What Gynaecologists Won’t Tell Women: A Call for National Outcry

For many years, hysterectomies have been presented by gynaecologists as the ideal, routine, easy, and problem-free solution to women’s health issues. That is far from the truth. The following facts, briefly outlined here, are provided by the HERS Foundation (Hysterectomy Educational Resources and Services — www.hersfoundation.org). Hysterectomies are the #1 gynaecological surgery in America, and one in every three women will be hysterectomized by the age of 60; statistically, it’s another woman every minute.

98% of all hysterectomies in America are unnecessary. A gynaecologist should not perform more than one or two in his or her entire career, instead of three times a week as is now the case.

A hysterectomy destroys a woman’s figure. The uterus knits together the pelvic (hip) bones. When it is removed, they slowly pull apart, and within a year the hips are two sizes larger. The rib cage sinks to rest directly on top of the hips; she no longer has a waist. The backbone compresses over time; she loses height. Her belly (the pelvis) is pushed forward. A 25-pound weight gain in the first year after hysterectomy is typical.

The uterus separates the bladder and intestines. When it is removed, the bladder prolapses (sags from its normal position) and the intestines migrate down to rest on top of the vagina and against the bladder. This can alter the function of both organs, sometimes causing urinary incontinence, and constipation or intestinal incontinence. In plain language, a woman may have trouble in the bathroom or she may need to go to the bathroom more often than normal.

Without her uterus, a woman is three times more likely to develop heart disease, and without her ovaries as well, five times more likely. No wonder fatal heart attacks are increasing among American women.

In women who experienced orgasm, hysterectomies, whether they include removal of the uterus only or both uterus and ovaries, always limit a woman’s ability to have the physical feelings she wants to have during sex. In fact, the medical term for removal of the ovaries, the female gonads, is “castration.”

Sometimes, the femoral (thigh) nerve is damaged, so that a woman cannot walk without a cane. Another very frequent effect is profound fatigue and chronic pain. These are lifelong problems. Many women lose their vitality and become depressed. Some commit suicide.

Gynaecologists commonly tell women nothing about the known problems caused by the surgery. They cajole, frighten or bully them into being hysterectomized. Insurance companies pay doctors the same for hysterectomies as for surgery that keeps the uterus intact. Alternative surgery often requires more time and skill, and the “everybody’s-doing-it” attitude prevails. Often no surgery is needed.

No woman should sign a surgical consent form unless her doctor has told her about ALL of the effects of hysterectomy, as well as the alternatives, with the alleged advantages and known risks. Congress must be pressed to pass legislation requiring that women be fully informed – NOW.

A New Yorker since 1967, Reed College graduate Carol F. Yost recently retired from a job as procedure writer for the NYC Human Resources Administration. She lives near the former St. Vincent’s site and took part in the fight to save the hospital.

In 1993, after seeing 12 doctors, Ms. Yost found one with the skills and determination necessary to remove her uterine fibroids without also taking out her uterus and ovaries. Doctors had pressured her to have a hysterectomy. The operation was successful, but this doctor demanded a large fee that exceeded the insurance payment and strained the author’s meager resources. After threatening to garnishee her wages, the doctor finally accepted a monthly payment plan.

Ms. Yost has been writing politicians and women’s organizations to try to stop unnecessary hysterectomies.

For more information and for documentation on hysterectomies, please visit the HERS website. There you may also obtain The H Word, an excellent book by Nora W. Coffey and Rick Schweikert.

27 thoughts on “What Gynaecologists Won’t Tell Women: A Call for National Outcry

    • Author gravatar

      Thank you for publishing this article. I know first hand what this surgery does to your health and well-being. I had a very active life before my surgery for a pea-sized fibroid. Since my hysterectomy/castration, I have been sick every day and my energy level has decreased a lot. Women are not informed about the damage this surgery does to your health, your marriage and your family life. The HERS Foundation helped me find my answers as to why I was so sick. Doctors will not tell you and why should they because you would not have this surgery and they would lose money-a lot of money. This is a criminal act against a woman and it should be recognized as such. Would doctors castrate men? Get informed before you have your hormonal and sexual organs; uterus, ovaries and the cervix removed.

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        Thank you for your honesty.. I wish more women were aware and wish more that they would speak out.. This is a very dangerous surgery. I know first hand also and at 50 I feel achy everywhere which I never ever did before this stupid surgery. Thank you for sharing……………….

