and protect yourself and your family. Even in anarchy, bullets only last so long. What’re you gonna do then? The future I see for America is destruction from the rich, who really don’t care about anything other than their riches, and big business (which is well on its way to being eligible to vote in local, state and Federal elections soon — 1 vote per share) which is focused on increasing pay, stocks and bonuses to its mediocre executives and the late wake up of Americans to the propaganda of hate. As long as the rich can keep us occupied with hatred and other divisive issues, the easier it is for them to conduct their REAL business — mo money! mo money! mo money!

      When big business and the rich want to change the tax code to give themselves a bountiful tax break, what happens? We are distracted by something deemed more “newsworthy”, like Kanye and Kim’s wedding. Call me silly, but if there’s a choice between learning more about the daily lives of Kanye and Kim or reducing tax breaks to the rich and powerful, I think I’d prefer to focus on our tax code and put an end to the corporate welfare.

      Wake up America! The bulk of the “welfare” that the government pays out is NOT to the poor! The primary “beneficiaries” of government handouts go to corporations and rich people.

    • Author gravatar

      Had to stop reading at “Lincoln was shot for his tolerance of the recent enemy.”

      Come on man, this is just lazy and wrong.

    • Author gravatar

      I believe that conversation like these are vital; however, what will happen once we all log off and go to our “segregated” corners? The art of listening is something that we as a society need to embrace because solutions to racism should be one of our priorities. Racism and prejudices did not all of a sudden appear. They have existed longer than I’ve been alive. Just because you haven’t seen it or heard doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen each and everyday but how do we learn from our mistakes and move on? Let’s start by listening to each other and stop getting offended. Love can cover a multitude of sins and I believe that have a black president has unmasked many people and required them to deal with the elephant in the room. Let’s progress not regress. I’m a parent and me and my husband are raising children who appreciate all races and cultures !

    • Author gravatar

      Using that slur is disgraceful. Clearly some people still enjoy its use. I heard a talk show host indicate that the paper would never print a racial slur about Jews or Italians. Is that true?

    • Author gravatar

      Greetings James and George,
      As an African American clergyman there was absolutely no way possible that I could read your article and not voice my disgust with you and the clownish paper that you write for. Irrespective of the content of the article, your headline indicates the kind of reckless sensationalism within Journalism that keeps papers like this one appropriate for grocery store checkout lines and lining for an animal’s cage. It is amazing that after 30 years of journalistic experience that you would debase yourself in such a manner. With all due respect sir, your article was an epic failure at either challenging our American conscience towards race or contributing anything profound to the discussion. What you were successful at was placing as a career capstone the kind of narrow-minded bigotry that speaks poorly of your academical and professional training. Though you have received acclaim for the books you have penned; to me you were little known of before and I look forward to the occasion for you to return back to the anonymity that you have served in my literary collection. James, the article was offensive, but how you have disgraced your name is truly the greater offense. George, your rationale to print this article was unwise, dimwittedly foolish and the kind of antics that will keep your paper inferior.

    • Author gravatar

      What is this crap? This guy makes the assumption because you disagree with Obama, it has to be because he is black. If you are against the illegal aliens coming into this country, because the majority of them are Hispanics, then you must be a racist. This guy’s story is total garbage and nothing more than race baiting! I don’t like Obama because I don’t agree with his policies, the way he governs, and his arrogant attitude of do it my way and no compromise. As far as the illegal aliens, the people could be from Mars and it wouldn’t matter. They are entering the country illegally. The law says they are criminals and must be dealt with as such and deported back to where they come from. Let them follow the normal procedures to enter the country. Does the system need to be overhauled, probably so, but it doesn’t change what it currently is and that they are illegal regardless of the color of their skin.

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      I think the GOP politicians use hating everything related to Obama as a shiny object to keep their base distracted while they do the bidding of the Koch brothers and their like. They don’t want an effective government or to debate the issues which is why we’ve had gridlock for 6 years.

      Congress literally does NOTHING for hours, days, weeks, months on end. The GOP is trying to stage a hostel takeover of Democracy.

    • Author gravatar

      Our political system is broken. Obama is not the Anti-Christ and the Republicans did vow to obstruct him at every turn. Obama and politicians in general are simply money vampires. They would not exist if they didn’t give our tax dollars to every lobbyist with his hand out. Our taxes would be low and our manufacturing base would be huge but for one thing: Politicians. They, both Democrats and Republicans have been stampeded into one stupid move after another, crippling one of the most productive work forces on the planet. Now it’s too late to fix and the United States will eventually go broke, just like everybody else. The 1% will be safely ensconced in other countries laughing at the commoners. It like a scene out of “Animal House”, “C’mon Flounder you can’t spend your whole life worrying about your mistakes. You f**ked, you trusted us.”

    • Author gravatar

      James Lincoln Collier = racist. Obama was voted in for hope, but has failed due to his character. Claiming race is the reason rather than judging Obama by his character is purely racist.

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      Let me get this straight – since I believe Obama is incompetent, feckless, unprepared, overwhelmed, outclassed and a total and complete IDIOT, *I* somehow am racist? So the shock value of using the term “nigger” in the headline – one I would have never related to Obama – was not to draw attention to the author’s viewpoint, but to somehow paint ME as the one calling Obama that name? Interesting concept. Apparently, the author (one James Lincoln Collier) seems to sideline as Prof. Xavier, leader of the X-Men, and has the ability to pick up on the thoughts of millions of angry, upset, dissatisfied, disaffected, and wholly pissed-off American citizens, and the only word he can seem to find out of all those millions of minds is “nigger”? Geez, hand this asshole his Pulitzer, nobody else has a chance! Collier seems to ascribe emotions and words to conservatives (which he no doubt views as uneducated “crackers” – although, we in fact prefer to be referred to as “Saltine-Americans”) that I fear lurk in his own twisted soul. We can disagree with Obama (or as I am wont to call him, “Der Schwarze Fuhrer” for his fascistic actions, and to differentiate him from the previous “Der Honkey Fuhrer” who was also, like Obama, an extreme leftist) and his race wouldn’t matter one whit. Remember, Obama isn’t “black” he’s half black and half white (and all stupid). This isn’t about race, it’s about a con-man who bullied, cajoled, charmed and lied his way into 1600 Penn Ave, and Collier has the temerity to call ME a racist because I’m exceedingly dissatisfied with his work?

      Too bad, Collier – you didn’t assuage your “white guilt”, you only showed yourself to be a toady to a dangerous and incompetent empty suit masquerading as “leader of the free world”. Because of him, and because of your idiocy, the world is less free, less safe, and less tolerant.

    • Author gravatar

      It is sad that so many continue to bring race up in defense or attack of President Obama. The truth is, if Obama was white, he would have been impeached a long time ago based on his actions, not his color. But because of all the race bating that is going on, he has been given a huge cushion for his imcompetence, which is further insulting to our race.

      • Author gravatar

        Totally agree, the republicans AND the democrats are afraid to start impeachment becuz of backlash from the race card.. Why cant we just flush the race card down the toilet . enough already

    • Author gravatar

      After reading this article, a few things come to mind…

      First, I am a white conservative republican. I object to most of President Obama’s policies just as I have objected to most of the policies put forth by democratic presidents in my lifetime. But I do not hate this President; he is an honest man and is charting what he believes to be the correct course for this country. He was re-elected based upon his performance in his first term. He is legitimate. I like him as a person; it’s merely his policies I disagree with.

