“Felix Morelo is a visionary contemporary artist renowned for his dynamic fusion of vibrant colors and intricate geometric forms that captivate and challenge the viewer’s perception.”

Interview by: Danielle Sevier
Produced by: Mike Persico

DS: Hi, I’m here with Felix Morelo. He’s a downtown artist that does these amazing circles such as the “Good Luck Spots” and other type spots. He is well known in the Union Square area, and he started doing these in around 2007.So, Felix, what was the motivation to do the “Good Luck Spots” and then progress into some of these other ones that you have?
FM: Back in 2007, I was doing a lot of faces in Illinois. Then I moved back to New York City in 2009, and I started doing the faces on the floor, thousands of them, and it would be like a trail 2,3,4,5 blocks long. Then I had a conversation with a friend, and he goes “Felix, you have a trail that people are following, right? You should have something at the end of a trail for people to find.” And the conversation was in Spanish, so I don’t remember exactly but through that brainstorming. That’s how the “Good Luck Spot” came about.
DS: Okay. Very nice! And clearly you feel strongly about it because now you don’t have faces anymore. You just have the “Good Luck Spots” and now I see you also have “Bad Luck Spot”, “Racist Spot”, “Suicide Spot”. I know there’s “Kissing Spots”. Not sure if I’ll get bleeped out, but a “F*cking Spot”, “Cursing Spot”. So, do you just keep coming up with new ideas, or is it just depending on your mood for that day?
FM: Well, the spots came about maybe like ten years, maybe twelve years ago. But I wasn’t really using them. I was concentrating on the faces. Then at one point I realized that many artists did faces, and the faces were getting lost. Like, in the whole world, there’s people that could do better faces and have more skill. And with the spots, it was more something more unique. And I think after the pandemic, I decided to really concentrate on the spots as a marketing idea.
DS: And it’s a business, so people can buy them from you?
FM: Yeah.
DS: If someone out there would like to buy one of your spots or commission a new spot, how would they go about doing that?
FM: I think the best way is either on Instagram @morelofelix or regular email. And then I can send samples as well.
DS: Okay, great. Thank you so much for your time!
FM: Thank you as well!
Watch the interview here:
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and contact him at
felixmorelo2@gmail.com to purchase a painting.