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      I had a partial hysterectomy in 2012 for endometriosis, I still have pelvic pain but now I suffer with debilitating lower back pain, urinary retention, I may need InterStim placed to help with the retention, I also have
      Tinnitus, weight gain, my right foot goes numb, my heart palpitates, sex is not the same it’s painful, my eye sight is fuzzy, my hair falls out and Iam constantly depressed tired and have sore joints. My Dr told me if I kept one ovary I would have my natural hormones, that isn’t the case. I am on hrt but finding the right levels is like finding a needle in a haystack. Your body naturally fluctuates its hormones everyday, the levels may never be the same, and to think you can add 100mg of this and 100mg of that will “fix” your issue?
      My endometriosis was probably caused by a hormonal imbalance to begin with, instead the obgyn issued me birth control pills. What the obgyn’s fail to do is look at a woman as the whole body, nutrition, exercise, possible food allergies, etc. I regret my hysterectomy, and at 36years old I have to find a way to live like this for many years. I blame myself but mostly the Dr she knew better.


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      Please, someone do something right away.. Doctors who perform these operations are destroying a woman’s life- young or old. There is no reason to have a hysterectomy unless you have cancer of the uterus or ovaries. The uterus and ovaries are very crucial to the survival of a young or older woman.. WE need our hormones throughout our life and if you take our body parts we will NOT of hormones.. Extremely dangerous for our women.. good luck.

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      So what about those of us who have had a tubal, uterine ablation, multiple cervical biopsies and a conazation biopsy where they removed part of the cervix. Then continuous pain from cysts and monthly issue. What happens when they doctor has to CUT a IUD implant out of your body because it got twisted up in scar tissue, black scar tissue so bad that you have stage 4 endo and the best solution is Hysterectomy or live in pain. This is what I am dealing with now,is hysterectomy still wrong after all these issues?

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        It’s not about whether hysterectomy is wrong or right, it’s about the fact that hysterectomy is recommended and performed on otherwise healthy women without alternatives being presented or the consequences of a hysterectomy being provided.

        In your siutation, your health path was changed with the tubal ligation, which I’m sure no one informed you of the consequences prior to the procedure. At this point you will have to decide, knowing that a hysterectomy will not provide the cure you seek for all of your present issues and may create additional issues. Resulting in the trading of one set of issue for another. As long as you are aware, then you can move forward with what’s best for you.

    • Author gravatar

      All the “professional” advise I had received tells me I need a hysterectomy plus a “nip and tuck” on my vagina for pelvic organ prolapse. It is sufficiently bad that exercises, etc. won’t address the problem. It’s annoying, but not usually painful. Any ideas?

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      I am sorry for all the women who are suffering the many adverse effects of hysterectomy and/or castration. I am also one of them after my long-time gynecologist lied about my condition and rushed me into surgery.

      With all the data proving the overuse and harm of these surgeries, it is downright disgusting that everyone turns a blind eye. And just as disgusting is that the big online hysterectomy forum exudes a camaraderie and “sister” hood around hysterectomy. Those who are too negative risk being banned for scaring the members and moderators. Their rules also inhibit full disclosure.

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      I also, was rushed/pressured to make an uninformed decision to have a davinci hysterectomy. My surgery was to be tomorrow, 10/19/15. I cancelled it last week! I’m exploring alternatives, getting 2nd & 3rd opinions. As I have no detected cancer, my abnormal bleeding has stopped, my ovarian cysts are shrinking-without medication-I feel that follow-up ultrasounds will show that I made the right decision. Researching abdominal insufflation, marcellation, as well as documented problems/recalls/deaths related to the davinci robot confirmed my “gut feeling” that I should not have this procedure. I agree with WS re: sister “hood”. I received a pre-op pamphlet from hystersisters that is full of ads for the davinci robot, with a thank you (on the last page) to their sponsors-daVinci Hysterectomy & Gynecare Thermachoice! Kathy Kelley-shame on you!

    • Author gravatar

      What many women do not understand is there are greedy, unscrupulous doctors and gynaecologists who collude together to trick healthy women into unnecessary radical hysterectomies for profit, experimentation and training practice. They deliberately fabricate cancer or other non-existent problems to hoodwink healthy women into these barbaric, archaic, surgical atrocities.. Many women are so happy that no cancer was found in their removed organs that they have no idea they were victims of THE HYSTERECTOMY RACKET!

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      Australia is just as bad if not worse. To fabricate I had a history of post-menopausal bleeding, when I hadn’t had a drop of blood since my menopause finished over 5 years before I was butchered (now I bleed every day from this botched radical mutilation). To fabricate I had a polyp and send me to a deviant who insisted I take off every stitch of clothing right in front of him and his female assistant then grope me. No polyp was found.. To fabricate I had scarring, hyperplasia and cancer and slaughtering my healthy female organs at Monash Medical Centre (Moorabbin).. No scarring, hyperplasia or cancer was found. All my removed organs had been healthy….

