By Robert Shapiro

In the modern world, the ignorant are cocksure, while the intelligent live in doubt”- paraphrased from a Bertrand Russell quote

If you are tired of hearing educated, thoughtful people being labeled as radical liberal woke extremists, I’d like you to consider the following list. Every one of these items, which have greatly improved civilization were initially passionately opposed, even though they have saved countless lives and needless misery.

Environmental Protection, Health Insurance, Universal Health Care, Abolishing Slavery, Consumer Protection, Animal Cruelty Justice, Seatbelts, Voting Rights for Women, Worker Protection, Voting Right for Minorities, Gender Rights, Marriage Equality, Gun Control (then complain that the Democrats can’t control gun violence), Trophy Hunting Bans, AIDS Research, Emissions Control, Anti-Racism Laws, Child Labor Laws, Freedom of Religion, Teaching Evolution and Factual Science, Women’s Right to Choose, National Parks Preservation, Endangered Species Act, Peace, Disarmament, Social Security, Mental Health Care, Free Speech.

It is astounding that all of the above were first considered outrageous and radical. Much of it still is. I can understand why certain folks feel that their lifestyles and values are threatened by progress, but it baffles my mind that tens of millions who claim to love their families have no qualms about raping the planet for the sake of short-term profits, even if it means that their children and grandchildren will suffer. It is they who are radical! They conserve nothing but the past. Progressives have a more accurate label because they support progress. They have always been misbranded by those who like to call themselves patriots—but which side promotes peace, human rights for all and a clean environment? I’d call them the most patriotic people in America.

Without hyperbole, I am sure that many today would consider Jesus Christ a woke hippie radical. Oh, the ironic hypocrisy that such a progressive liberal is considered their Savior. In 1663, Galileo announced his scientific discovery that the earth is not at the center of the universe and lost his freedom for it. The Church apologized to him in 1992. Thurgood Marshall, the first African American to become a Supreme Court Justice, had a college wing devoted to him years after that very same university would not allow him to attend classes there. The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spearheaded the Civil Right movement despite rabid opposition. These four people never gave up championing the truth and nobody else should during these trying times.

My point is this, and I hope the incredible list above makes it crystal clear. Is all of the opposition to progress going to go away today? No, but I assure you that all of it will eventually be defeated—as long as the minority of properly educated, emotionally mature citizens don’t give up. When states ban books, ban teaching science, ban abortion, ban African Studies, take solace that this is only temporary—I guarantee it. The record speaks for itself. Time after time, it never takes the majority to advance the world. Starting is Victory. When women wanted to be able to vote, the guys in charge said NO, but a century later, women run for president, but if we don’t defend what we know in our heart is right, ignorance will prevail.

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