      Secondly, I have 2 children by my wife. My wife is an African American. I must confess to being completely outraged upon seeing this headline. The “n-word” has absolutely no place in civilized discourse. It has no place in political discourse (I know the two sometimes are not congruent). I eventually calmed down and read the article. While otherwise I would credit the author with making a few valid points; those points are utterly eclipsed by the headline, which stands as a hugely salient example of poor taste and taints the message the author was attempting to convey.

      There is racism in America. I used to be a tea-partier until I realized most of their agenda is powered by racism. I have been attacked by my “friends” on the right for calling them out as racists and for saying that while it is fair to criticise the President on policy, it is boorish, ignorant and inexcusable to drag race into the equation.

      The author is part of the problem. He admitted in CNN that the word is unrelated to the content of the article. It is gratuitous. It is ugly and it is inexcusable. There is nothing to keep ignorant people from pointing to the headline (without reading the content) waving it around and using it to validate their ignorant agenda. The editorial staff; although claiming to be opposed to the headline, allowed it to run, seemingly solely because the New York Times refuses to use the word. How much more gratuitous, immature and flippant can an organization be? They are part of the problem too.

      As long as we as a people perpetuate racism in all forms, it will exist. Your use of the word does not devalue the President; it devalues you and all who are unfortunate enough to be connected with you.

      • Author gravatar

        I just want to say that I was shocked to hear of this headline. It goes so far beyond politics for this to be placed in print, for anyone in this country to be called this name. It is a sad day for America. To call someone this name is no better then the slave owners who used whips on their slaves.

    • Author gravatar

      Here we go again! Another guilt ridden solipsistic liberal who finds it impossible to believe that anyone can be thoroughly disgusted with Obama and his administration for any reason other than race! Obama’s presidency has been an absolute debacle for this country. Of course the Republicans have not helped the situation, but too many times I’ve seen Obama and his gang make public statements about the Republicans that can only be characterized as counter productive. This country is in dire need of true leadership and Obama along with the rest of the Washington D.C. hacks have proven themselves to be capable of nothing more than schoolyard dramatics. Personally, I didn’t vote for Obama because he had no real leadership or decision making experience. There were a lot of people that felt that way when Obama first ran and now our fears are being realized in full! “No Drama” Obama’s lack of real world experience has made him, and America, the laughing stock of the World! And race had nothing to do with it!

      • Author gravatar

        We are a nation that only reads headlines. The story attached to the headline only gets read by a select few. This headline will be clipped or cut and pasted and used by those who see it as racist pay dirt. This headline was a stupid idea for the reasons listed.

      • Author gravatar

        Like kids on a playground, the Washington elite, including Obama and his hoodlums in suits, THEY JUST DONT PLAY NICE !!

    • Author gravatar

      Now that is a way to post a headline and draw readers! Ha ha nice one.

    • Author gravatar

      Nothing so intellectually lazy as arguing against a strawman, and the attention-whoring headline is the saddest piece of desperation I’ve ever seen from a “writer”. Easy to be a ‘straight talker’ when that which you argue against was something you constructed yourself.

    • […] A highbrow piece of leftist schlock published and distributed free to 20,000 residents in the West Village of Manhattan and seeking relevancy — or something — is creating a stir with an opinion piece in its latest edition, titled “The Nigger In the White House.” […]

    • Author gravatar

      I am white, I campaigned for Obama, contributed money to his campaign. I framed my invitation to the inaugural party. I hold Obama is the worst president in our history. So now you bigots will label me a racist. Resorting to this label reveals your argument is bankrupt. Like Obama you have failed our society, you are the bigots now. Look to conservative blacks, and black Tea Party leaders and let the scales drop from you eyes.

      • Author gravatar

        Sorry for you, I recognized what Obama was back in 2008. You learned the hard way, not once, but twice. Yeah, and now let’s continue with the coronation of Hillary 2016, another inept, incompetent, arrogant politician, and almost duplicate of Obama whose agenda is one thing….Her…and her gas-bag ego. Hey Y’all, let’s all repeat the same mistake ! Let’s do it again! That will show those nasty Republicans and Fox news ! Yeah!

      • Author gravatar

        And will you repeat your folly by supporting Hillary 2016, to have a woman as president as a SYMBOLIC gesture, too ???

    • […] gets out before the actual story. The article is an opinion about Obama, elections and politics: THE NIGGER IN THE WHITE HOUSE | WestView News […]

    • Author gravatar

      The best thing that comes from something of this nature, is to drag the cowards out of the shadows who refer to President Obama this way. It’s beyond disgusting, and equally as pathetic are the repub talking points we hear now… they constantly throw b.s. at us trying to make us believe what they definitely are… racist white guys and gals, rigid ignorant jaded idiots who don’t have the common sense God gave a rock. Let them keep their hate inside. It will eventually kill them. And meanwhile, people see this ignorant hate and it pushes them away from the repub party. It’s a shame that an intelligent black gentleman has to be the fall guy for it, but it seems there’s the reality.

      • Author gravatar

        Someday, when you come to your senses and stop being corny and loyal to liberal democratic loons you might want to step off your soapbox. You might like my comparison here: If your children had a black school bus driver who kept crashing the bus would you replace him ? Or give him more and more chances because you are afraid of the race card? Now that is just COMMON SENSE. Has nothing to do with republicans or male or female racists, think about it….

    • […] A highbrow piece of leftist schlock published and distributed free to 20,000 residents in the West Village of Manhattan and seeking relevancy — or something — is creating a stir with an opinion piece in its latest edition, titled “The Nigger In the White House.” […]

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      While racism is still a force in our nation, for this “journalist” to assign the racist label to any white, conservative American who voted out Cantor is incredibly asinine. There are a multitude of reasons why people would prefer the incumbent that have nothing to so with his affiliation to Obama. Even if they were turned off by some perceived Obama affiliation, to ascribe their votes to racism is repulsive.

      I am white, moderate conservative who lives in Washington State. I support early term abortion, legalized Marijuana, universal healthcare (albeit a way better plan than Obama’s inflationary cost of care plan) and I don’t support Obama’s executive action with ILLEGAL immigrants, I don’t support his economic policy, I don’t support his foreign policy, I DO support gay marriage with a few caveats, and I am pleased to be friends with a multitude of minorities and minority interest individuals such as homosexuals.

      I am not an Obama fan, because he is a terribly ineffective executive administrator who has isolated the republicans, making it impossible for him to get any bills passed, essentially wasting his terms. I also dislike Obama because he has lied to the American public, both in campaign promises and notoriously with Benghazi. And all you idiots who are saying “oh but Bush had so many more people die in embassy attacks”… Well, true that may be, but the egregious nature of the cover up and just letting a fucking ambassador die when we knew the compound was getting hit out of political self interest is just inexcusable. Did Bush lie? Yes. Was Bush a POS too? YES! Did Bush leave us in a mess when he left office? Yes! But we are now in year 6 of Obama’s presidency, and out economy still sucks, no progress is being made with important legislation and we are arguably more divided as a nation than we have been since Vietnam/ civil rights. I Believe there are many more men who are much more capable executive administrators with more skill at working with both sides of the isle to pass bills and a better understanding of how to fix the economy. THAT IS WHY I DO NOT LIKE OBAMA AS A PRESIDENT. NOT BECAUSE HE IS A “NIGGER”

      I am so sick of you hypocritical, militant liberals who are so utterly enraptured in your group think and demand acceptance for race, sexual practices, women’s rights etc. But despite having all of these things in spades, you are seemingly incapable of allowing someone of a different point of view to voice their beliefs or ideology without resorting to ad-hominem, group attacks. It’s pathetic and it is a shining example of the oft uneducated voters whom the Democrats have wisely pandered to and seek to increase via waves demographic eventualities.