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      I was pressured into surgery after going to the ER with severe acute abdominal pain at a time when I had no idea hysterectomy surgery was a racket. After a CT scan, the ER doctor told me I might need a minor surgery and that he believed I had a condition called ovarian torsion and then the gynecologists were called in. Within an hour, without answering any questions, they tried to force me to agree to a total hysterectomy. When I heard those words, I started crying uncontrollably. I had not previously had any menstrual problems and it didn’t make any sense, and I did not want any of my organs removed. For hours while I was in severe pain I asked why they would suggest that and no one answered. I was put in a dark empty post-op room to wait for the gynecologist to arrive. After being in severe pain for over 7 hours to the point of not being able to walk and given large amounts of pain killers, the gynecologist showed up and started to badger me to agree to a total hysterectomy. I had no idea what was going on or what the problem was, but I refused to consent to a hysterectomy. I made it very clear that I did not want any organs removed and I made the gynecologist promise, in front of a room full of medical staff, to do only what was absolutely necessary. He begrudgingly agreed. Had I been sober, had I not sat in pain for 12 hours and had I been able to think straight or get on the internet, I would have run for my life, but I had no idea they target and attack women for these surgeries. I ended up signing a blank consent form because I refused to consent to a hysterectomy. I was then put under anesthesia without my knowledge and when I woke up later, I learned that my uterus, both ovaries, and cervix had been amputated. I was in horrible pain, much worse than prior to the surgery. Instead of having pain in one spot, the pain was everywhere in my whole abdominal area. When I was able to get a copy of my medical records, the first thing I noticed was that my consent form that had been blank when I signed it, now stated that I consented to a full hysterectomy. They filled in the surgery that I refused, after I signed it. I also later learned that my condition only required a minor surgery, to untwist my ovary and remove ovarian cysts, or at worse remove that ovary if it could not be saved. I did not have cancer, nor any other problems than benign ovarian cysts. I learned that women are targeted tricked into this barbaric surgery every day but even though I didn’t consent to it, it was done to me anyway and has destroyed my health, my life and trust in people. I am still shocked a decade later that this could be done to me and they just get away with it.

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      I totally agree with all the ladies above. It is almost a year since i had a total hysterectomy except i still have my ovaries.I regret this operation, since then I have gained like 15kg. Cannot loose weight and worst of all I started suffering with severe headaches a week ago, today I have severe sharp pains on both my upper rib cage .Honestly I am terrified about what may be wrong. I feel extremely exhausted and cannot do what all I used to before the op. I would appreciate some tips on how to deal with this all.

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      I had a total hysterectomy, nodes, and appendectomy 3 years ago. I had ovarian cancer. It filled up the my belly to the point that I looked 3 months pregnant. I also have NO thyroid!!!!! Wow! My life has been a wreck ever since. I, too, have gained 15 to 20 lbs., my belly protrudes as if I am 3 months pregnant, I have terrible constipation and it further wrecked my mood, my sex life and family life. Seriously do not take out your female organs and or your thyroid unless it is life and death. The only good news is that I don’t have cancer. Trying to manage my thyroid and hormones with drugs has been a nightmare. I often ask myself if a quick death from cancer would be better than this slow, long one.

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      I had a Supracervical Hysterectomy 8 months ago. I was in debilitating pain 24/7 and bleeding so much I became anemic and was short of breath all the time for decades. I tried everything before my Hysterectomy. Pills, hysterscopy with d&c, all kinds of crap that just made me sicker and sicker. For the first time in decades I am pain free and my labs are all good. I can work without pouring blood with huge clots down my legs and no longer faint from the intense stabbing pain that 800mg Motrin could barely dull. I researched before mine and heard the horror stories and side effects. Hysterectomy isn’t bad for everyone. For some it save lives and for people like me I am now Able to live mine….

    • Author gravatar

      Beware of gynaecologists… Ninety percent of ALL their procedures, especially hysterectomies are just money-making scams. Gynaecologists get very, very rich mutilating and castrating women.. Beware if you are going through menopause and they say you need a hysterectomy and their biggest crime is to deliberately fabricate benign conditions as malignant.. Any procedure they give you then mention cancer and hysterectomy RUN FOR YOUR LIFE… These rotten apples will trick many healthy women into unnecessary procedures.. If they remove a polyp or give you a D&C and say they found cancer say to them you are going for a second opinion.. Never go to a doctor they recommend as many are in cahoots with each other..

    • Author gravatar

      I have my hysterectomy 4 months ago due to painful fibrosis. I do not regret mine. I know that everything will be different but I embark them head on. So far, I did not gain weight because I am exercising everyday. It is not easy but I am still in awe that no more painful menstruation and frequent bladder infections.
      Hugs to all of you.

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      Shame on everyone here for lying to women who are terrified and googling around when faced with a massive life-changing decision about major surgery. Gaslighting readers with unverified and uncited garbage information. Where are all these snowman shaped women with ribcage-hips? Like, seriously, people believe this swill?

