By Gary Null, Updated May 11, 2023
Over the years, Gary has compiled a list of prominent issues and challenges that require urgent attention at the federal levels. He updates, tweaks, edits, adds and subtracts to the list periodically. In the past, these have been his progressive issues that he has relied upon during interviews with presidential candidates on his program.

Progressive Action List
• Create legislation to curtail the vulnerability of people’s savings accounts due to the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act.
• Create a Marshall Plan to rebuild our forests to reduce the acceleration of climate change
• Reverse Trump’s opening of public lands to private interests and implement a moratorium on private exploitation of national parks (eg, fossil fuels, mining, lumber)
• Create a national food program to ensure that the 16 million hungry children in the US are fed.
• Increase regulations on trading in those commodities that are essential to life such as food, crops, water privatization.
• Moratorium on the Federal Reserve from giving no-interest loans to banks and corporations.
• Declare a national moratorium on home foreclosures now that the US and Europe are on the verge of a new recession
• Forgive student loan late fees and cap all interest on student loans at 1-2%.
• Eliminate pay day loans and credit card interest rates, late or not, at 18% or more. Set maximum interest at approximately 10%
• Support senior citizens with free community hospital service and food coops.
• Eliminate all federal subsidies to fossil fuel industries of any kind.
• Halt private corporate funding of elections to remove money out of politics.
• Launch a federal review and audit of partisan astroturf groups (eg, ALEC, Americans for Prosperity, Center for American Progress, American Council on Science and Health, and support stronger laws to limit their influence on federal and state legislators
• A congressional investigation into USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy and clean it of intelligence interference that undermines their and to serve as a vehicle of foreign regime change
• Pardon all whistleblowers. Strengthen whistleblower protection laws and criminalize efforts to silence and threaten whistleblowers.
• Campaign finance reform and return to manual balloting; cessation of gerrymandering — voting districts to be determined by independent, nonpartisan review based upon the specific needs of populations in the regions.
• Normalize foreign relations with China and Russia and pivot from the unipolar agenda of the World Economic Forum and move closer towards a national recognition of the rapidly multipolar world that is dethroning the dollar’s hegemony.
• Start demilitarization of our defense forces around the world and close military bases.
• Reduction of Pentagon defense budget
• Restore healthy relations with international institutions, especially the United Nations
• Abandon the US-defined “rules based international order” ideology which the majority of the international community rejects outright
• Begin an overall of the USDA and its ties to the agro-chemical and big food industries to strengthen scientific oversight on dangerous agricultural toxins damaging the environment and unhealthy food additives that impair health.
• National mandate for the labeling of foods containing GMO ingredients
• Audit the Federal Reserve, the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, and the CIA, reducing their budgets to what is actually necessary for the nation’s security and defense.
• Allow corporations that cannot be maintained to go through structured bankruptcy instead of a bailout.
• Reject the ratification of the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty
• Universal healthcare under Medicare that includes some alternative medical therapies as in some other European nations
• Create a national preventative health program.
• Undertake an independent scientific review of the causes for our autism epidemic and support a concerted review of the role of the CDC’s vaccine schedule in the rise in childhood physical and mental illnesses.
• Make efforts to revoke or substantially amend corporate privileges in Citizens United
• Accelerate efforts to amend Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and expand the legal oversight to include large nonprofit internet organizations such as Wikipedia.
• Regulation of the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence in areas where it may infringe on fundamental human rights
• Initiate a proper, independent review and analysis of the short- and long-term implications of central bank digital currency replacing a cash society, social credit scores attached to block chain technologies, and vaccine passports.
• Eliminate and/or set more strict rules on privatized prison systems; stop the growing practices of debtor’s prisons and bail for non-violent crimes.
• Promote stronger prosecution of corporate and banking executives convicted of serious financial fraud and crimes
• National program to have potential law enforcement officers undergo a psychological screening — many are former vets who have serious PTSD and other mental health issues
I have read your article Mr. Gary Null Phd on your Progressive Action List and I appreciate hearing your interviews with Dr. Ron Paul, and Mr. Ralph Nader. Did you also interview Mr. Denis Kuchinic?
I invite you to speak at a weekly meeting of the Medical Freedom Alliance so that we may benefit from your wisdom on public health, monetary policy, and how to protect ourselves from power hungry individuals in public office.
Our website is
We have formed a grassroots political party called the Medical Freedom Party to defend our absolute god given rights to bodily autonomy, meaningful informed consent, and the right to refuse to participate in any kind of medical treatment no matter what urgent circumstances are cited as justification.
woyld love to see a list of the wars around the world etc. and the millios of dead resulting from foreign policy which you enumerated August 23 or 24, 2024y esterday on radio show…to share with friends without forgettingndetails..
Thanks a lot.