    • Author gravatar

      excellent article, free speech means FREE SPEECH, Jim is not the first to take back the so-called N-word from the liberals and say nigger again. The mass media political propaganda has failed. As we move forward in 2014 let’s force our Liberal Senate to make a law where it is illegal to “fire” anyone for saying nigger. It is OK to say nigger.

    • Author gravatar

      A vulgar attempt of being in liberal vogue, both the headline and article I find extremely offensive. This Pseudo intellectual article is nothing more than race baiting. This article does nothing to educate or shed light, but more of a self serving attempt to gain 15 minutes of fame. Is it Mr. Collier wish to ignite the kindles of hatred into flames by fanning them. Mr. James Lincoln Collier you do yourself, community and our country a great disservice by writing such articles.

      • Author gravatar

        as usual, divert and deflect, what you are saying is that the mass media is doing a great disservice by lying to the community and our country; your Pseudo intellectual reply to this article is nothing more than a vulgar attempt of race baiting which I find extremely offensive to the American right of FREE SPEECH

    • Author gravatar

      Though I wouldn’t have used the attention grabber ‘word’, I still feel your article has merit. Similar to Eric Cantor, perhaps Chris Christie may also lose since he was photographed with President Obama.
      In 2006, then Senator Obama spoke at my graduation. He inspired me then, and he still inspires me now. He has a tough job, both from his party and Republicans. No one is cutting him any slack or accepting anything he is saying as truthful. What I am worried about now is, there are equally democrats and republicans that hate Obama, both politically and racially and this fall, if the Senate loses to Republicans, the first agenda will be impeach the president and some Democrats will vote against Obama. Its amazing to me how one person can have such a strong impact on our country, simply based on color. And if I were President Obama and know I may lose my Presidency due to “stunts”, I would keep my head up and continue to make headlines, such as immigration, education, wage increases, etc. So many Presidents prior to Obama have “lied” to Americans and they were never impeached. Bill Clinton should have been impeached for lying and sexual misconduct. And for abolishing the Glass-Steagall Act and cause the 2008 market collapse. The sad truth is……the only reason why Hilliary Clinton will get votes is because many Americans want to see Billy again. How cool is it that a former President got a blow job in the oval office. Even Kennedy couldn’t top that with Monroe.

      • Author gravatar

        With all due respect the author is relying upon his perceptions rather than facts.
        truth be told, Obama’s ideology is anathema to those who oppose him … they don’t need his race as an excuse to dislike him or what he is doing as president.

        Colin Powell or Condy Rice would have had resounding GOP support had they decided to run for president.

        The obvious tactic of denigrating the political opposition is so transparent that only political ideologues left of center will be imbued by this article.

        • Author gravatar

          Its interesting you note Colin Powell and Condy Rice. I would agree, if either had run for president, they would have received GOP support but there’s the big difference, these two were strong prior to the Great Recession. Glass-Steagall, 2 Wars, Med Part D, only sped up the inevitable. People had been use to the economy bouncing back quickly but this time was different. There is a new President and there is a Great Depression equivalent and there is a Congress that has made it their mission to make the President a 1 term president. Why the last part?

          Many things clashed and its natural for people to blame someone vs something. And as time passed, people began realizing, in private, how they truly feel when they look at themselves and each other. As we get older, we all still lie, we simply find new ways to mask the truth. I believe no one in politics thought Obama would get this far, and be re-elected. Those that did not take him seriously are now beginning to worry, worry of whom, their non-billionaire constituents. Unlike Bush, Clinton, Obama connects with people. He has much closer roots to middle class than Mitt Romney. Obama knows how to empathize genuinely. Clinton was similar and had charisma but cracked under pressure and showed his true side. For being a Rhodes Scholar, he sided with big business to repeal Glass-Steagall. Guess he didn’t see the bigger picture and American forgave him.

          Bottom line is, everyone has a soft spot or a breaking point. Obama is doing what he can and is working with Congress but not if the slogan continues to be, “if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”. He is truly in a bind and I applaud him for taking executive action where he can vs sit and play politics.

      • Author gravatar

        Abby … don’t agree … first agenda would not be impeachment because there are no justifiable legal grounds … the extremists in both houses of Congress- whether Democrats or Republicans, will not be in control …

        Your description of Mr. Bill and reason why Hillary could win shows how low the standard for he presidency is for many voters ….

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          After reading that John Boehner is planning to vote to sue the President and Republicans creating a committee to determine which Democrat to blame for Bengazi seems like they will go to any extent to get what the want. Why didn’t Americans sue Bush for invading Iraq and not finding any WMDs? Why couldn’t Americans or Congress sue Bill because siding with big banks?

          Americans love wars as long as we look great. Two, Americans love cheap products and cheap loans yet hate banks and China in private.

          I will not vote for Hillary because I don’t want to see Bill back in the White House. She is bold but in order for her to be seen as bold is by shutting up her husband, which everyone loves. That love doesn’t translate to Hillary. She has to earn it and I’ve yet to see what she brings.

          Barack Obama empowers people rise and think, very few Presidents (except Kennedy) expect this from Americans. Another difference between Obama and Clinton, Obama spends time with his family vs playing politics with Congress, which Clinton use to do. If Americans and politicians don’t get their act together, growing 3rd world countries will topple us overnight.

    • […] the nation by using the headline “The N—er in the White House” has put the full article online, so readers can see the title in context. The article was written by James Lincoln Collier […]

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      “…Lincoln was shot for his tolerance of the recent enemy…”

      Is that that Oliver Stone version?

    • Author gravatar

      I would never buy this newspaper again!

    • […] Pin It Ever since Barack Obama was elected President of the United States, people with common sense around the globe immediately noticed the level of contentiousness towards him escalated with extreme prejudice. After everything that occurred during George W. Bush‘s presidency, it was hard to believe that America could find more conflicting character than him — but the country did, in its first Black president. This was apparent in the subtle racial jabs made by members of the GOP, the incredibly racist “jokes” made at the expense of Barack and Michelle Obama, and the overt xenophobia displayed by the Tea Party. But still, Obama’s staunchest Caucasian opposition refuses to acknowledge their implementation of the dirty, little r-word into their politics. Most become incensed when there’s mention of their political dissent being tied to prejudice. And this is why every American — Black, white, or other — must read James Lincoln Collier‘s op-ed, “The Nigger in the White House.” […]

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      No matter who ever the president is , it will alway’s be someone groomed for the position whom the elite who run our country deem fit. Make no mistake, Obama is not just some random black man who happens to be in politics. He is of the bloodline and president of this business/slave colony called America. In which the United States no longer has stock in. While I read most of your comments caught in the “left ,right paradigm”, I’m never surprised to see the” wag the dog “tactics
      implemented everyday. So what’s the inevitable end game here. A race war or civil war? Mass Population Control must be addressed in some form, even if it’s unbeknownst to the general public. They say a presidents presidency is defined by a war he goes in. He’s running out of time. I could ramble on for days , but READ STUDY AND GROW, BECAUSE ACHIEVEMENTS CAN BE OBTAINED AT ANY AGE.