      And the ridiculous paranoia in these comments. You people must be terrified of shadows because they’re the lamps in your house covering up the CIA tracking your every move, right? Get a grip on reality you loonies, doctors aren’t malicious beings that are here to butcher you and steal your money. Hysterectomies are in fact one of the most difficult GYN procedures to obtain if you can’t prove you need one. That’s… well-known fact and it’s part of the fight for women to have control over our own health.

      And the story in the comments of the woman who said she wouldn’t have one and then had one forced upon her. Where’s the news article? Because welcome to a multi million dollar malpractice suit, seriously. In 2010 a forced medical procedure that you declined repeatedly would never happen, and if it did, you’d be the one who profited because you’d have sued and you’d have won. What a load of hogwash. You sound like a 12 year old making up grandiose lies on the internet to practice your creative writing. Keep trying, kid, because that was terrible.

      Shame on all of this. Shame on all of you. I’m so tired of pseudoscience and people who think they know better than the entire rest of the sane world. Get over yourselves and stop scaring people.

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      This has got to be the biggest load of complete nonsense I’ve ever seen. Literally NOTHING in this article is true. 11 years after my emergency hysterectomy I’m two sizes smaller than I was before. What kind of idiot would post such complete and utter made up BS as this? Shame on you all. This is disgusting.

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      Emelia, you are the one who sounds like a 12 year old. Why so angry? These are real women who have had this procedure done to them under false pretenses, and it ALMOST happened to me 11 days ago. Long story short, I have a benign dermoid ovarian cyst. My consent form for the scheduled 12/15 cystectomy was signed by me but I was not given a copy (even though it was one of the multi layered forms with 3 copies available). When I got home I realized “wow I should get a copy” so I called and they mailed it. By law they must provide it to you. It stated Total Hysterectomy. The doctor also conveniently skipped the page where I got to decide if I consent or not to medical students could perform pelvic exams on me whilst under anesthesia-for training purposes, not my own benefit. Fact: 600,000 hysterectomies are performed yearly (it may be higher now in 2020), with 10% being done for cancer. You do the math. And the snowman shaped women are everywhere, look around. You can spot them from their dried, frazzled hair and dehydrated skin, not to mention their low energy and slow metabolism. Read some of their stories…they saved me with them. Signed, Dodged a Huge Bullet

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      I am a guy reading this. But, I do know that much of the published medical research is crap. I think women should listen to women who have had the surgery. Seems some are okay and some are not. It is a jungle out there.

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      This is the dumbest shit I’ve read in my life.
      The uterus is not a load-bearing organ.
      You know that women, too, have a skeleton consisting of bones that are connected to each other.. right? And that it doesn’t depend on organs to continue to provide structure to the body?

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      I have to say that I just went to the HERS website and NOWHERE did I see it say ANYWHERE that a hysterectomy destroys a woman’s figure!! That is going to scare sooo many people for absolutely NO REASON!! I had a hysterectomy on 2-27-17 for uterine fibroids-I was basically bleeding to death for 2 years and every day was like living in a crime scene full of blood everywhere I would go; but my doctor did NOT give me one alternative to surgery when he KNEW that I had non cancerous fibroids, so I will agree that hysterectomy is unnecessary for most ppl who get it! I wish I had been feeling better at that time so I could have done better research. I kept my ovaries but STILL started suffering hot flashes immediately and continued to suffer for 2 years before my body finally adjusted to the drop of hormones. I went back to see the doctor who did my surgery to see if maybe my ovaries were failing or what was causing the hot flashes, and this arrogant doctor stared at his computer screen and proceeded to HUM to himself the entire visit rather than listen to anything I was saying. He basically blew me off and I felt like he didn’t give 2 shits about me!!
      But I feel like telling people that a hysterectomy is going to destroy their figure is going a bit to far and there is NO evidence to back up that claim!! It’s kinda foolish to believe the uterus is the only thing holding the torso in place, if that were the case what is holding a man’s torso in place. Aside from a uterus we have lots of other ligaments and things in our bodies. I like the example one person gave about this theory saying to think of the uterus as a chandelier- if you remove the cords that keep the chandelier hanging and remove the chandelier from the ceiling it doesn’t cause the walls to fall down! To think that a 1 pound organ (the uterus) is responsible for keeping the ribs in place and that removing it would cause the ribs to drop to the hips is just silly. Yes there will be empty space where the uterus was and that is filled mostly by the intestines. Furthermore, why are there women with that body shape who STILL have their uterus if removing the uterus is the cause?

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      Why can’t a woman do research? If you go to a doctor and put all of your trust in everything they say you should probably have some other things checked out. I had 6 fibroids on my uterus. I found no other option that would work for me. But I did my own research. I know I have a say in what happens to my body regardless of what the government of old men think. I knew the possible side effects, post-op expectations, possible complications and I made the choice to go forward, not the doctor. Take the time to educate yourself so that you can take responsibility for your choices instead of blaming someone that you are paying and must listen to you.

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