Richard Dennis, 1964-2024
Richard M. Dennis, 1964-2024, the Scenic Designer and Studio Painter died at home in Manhattan on March 16th. He died in the arms of his Life Partner, Robert Reiss.

Artist Richard Dennis 1964-2024
Portrait Of Robert Reiss By Richard Dennis, in Pastel
He was cherished for his goodness, and the betterment he added everywhere he went. His artistry and wit will remain for us. Of his work, Pulitzer Prize winning poet Carl Dennis wrote Richard was “a passionate craftsman” Indeed! Walt Whitman invoked “the pure extravagant, questioning face of the artist”-this shone distinctly in our dear Richard, with whom our bonds were regnant for nearly 40 years—now, so short a time. Always into our city arrive the inspired phalanxes of the talented art workers who, duly, add their own to the cords of culture which at all times are of societal and aesthetic importance. One such votary at the altar of theater arts was my dear life partner the set designer and painter Richard Dennis, who unexpectedly died, cradled dead in my arms in our home on Clinton St. There, together, we spent a quarter of a century experiencing life’s enjoyments and vicissitudes on our artist’s garret. Following Richard’s graduation at New York University he was employed in an Art Gallery in and about the NYU Washington Square campus. Here we first met. The gallerist musing aloud in our mutual hearing, “now don’t fall in love with each other” (words Richard quoted occasionally to me in the intervening years before his death). Yet, in quick order we became fast companions, with ever deepening aspects of our evolving partnership in artistic-theatrical projects, and our life commitment to one another over the past four decades. Richard, the closest, longest, and dearest person I’ve ever known—The loss of Life-to-him, and of death taking him away from me: Is Unbearable. Interestingly, when I showed Richard my previous contribution to Westview News, “Veteran of Conscience”article in the October 2023 issue he remarked “I can’t wait to read your next article.” Now, it turns out as neither of us could foresee that next article is this one, my obituary of Richard himself.

Richard Dennis, scenic design for Dream Play, circa 1985. Pen on paper

SPOTLIGHT: NOH PLAYS. A Scenic Design by Richard Dennis in watercolor.
Theatrum Mundi co-producers, Robert Reiss, Richard Dennis

Signs, Wonders, Interiority series. Richard Dennis, acrylic on canvas 2005. Artwork courtesy Robert Reiss collection
“I can deal with the fact
that you’re dead,
I just can’t deal with the
fact that you’re gone”
Robert Reiss

Dry Rain A Scenic Design by Richard Dennis in watercolor.
Theatrum Mundi co-producers, Richard Dennis, Robert Reiss