    • Author gravatar

      To Alex, After all that stuff you had to say to finish with the N-WORD was the answer to the question about who you are and what you think !!! I did not agree with many white presidents as I can tell you did too (maybe Bill Clinton) but you did not call him white this or that!! So now that we have put that out there let`s talk politics Obama walk into a mess and was expected to fix it the day he started then congress has thought it a good decision to not do anything to help him fix what is broken but everything is on Obama`s head Nice America !!!!!!!!!

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        N-WORD? It is OK to say nigger and Obama -created- the mess! The only way to help him fix his ideology of what the democrats think is broken is to impeach Obama for breaking the law of the land. This has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with the check and balances of Executive, Legislative and Judicial

        • Author gravatar

          So you’re saying none of the previous presidents ever made controversial decisions? Or maybe it was ok since previous Presidents were born in America but there’s no way a President that is African-American can be judged with his peers, because he’s different so we should simply impeach him. We should have impeached Bush for lying but then again, he made a great puppet for invading 2 countries.

          If Congress doesn’t get what they want, they threaten to sue or impeach. Obama is one person and last I remember, the Senate is made up of 100 members and the House has 435 members yet everyone wants the President to act and if we don’t like what he does, we want to impeach him but its ok that the Senate and House don’t get along.

          The issue is beyond race or skin color. All Obama did in becoming President is unmask how people truly feel about each other and what they tolerate in private. I am sad to be an American.

          • Author gravatar

            Abby, I’ve been there, done that, got the T-shirt from the so-called sad Americans like you who divert and deflect with the race card

            The issue is beyond race or skin color, the issue is we have a executive branch who says, it’s my way or the highway, which is unpatriotic, disgusting and offensive to the Legislative and Judicial branch as well as the 49% of Americans who voted against socialism in 2008 and 2012

            I am proud to be a true American Patriot

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              I get it, Republicans are mad that Obama and his team pushed thru the Healthcare bill without a single vote from them and every act by the Republicans since then, has been to either say No to bills or make him a one term President. I would be mad too but he’s not the problem as he is painted to be. Its everyone else’s agenda that he is peddling and his own.

              The reality is, the Healthcare push has been something every President has tried to push forward with little or no traction. I don’t blame Obama for what he did, its the people such as Ted Kennedy, Rahm Emanuel and others that worked in the background and used Obama’s Presidency to push Healthcare. How can one person do so much to anger people but this is what media tells us, not the underlying truth. Sure Obama is responsible and accountable for what his party does, and he is the face of America and the scapegoat.

              Didn’t the Bush team also say the same thing when we invaded Iraq. I understand we were going after Bin Laden, but why Iraq. Bush didn’t act with help from Congress, he simply told Americans what we wanted to hear, “I will protect you if you support my actions in invading Iraq” so we said sure. Bush lies and causes long term harm and this is accepted but Obama is bad dude. Bottom line is we are all hypocrites.

              Acts of socialism happen in every society. Right now, there’s a bunch of “old guys” in Congress that will do whatever it takes, both sides, to preserve what has been “entitled” to them and their constituents. I’m not a believer in extending unemployment benefits or expanding welfare benefits, I would prefer a smaller govt but it will not happen unless more of Congress retires or dies due to old age.

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              you get it? you get divert and deflect blame someone else

              so, go to your room, sit down, shut up and eat your peas

              the adults in the room are having a discussion

              now, where were we, oh yes,.. since 2008 for over 6 years,..

    • Author gravatar

      I can’t believe this author commends Obama for being passive. He touted in his campaign that he would work with everyone to negotiate progress for the entire country. I don’t feel that he has lived up to that promise. It seems that every day I read an article describing his off-handed comments about the republicans in the house.

      I don’t care whether you like Obama or not, it is bad business for either parties in a negotiation to bash eachother. I am utterly disgusted that so much time is devoted to bad-mouthing the opposition. It really isn’t that complicated. One side is on the left, one side is on the right, you meet somewhere in the middle and move on to the next negotiation.

      Lastly, articles like this are attention grabbing crap and don’t help anything. So I’ll let the author in on a little secret; many people voted for Obama because they like the fact he is black, and many people voted for Obama because they didn’t like that he was black.

      Does anyone know what percent of the Irish Catholic vote JFK got? It was surely not porportionate to the normal dem-rep split. It is unpreventable. But please don’t think that is how everyone votes, just some.

      Thus, I hope every one who reads this piece understands that the author is trying to get attention by pointing out something that has been going on for hundreds of years. Does it suck people feel that way? Yes. Do articles like this that further the sterotypes some hold help to end that? No.

      Shame on you Mr. Collier, shame on you. If we all only talk about the issues as all that matters, then the focus will turn to the issues.

      “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”- MLK

      Mr. Collier showed his character, he wants to demean his opposition by calling them racist. I am glad my parents taught me better than that.

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        if you cannot say what you gotta say in one paragraph nobody is going to read what you wrote

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        WRONG WRONG WRONG re: your little secret. the majority of blacks voted only because he was black.(this is true) Do not ASSUME that I voted for John McCain becuz Obama was black, I as a citizen asessed both candidates and I did not feel O was as vetted or with credentials/life experience McCain has. I did not cast my vote for primal reasons and our country for 6 years now has seen the result of knee-jerk voters . thanks y’all

    • Author gravatar

      So glad someone finally put in PRINT what I’ve been saying and proclaiming all along; to a substantial number of people, it IS simply because of his skin color! I’m a white southerner who voted for him, yet I’m quite disappointed with his lack of aggressiveness toward the racists and haters out there. Had this been “W” he’d have lambasted EVERY ONE of his foes with ad hominem attacks….and sadly it would have been accepted.

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      I’m with the editorial staff whose members continue to object to the headline: the article is articulate and largely interesting, but unfortunately aimed at people who will not read beyond it. Although the writer took no responsibility for this fact in his telephone conversation with CNN, he needs to remember that the media does indeed have this responsibility towards the public. It’s facts that need to shape our opinions, not the opinions of a reporter who ought to be relaying the facts. If he’s only just realized that this “is a very emotional issue for the American people”, from the response he’s received to the article then he can’t have been paying attention to what has been evident to any intelligent person for a very long time. Shame on you George Capsis for making this decision and allowing this blogger his fifteen minutes!

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      Its about time someone had the balls to tell the truth – great job!

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        How about the balls to be a decent president and not use race as crutch. Collier does not speak for me and I also didnt like George W. so there

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      The article is weak in support of its core argument. I am not a writer or historian and I could have written a better article with plenty of support. Probably should start with a definition of racism. Not everyone is racist unless they also have the power (collective or individual) to inflict harm on another person or group, mostly in a systemic way (e.g., governments, corporations, schools, hospitals, etc.). A better article to start a conversation is “The Case for Reparations” in The Atlantic magazine published a few week ago – google it and read to get historical perspective.

      Anecdotally, my premise is that right wing extremists and the Tea Party have cleverly, at least at the leadership level, largely avoided speaking of race explicitly but use code words, dog whistles and other tactics to shroud President Obama in a cloak of otherness and un-Americaness. They believe, as noted in their rhetoric, that America was built only by and for whites only (read The Atlantic article to get how crazy that is) and as a result, thier agenda is designed to make his presidency unsuccessful through obstruction, even if it brings harm to America – there is much written about this already with facts and stats by both Republicans and Democrat political scientists and observers. I personally believe this is designed to deter other blacks from ever seeking the White House again.

      Fortunately, I also happen to believe in a just and righteous God who will exact a revenge on such evil-doing that will be greater than any one person or group could ever hope to. I laughed when a friend of mine suggested that God is already accomplishing this mission by growing populations of color relative to the white population in America. I have no idea if that is God’s specific plan but but if it is, there is no man-made law or plan that can reverse it. Lets all pray that our nation can heal from this evil.

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      Actually, this article is based on a conclusion drawn from more fact than fiction. It is about time someone put this message in print and pointed out the elephant in the room instead of side stepping this subject. The main stream media outlets could never make this subject a serious topic during a primetime spot for fear of losing their viewers or losing their ad revenues, commercials and endorsements. The author has most likely already gotten death threats just because his article went to print. It’s a shame that all of the racist comments that have been written in the comments section below were not censored and only the comments that could credit or discredit James Lincoln Collier’s article remained.

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        You write as if you are an anti-racist, you should see Johnny Mantraseed’s video ‘White Genocide” on YouTube who explains what anti-racist is all about in terms you can understand

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      >> Lincoln was shot for his tolerance of the recent enemy.
      Uh, no. Booth was a Souther sympathizer who quite properly hated Lincoln for his rape of the South in his pursuit of political and economic power.

      Lincoln was scum. Arguably much worse than Obama.

    • Author gravatar

      The author is a moron.

      If Obama were producing good results, he’d be wildly popular – whether white, black or green.

      The fact that he’s very Unpopular is a direct result of his actions and policies.

      Proof? That’s easy.

      Obama has always been black. But his approval numbers were once much higher than they are now. So did he get “more black”? Or are people waking up to what a fraud and enemy of America he truly is?

    • Author gravatar

      I have a number of issues with this article and some of the comments alike. The truth is, racism is very much alive and plays a major role in politics today whether we would like to acknowledge this or not. Im certainly not going to say and endorsement from the president is a “kiss of death” but it has become very popular for elected officials in both local and national government to play the stare down game, where one is waiting for the other to blink first. doing nothing and leaving the american people hanging in the balance. There is no greater example of this that Boehner, who has made it clear on a number of issues that “we will not compromise” I think race plays a role in these moments with a strategic agenda to make sure that the first African American president is as unsuccessful as possible. These type of antics have had a trickle down effect and extreme conservatives are now looking for candidates who are willing an able to continue this battle. The fact is there is not successful presidency without Bipartisanship and if race is an underlying factor to why that cant happen then perhaps on that end the author was right. The headliner on the other had is deplorable and rhetoric like that should never see the light of day. The paper should be above such simple minded shock & awe tactics.

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        Why hasn’t the media ever touched this issue “The End Of White Male Domination Of National Politics”? First Obama, now Hilary, the lock on power has been broken! This scares the hell out of racist and sexist. We need more women in national politics, maybe then some of the foolishness in this country will end. When everyone gets a seat at table, we’ll all look back at this era and laugh at how silly we all are. There aren’t any PURE or SUPERIOR races , that’s were a lot of this conflict originated. It is my profound belief that the salvation of this nation, in fact this world, rest with the hope that women can do a better job of leading this nation and this world.

    • Author gravatar

      Obama has failed to keep his promises to the American people on almost every issue. He has beligerantly thumbed his nose at the American people and pushed forth his personal agenda. The man is a traiter and should be punished for it. The least he deserves is to be impeached. Nixon did nothing at all compared to this idiot and he was impeached. Every official in Washington for some reason is deathly afraid of the man
      The man has lied over and over again and there are still a handful of supporter that think he is doing a great job. By definition he is a bald face liar and the people that are still supporting him are fools and should have their voting privaleges revoked as they are too blind to see or only want the free stuff he promises. (there is no one that can say they are getting the free stuff he promised ….. a piece of the PIE if you will) There isn’t even one person that can say they are better off due to the idiot being president. I refuse to call him President as one must perform in a manner to be deemed president and he has not. He could certainly be called a traiter or a black man set out ot bring down the man or the establishment. On that he is doing a perfect job.
      People need to get their bums out and vote the democratic fools out of office before ther is no America left. If you don’t then your great grandchildren are set to have hell to pay. The American dream will be dead, never to be awaken again. Foreve controlled by the government. If that’s waht you want, then sit on your lazy ass and watch it happen.

      • Author gravatar

        Obama has done a very good job would like him to stay in office until he want to give it up. Who know what that dam trump is trying to do yes i do he is just like Nixon. All the years the white man has mess up yes i said it give the black man a change after all Obama was, is, the best president ever in my life i have been around along time. May he have the best life god be with you.

    • Author gravatar

      Why hasn’t the media ever touched this issue “The End Of White Male Domination Of National Politics”? First Obama, now Hilary, the lock on power has been broken! This scares the hell out of racist and sexist. We need more women in national politics, maybe then some of the foolishness in this country will end. When everyone gets a seat at table, we’ll all look back at this era and laugh at how silly we all are. There aren’t any PURE or SUPERIOR races , that’s were a lot of this conflict originated. It is my profound belief that the salvation of this nation, in fact this world, rest with the hope that women can do a better job of leading this nation and this world.

      • Author gravatar

        The next ones the felony stupids (of all ages) will vote for ARE women. most likely Miley Cyrus, Lady GaGa (dont know where Lady came from), Brittney Spears, Paris Hilton, Madonna, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian or even Chelsea Clinton or the little slice of heaven-Michelle Obama.

    • Author gravatar

      The NIGGER…. Is it really important for your editorial content to use racial slurs? I for one find it appalling and it only serves to further embolden the crazies of the far right. President Obama has met with GOP obstruction since day one & we wonder why nothing gets done in Washington! Shame on Jim Collins and the West View!!!

    • Author gravatar

      As a multi-racial American, I agree with this article and it’s shock and awe approach. It proves people don’t read beyond headlines as often as they should and addresses many of the average White American feelings about their closet racist friends that they’re sick and ashamed of. White people are the people to end racism, not Black or other races. Let them figure out how to call each other out; our responsibility is to keep showing them why their ignorant racist beliefs are just that; ignorant. I must call out to all African Americans, Black Americans, or as my old school Aunties call themselves, Colored Americans – stop using the N-Word; seriously. The word is repugnant and needs to be abolished. If “they” can’t use it, we can’t use it. We’re not empowering ourselves anymore than women are with calling themselves b!tches. It’s not an opinion, it a fact.

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      In support of Mr Collier – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3495bU9J78

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      This is to all those who wrote with so much hate,racism, and negativity.

      I hope you don’t write words that would be embarrassing to you if your children or grandchildren read them.

      Your UGLY is showing, and this is why there will always be hate and prejudice. Everybody look in the mirror and take a big dose of YOURSELF.

    • Author gravatar

      Your UGLY is showing, today we live in an America where the NSA spies on our communications, the IRS targets us because of our political beliefs, the border is overrun by foreign nationals, terrorist leaders are released to the battlefield, our health care is taken from us and we’re forced to buy a plan we don’t want, Catholic nuns are targeted by the government simply because they adhere to their Catholic faith, the Justice Department arms Mexican drug lords, and FREE SPEECH will get you fired from your job if you say the word nigger.

      Is this the hope and change you voted for?

      • Author gravatar

        Obama and the left say we need to have a conversation about race in America . Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to…. This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and demands heard. And among them are these:

        First, America has been the best country on earth for blacks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known. Jeremiah Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.

        Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the ’60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream. Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against the white race with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas to advance black applicants over white applicants. Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks. We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude??

        Obama talks about new ‘ladders of opportunity’ for blacks. Let him go to Altoona, and Johnstown, ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for ‘deserving’ white kids? Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for blacks are seven times those of white America ? Is it really white America’s fault that illegitimacy in the black community has hit 70 percent and the dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?

        Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?

        As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?

        Is Obama aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?

        We have all heard ad-nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case. And it all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.

        Sorry, Obama, some of us have heard it all before, about 50 years and 20 trillion tax dollars ago.

    • Author gravatar

      The president is half white and half black, so you are actually calling both ethnic groups nigger. Let’s call this president what he actually is, that is a lawless Marxist Muslim that is destroying the United States of America. He has violated his oath of office constantly, and allowed the Muslim Brotherhood key positions in our government. He has committed Treason and needs to be removed from office and treated accordingly.

    • Author gravatar

      Collier should be fired immediately.

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      Mr. Collier, I am a 52 year old Black American and I was disgusted and disappointed by your use of the word NIGGER in the title of your article. It is still the most offensive word in the English language! I understand that the title of this article was meant to be provocative and draw attention to its author, but its shock value was wasted as there was nothing shocking in the article itself. I DO NOT see this article as PRO-OBAMA, but it does speak a truth that most White Americans will never acknowledge. Racism is alive, well and pervasive in our society. We all ( Black and White americans) know that there are those issues which are rational and are discussed openly, and then there are the purely irrational issues which we hide in the dark places of our being. Using the N word in your title did not push the ‘ RACE’ conversation as far as I can tell, but I see it got you 15 or 20 minutes of attention!

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      There is going to be another Nigger in the White house, me. I am running for President as a Republican in 2016. There is no excuse for the use of this word, now or ever because you are a lying poop hole cracker, white trash, entitled honkie, how did that feel? Don’t you ever disrespect me in that manner, you have advance notice. The article was about Eric Canton’s loss to another Republican. Your uninformed liberal behind did not even know that was a statement to the wealth by regular Republicans that money will no longer be the deciding factor. Research your article and look at the facts and figures. You just wanted to be a racist and call somebody a Nigger. Stop. Slavery ended 150 years ago, and so did you.

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      Whatever MAROON wrote this article is out of his or her mind! Just because a person is conservative and votes for conservative politicians DOES NOT MEAN THAT HE OR SHE HATES OBAMA BECAUSE OBAMA IS BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Many conservatives do not like Obama because he and his backers are fundamentally shifting the USA towards a socialist and/ communist political and economic system! Socialism destroys the motivation for individuals to excel in whatever job they choose to pursue. All people receive an equal portion of the tub of money no matter how much or little they contribution to society as a whole. So there is no motivation to go the extra mile in work because we all receive the same compensation.

      The color of a leaders skin does not have any bearing on that man or woman’s governing policies as far as I am concerned. And for liberals to continue using race or gender or sexual orientation or whatever demographic characteristic to place blame and ridicule upon people who oppose Obama and his policies is just one more way that they prove how STUPID they are in reality!

      Now for the immigration issue. Lets call this for what it is! Democrats like Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Reid and most of the rest do not give a crap about the lives of the people illegally coming into this nation. THEY SEE ALL THESE PEOPLE AS FUTURE RELIABLE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS! If these people like the Clintons and the Obamas cared SSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for the poor in this country………THEN WHY DON’T THEY GIVE UP THEIR PERSONAL FORTUNES TO SAVE THE LESS FORTUNATE AMONG US!

      At least with the CONSERVATIVES, people will understand exactly where they stand with their leaders. Conservatives will help those in need, but the end goal of any type of financial assistance is to help people become self-sufficient. Not become dependent upon a government handout and hence a reliable DEMOCRAT voter.

      Until the day comes that Liberals are able to accept that all people in this country to not think like them, they are going to continue using cheap issues like skin color and gender to be-little their political opponents.

      Political leaders should be judged according to their policies and the effect they have upon nation and should not be given an excuse because of their physical attributes.

      Dr. I Love Chickens (SMILE)

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      you lost me after the first paragraph

      due to Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

      despite my ADD check out this video “America”

    • […] gestaltas efter att hans två mandatperioder är över. Redan nu pågår karaktärsattacker med rasistiska inslag mot Obama där syftet är att misstänkliggöra hans politik. Frågan är om det handlar om politik […]

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      The Obama Administration has almost doubled jobs than Both Bush Administrations in this economy, and it is still a poor economy, just think what progress America would have made, if this racist, do nothing Congress, the House, and those snobby Senate whites would participate in actually working for the American People….what’s funny is most people think the policies that The House implements hurts black, thing is there are more white poor people in middle and the south….living in trailer parks, making mayonnaise sandwiches, and it devastates them….and they don’t have the sense to vote for their own best interest. One great example is the Affordable Care Act….It would benefit whites more often than black people but the powers don’t want you to have something good for you, they’d rather keep the status quo because they know white people are afraid of change…but America is changing, and truly you can climb on board or be left behind
      ….black people have always survived under the worst conditions, and they still do…..

      • Author gravatar

        beginning with a false comment then supporting the false comment with more false comments does not make it the truth no matter how many times you climb on board or be left behind

        please rewrite your comment without reference to racism, black, white and remember to begin with a true comment

    • Author gravatar

      rumour has it that the Governors of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas are deploying their National Guards, (California National Guard, Arizona National Guard, New Mexico National Guard and Texas National Guard to patrol the border with Mexico and,..

      when threatened by the so-called “Nigger in the White House” (someone else’s words, not mine)

      the Governors replied, SUE US

    • Author gravatar

      When We The People end the plutocracy of thieves and scoundrels much of the stupid, useless, ignorant, selfish, destruction of OUR
      country should change indeed…We will end big money, unelected PACs, economic crime, destruction/harm to the environment, mar
      kets-gaming, unnecessary middle margins, the unjust-law/incarcer
      ation industry, the breeding of feral kids, the ‘disease’ of unlawful pregnancy [and abortion]…The Constitution will be protected and defended, yet it shall be updated–citing important decisions and
      caselaw: All provisions found to be unconstitutional shall be removed
      from the valid, working document…ALL members of the FOUR branches of the Federal Government must serve as non-partisan,
      independent, unlobbied public servants. The legislation shall be
      unicameral in function with simplified Assembly Rules, voting, and
      protocols…When the details are set and approved by The People at
      large, all states/territories must bring their constitutions/basiclaws/
      statutes into compliance with the US Constitution, as amended…

      • Author gravatar

        The THREE branches of government: executive, legislative and judicial,.. please rewrite your comment and remember to begin with a true statement and then comment with your factual evidence of the truth

    • Author gravatar

      AUSTIN – Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples today released the following statement regarding Governor Rick Perry’s decision to activate and deploy up to 1,000 Texas National Guard troops to the Rio Grande Valley to help secure the Texas-Mexico border.

      “The deployment of National Guard troops is long overdue. It is inexcusable that Obama has failed to take such action after repeated requests, and now, the burden falls on Texas taxpayers to shoulder the expense of a national emergency.”

    • Author gravatar

      I read all this because of that one word.


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      I will take the opportunity to make this article and especially its title a teaching moment. As a teacher and a woman of color, I often use articles like this to debate weather or not racisim in the United States and the continued need to suport civil rights is dead. In my view, the collective consciene of a people is a generation, looks like we are in for another fight for civil rights, whether they’re gay , African American, or any other disenfranchised minority.

    • Author gravatar

      a teaching moment? learn this, the term “nigger” is a word used to reference any race, not just a woman of color, who’s ideology is socialism. Everyone knows the truth that from 2008 to 2016 the USA has had a “nigger in the white house” who’s oratory is socialism.

    • Author gravatar

      Is the Obama presidency failing? In fairness, he’s still in office. But people say that among modern presidents, Obama is the biggest failure of all the “niggers in the white house”. Why is that, has he disenfranchised the minority? This is a teaching moment.

    • Author gravatar

      There is no excuse for using the headline. Shame on you. Profit motive all the way. If we used headlines like that for every form of hate in America it wouldn’t be productive, it would only sell your news.

    • Author gravatar

      “It is possible to draw only one conclusion: these far right voters hate Obama because he is black.”
      Gimme a break. I’m white, I don’t like Obama because he is inefficient. He campaigned on a platform of hope and change, and this country is more split than ever. You can blame the tea party, but that was what he promised. The economy is in the toilet and we have accepted that adults now work at minimum wage jobs. He has done nothing about the immigration–I don’t care if he’s black or white.

    • Author gravatar

      There is no excuse? There is no excuse for any president to be a “nigger in the white house” no matter what race the person is. “Nigger” is a reference to any race, not just minorities, who’s ideology is socialism. Your “race card” loses. The fact is: Obama is a socialist.

      • Author gravatar

        What dictionary are you using, Free Speech, to come up with that definition of the word “nigger?” I’ve just checked three online sources and they all say the word , derived from the French word “negre,” or the Spanish “negro,” both mean “black,” and has been in common usage in the US at least since the Revolutionary War. It has always been used as a derogatory term for black people and has never had any connotation related to socialism. You’re just off the mark on that.

        But, then, I also disagree with about what everybody else here has had to say about using the word. I even think there is some value in your comment about using the word to refer to some one of any race. I think “nigger” should be used more often, not less often or never, especially when referring to folks who aren’t black. Common usage would take the punch right out of the word, similar to the way the word “fuck” is more commonly used today and so has lost a lot of its shock value.

        I am stealing this idea, of course, from comedian Dave Chappelle, who did a skit about this on his show. I’ve attached a YouTube link so you can see it for yourselves. (Sorry, but I can no longer find the original version on YouTube. This is a video of the video and doesn’t include Dave’s introductory remarks.)

    • Author gravatar

      Obama is a socialist with a very long list of lies, review the lies at: http://obamalies.net/list-of-lies

    • Author gravatar

      there are a plethora of sites that expose the lies of Obama, “the nigger in the white house” at: http://obamalies.net/obama-lies-directory

      • Author gravatar

        “Nigger” is a reference to any race, not just minorities, who bait and switch their socialist ideology with the lie of hope and change

    • Author gravatar

      Finally, a brave soul who publicly says what the GOP privately said from Day 1. I hate that word, but I understand the purpose of its use. When President Obama was elected the first term, that very night a group of conspiratorialists and obstructionists met to strategize ways to dismantle and derail his entire presidency before it eveb began. Fact. He had done nothing yet, except the color of his skin was wrong. We are not that far beyond the racism of the 60’s, people, and I claimed on election night that we would discover the REAL state of race relations in this country as a result. I think anyone who has been paying attention (at all) can see the treatment of this president is about his race. History will write that President Obama did great things despite being categorically blocked every way possible by a GOP whose primary purpose is conspiratorial and obstructionist behavior. Not working for THE people, working for a FEW people. And the general population can be so stupid! They vote for republicans while those same politicians are trying to kill social programs like unemployment and social security that benefit everyone. You understand these are strictly democratic policies, never voted on or supported by the GOP. Yet, these voters of republican politicians claim unemployment benefits, take social security and the birth control pill without having any real idea what they are doing by voting for the exact people who want to KILL those programs.

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      Upon reading the article that Mr. Collier wrote, it is obvious that the publisher and the writer of that column is ignorant. People are taking their eyes off the right thing and are focusing on the wrong constantly. Everywhere you go in these United States that seems to be the “The New Normal”. What am I speaking about? I am speaking about the many faces that the politicians as well as the normal people are wearing. People are wearing the “ISMS” on their sleeves. I am not going to give the racist people any fuel to keep this discussion going, all I am going to say is: We all reside in The United States of America at least for the moment. The main word that stands out to me is ‘UNITED”, even if I am of a different color, gender, etc. White people have red blood and blue veins just like I do, and if that makes them any better than me then they and anyone else who thinks different is in for a rude awakening. This country is going to be reduced to a stump because of how we(the people) are operating towards one another. We hold off jobs for who we know rather that what we know, we seem to think that Mexicans are better workers than say Black people, and all of that negative crap that has gotten people of all groups panties all uneven. Its time to wake up people–Its called SURVIVAL and this is what its all about. I want to feed my family as well and I will do what I have to do to get that done. No, I wil not do anything against the law to get that done, however, I will do what President Obama did and that is to stay in school, get educated and keep it moving, all of you are stagnate because of what you read in the paper, what you see on the TELE-VISION, which gives you a VISION of what it wants you to see. I thought this country was SMART, but all I see is a bunch of CHILDREN holding jobs in the sand–If this is where the next generation is going to lead us then we all are in a lot of trouble, after all its not the THUGS, NOT THE DRUG DEALERS IN CONGRESS, its these HARVARDS, YALES, AND THEIR CHILDREN holding these offices and smoking drugs in Washington that cannot even come to an agreement on anything. That also includes the person who wrote this column, I am not upset about it, it just confirms what I have been saying all along, IGNORANT PEOPLE, AND SMALL MINDED PEOPLE TALK ABOUT NOTHING, AND I KNOW THEY CARE BECAUSE I HAVE A NEST ON YOUR HEAD WHICH KEEPS YOU TALKING ABOUT ME ALL THE WHILE YOUWANT TO BE ME!!!!

    • Author gravatar

      Dave, you are just off your mark, you offer ancient definitions of the word nigger; today anyone can be a nigger when they want to destroy America with socialism as we have seen from 2008 to today with the “nigger in the white house”

    • Author gravatar

      Rachel, you are brave soul who loves that word; race has nothing to do with it, that word is public property and applies to everyone who says this but does that, in otherwords, action speaks louder than words as america has seen since 2008 to today with the “nigger in the white house”

    • Author gravatar

      Marsha, ignorant to who? YOU? Since 2008 people have taken their eyes off America and have focused on redistribution of the haves to the have nots, 45 million people are on on welfare since 2008 to today with the “nigger in the white house”

    • Author gravatar

      How ignorant.

      How can one, who despite all the literary accolades, believe he is able to do this without reproach?

      And where is his editor? Two knuckleheads here.

      It is said that negative attention is still attention? Not here. Fire them both.

      I believe no one wants to hear from either of them again.

    • Author gravatar

      lol, in a few years we will see this same article but with “redskins” in place of “niggers”. Thicken up your skin you pathetic, whining little political correctness nazi’s,,,,,,it’s just words. When did we become such a aimless, pathetic, sissy society that we have to spend more than a passing thought about someone using a “word” that someone might cringe at? Look around your house, your neighborhood, your town, state, or the world,,,,,,,,there are oh so many more important things that you could be using your time to support, or rail against.

    • Author gravatar

      This is a straight talking person who is not surprised to see a headline such as the one published in July by the West View News, inspired by the article written by James Lincoln Collier.

      The disclaimer by the Editor, George Capsis indicates that James wanted to “shock us into accepting that there are still people who believe and use this outrageous word.” REALLY, YOU DON’T SAY. He also went on to cowardly justify printing the article because the NY Times avoids using the word so he’s convinced that WestView should.

      Well George, for one thing people of color are beyond being shocked. We’ve known about that fact for more than five decades now – nothing news worthy there, to us anyway. Oh, or are you implying that there are some other groups of people that are surprised by that fact? Do you mean the ones living under a stone, or in a cave somewhere with no television, radio or connections to the world and are missing out on the biased insights that Westview News, CNN, NY Times and other noteworthy media outlets so readily feed the masses of other well informed people?

      PRESIDENT OBAMA is not a member of an inferior class of people. Maybe back in the day, some people were subordinate, mediocre, lesser than, lower than, substandard to, poorer, low-quality, second rate, and secondary. But then there were the Men of Color, the real Black men who were not defined by the substandard, mediocre, lesser, lower, poor, low-quality, second rate lifestyle white people tried to enforce on them. They rose up in spite of to invent some of the modern day luxuries you, Brat, those old-fashioned republicans and other small-minded people enjoy today. Like the air conditioning unit that keeps you’ll cool on hot summer days, the key chain you’ll keep your keys on. Do you mow your lawn? Well guess what that too was invented by a Man of Color who would not be defined by the small mentality of fearful men of his time. Think about that the next time you collect your mail from your mailbox, or sharpen your pencil, or go to your refrigerator to get a cold drink, or even use a typewriter to type your next article. PRESIDENT OBAMA the HNIC you know the nigger in the White House, he is not defined by the circumstances of his time either.

      The article is now a permanent record in our history. As the editor of the paper George it would have been responsible journalism if you would have followed the NY Times lead and not used that word and maybe helped preserve the integrity of this country by not tolerating this type of so called journalism which fuels the seeds of deeply imbedded racism in the small minds of people like James Collier, one of the dinosaurs still clinging to life from the ugly era of a time in history when one group of people openly used such derogatory language to reference another group of people.

      The vocal base is with the inferior class of people, the 2% of American people who will vote old-fashioned republicans out of office, who will not tolerate discrimination again any group of people based on their skin tone or with a different language and set of folkways.

      We the 2% of the American People are fed up. We are fed up with being force fed, being brain washed and duped into thinking and believing that traditional, prejudice political decision makers really do have our best interest in mind. In this 21st century, We the 2% of the American People no longer hold biased views as our truth. We are the Change We Want to See.

      The right wing republican party, and others like them have been holding the American people hostage too long while they are strategically perpetuating their biased agendas. So Mr. President, I am requesting you use my tax dollars to call for a petition on behalf of We the 2% of American People to take action and impeach House Speaker John Boehner on charges of treachery because he seems to be the head cracker in charge of and “determined to stage confrontations with the you at every juncture.” And We the 2% of the American People are fed up and we’re not going to take it anymore!

      What did you say Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, NAACP, Cornell West, Michael Dyson, I can’t hear you.

      Say it loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud!

    • Author gravatar

      That is typical liberal (and actually racist) thinking to assume that anyone that opposes Obama must be racist. I don’t like his politics! I don’t care if he is purple with green stripes, I DON’T LIKE HIS POLITICAL VIEWS. It has nothing what so ever to do with his ethnicity.

    • Author gravatar

      the race card is dead, whine as you may, Africans are an accepted populace, so Austyn, get over yourself

      Keith, yes it is true, there are bigger fish to fry than race and hate

      Scott, yes it is true, the race and hate card gave America obama

    • Author gravatar

      Liberal Revolution, was a seizure of state power instrumental in the larger American hope and change of 2008-2016,…

      In 2017 the people revolted,..

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    • Author gravatar

      Obamacare mandate exemptions for 2016 coincidental with government elections, or is it? Of course it is, everyone knows the routine now,… bait and switch

    • Author gravatar

      Inspector Generals refused access to Obama administration fraud, waste and abuse, everyone knows the routine now,.. divert and deflect

    • Author gravatar

      Accountability audits of the Obama administration found fraud, waste and abuse,.. clearly, this there is no race card involved, there is ideology,.. vote the Socialists out-of-office, vote American!

    • Author gravatar

      It is extremely difficult in this current environment in America to not be racist against blacks. Their actions, behaviors, and attitudes just scream “Pleaze, by all means hate me!” As they plummet further and further down the social ladder of civilization.
      It’s as if hey are still devolving right before our very eyes.
      Being racist against blacks in this day and age is a justifiable safety mechanism for humans to follow.

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      Why are liberals so dumb?? Obamas foreign policy has destroyed america..Immigration debate has nothing to do with race, you morons!! People are here ILLEGALY, that alone is a crime..They can now, even with criminal records, not get deported, get welfare, vote, and take our jobs!! I am a result of immigrant grandparents who went through hell to come to this, once great country, and they did it the hard legal way..Obama is giving them a free pass with sanctuary cities, and welfare, which makes them say” free housing, free food, and they wont kick uss out”…Then you dumb liberals say, oh what about their children? So what, why dont we stop putting people in jail for all crimes, because we might leave a child without parents? It makes no sense..What happened to putting americans first? Thenhe has the NERVE to call anyone who disagrees with him on bringing syrian refugees that may be terrorists( straight from the fbi and homeland security) into America biggots…You cant make this stuff up..Meanwhile you dumb liberals will vote for Hillary after all the lies, and her being responsible for the deaths of 4 americans, taking millions of dollars for giving political favours to countries that hate us..Then she makes a statement that every woman has the right to be believed about rape? What about the 3 woman her pervert husband raped? she terrorized them into staying quiet!! I guess they didnt have the right to be believed..And it DID happen..He got kicked out of college over the first rape..look into it if you please..

    • Author gravatar

      Ever since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for Black People he said Black People should not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. This was how I thought Black People spoke against Chinese, but now I had changed, and Black People think it’s okay to live in a color-blind world always thinking that my uneven jaw is unrefined, and is a poor quality like The People of the North Pole. They never stop to think that I am well-defined as jagged, and robust compared to The North.

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        Funny, all the hard working black people I know say Obama has divided the races and made life worse for black people…He will go down as the worst president in history..Yes, he is a RACIST, anyone who doesnt see it is just blind and stupid..We all know he will give hillary a pass and keep her out of prison, when republicans have been convicted for MUCH LESS..Shame on him and his pathetic loretta lYnch…

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