Who is going to lead America out of the mess it’s in and restore the peace, love and apple pie to our once great nation in 2024?
By Kelly Gallagher
You can’t make this chaos up. The current news reads like a bad movie script. Our Presidential Campaigns here in the US have turned into vicious 12 D chess games with numerous devious players making simultaneous moves. So many questions face the future of America.
Trump has been arraigned.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a Kennedy legacy and environmental hero, has been ignored by the mainstream media despite his entering the Presidential race. Is he being punished and dismissed by the mainstream media for revealing the dark secrets of the pharmaceutical industry? Is it a coincidence the biggest sponsor of television programming and news is big pharma.? America is one of only two developed nations that allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise. New Zealand and the United States are the only countries in the world that allow pharmaceutical companies to do direct to consumer advertising on TV. According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., “it’s been a calamity in our country for public health because it has allowed them (the pharmaceutical industry) to control the narrative”.
Can RFK Jr. survive his truth telling and the deep state and save America before we become the next Banana Republic?
What about Marianne Williamson? She’s trailing in the polls despite the fact we could all use a Course in Miracles to get out of the dismal decline the United States of America is in.
And why won’t the Democratic National Party allow Biden to have a debate with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? A voter poll showed disapproval of this move by the DNC. Voters stating these sentiments, “ If you can’t debate you can’t be the leader of the free world.”
Donald Trump, former President of the US and leader of the race for the 2024 Republican nomination was indicted and arraigned in Federal Court by the D.O.J on June 13th in Miami on 37 counts.
Read arraignment here.
The Former President pleaded not guilty in this unprecedented indictment of a former president. Trump faces 37 federal charges, including unlawfully retaining government secrets and conspiring to obstruct justice. The indictment alleges that Trump was personally involved in packing the documents as he left the White House in 2021.
His aide Walt Nauta has also been indicted but did not enter a plea Tuesday.
Trump says he is innocent and that he’s being unfairly targeted by prosecutors because he’s running for president again. “There’s going to be motions to dismiss it on the basis of selective prosecution,” he told NPR on Saturday. “You prosecuted me, but you didn’t prosecute Hillary Clinton or President Joe Biden for possessing classified documents, as well.” Trump visited Versailles Restaurant in Little Havana to meet with supporters after the Miami court appearance on Tuesday. He blasted the case as well as the special counsel, Jack Smith, while maintaining his innocence. He then went on to deliver a speech at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden, Current US President and incumbent candidate for the Democratic Party nomination also apparently withheld classified documents from his Vice Presidency dating back to 2015. No indictment at this time. In other controversies, according to an FBI document Joe Biden was allegedly paid 5 million dollars by an executive from the Ukrainian natural gas firm, Burisma Holdings. This information was given to the FBI in June of 2020. The uninvestigated report claims to uncover a criminal bribery scheme between then VP Joe Biden and a foreign national that involved influence over US policy decisions. Sources say the money was paid to the Biden’s through so many different bank accounts that it would take years to uncover despite the fact we have IRS agents who can find needles in hay stacks… In 2019 Trump pressed President Zelensky to look into it. President Biden dismisses the entire event as, “a bunch of malarkey”.
And when it comes to President Biden’s son, Hunter, apparently the rules are different. If any US citizen had on their laptop what Hunter Biden had on his laptop, and the local police found it, you’d already be in jail.
Meanwhile, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was arrested with Jane Fonda for leading a protest over climate change. He chained himself to the White House fence over fracking in 2013 and yes, he was arrested on possession of drugs in the 80’s. It was the 80’s.
Being arrested seems to be a qualification for a Presidential candidate these days.
According to the most recent poll from the Economist and YouGov, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who is running for the Democratic nomination, was viewed favorably by 49% of respondents, giving him the highest net favorability rating of 19 points. This poll was taken from 1500 U.S adults between June 10-13th. He had a higher rating than many of the other 2024 presidential candidates including Trump, Biden and Marianne Williamson, striking a chord with Americans tired of the way things are and the way things are headed. But polls are polls and currently you can find any poll to tell you anything depending on the results you want.
Many upcoming voters we spoke to, think mainstream media has either ignored RFK Jr. or likes to paint him, as a rabid anti-vaxxer while overlooking deviant or dangerous behavior by other members of the Democratic and Republican parties. Kennedy is a Democrat. Why doesn’t the media want to acknowledge him? Because in case you haven’t noticed pharmaceutical advertisements schedule multiple million-dollar media buys which pay for TV programming including local and national news. The Pharmaceutical industry controls the narrative around health directives and mandates. It used to be “soap” operas. Now they are “drug” operas.
Many think RFK Jr is what the media says he is. For those who grew up in the JFK and RFK Kennedy era, remember when a Kennedy was a symbol of hope, civil rights, peace, and family. For those people Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a legacy of an America worth fighting for. Those in support of the environment and climate initiatives can appreciate being in the know, not only on climate issues but on how to navigate a toxic planet. They appreciate the work of people who fight for the people and the planet vs. the corporate goliaths. Kennedy says he is always on the side of the people who often don’t even know they are in danger, or that their children, neighborhood, or environment are at risk of being poisoned by corporate polluters. Kennedy’s record with Waterkeepers and Riverkeepers reflect his lifelong commitment to the planet.
But even now, after Waterkeepers and Riverkeepers worked so hard to clean up the Hudson, the India Point power plant is getting ready to dump their radioactive waste back into and poison the newly cleaned up river which is lined with estuaries, wetlands and a new beach on the Hudson in New York City built for people to celebrate and enjoy the Hudson.
Please see the article on page 5.
The media has either tried to ignore the fact that Kennedy announced he was running for President or figured out a negative angle to report. They reported that none of his family were at his Presidential announcement in Boston when clearly there was a posse of Kennedy’s in tow. Censorship is alive and well in America. When this lifelong public interest lawyer who champions environmental causes from coal fired plants to clean water, stepped over the environmental line into the health arena, he was reprimanded in the media and ostracized by the political players. Why? Well, follow the money as usual. Who spends the most money on lobbyists in Washington DC? Big pharma. Who called Kennedy a conspiracy theorist for daring to be concerned about the amount of thimerosal, a preservative containing mercury used in vaccines, was having on the ever-increasing mandatory vaccine schedule for children?
For those of you who think no big deal, because you remember having 5 vaccines… times have changed. There are 72 vaccine doses between 0 and 18. Maybe more now that COVID has lobbed a few more on the stack. So, the trace amounts of mercury and aluminum, known neurotoxins in a vaccine, do matter. If you do your research it doesn’t seem like a conspiracy “theory” it seems like a conspiracy on the part of the pharmaceutical companies and government agencies whose “leaders” maneuver back and forth from private sector, to conveniently heading up the government agency and back they go to run the Pharmaceutical company. It’s a revolving door between government and private sector. It doesn’t matter which industry. Any one that can be corrupted. Insert agriculture or any industry one can dominate in.
Once RFK Jr. was hovering over the toxic target and the truth about a lot of things, the spin doctors went to work to defame him and rip his family apart in the process.
Despite the attacks and character assassination RFK Jr. continues to speak nuggets of truth and teach history to a nation starved for the America we once knew and believed in.
No matter who you want to blame for how we got here: Trump, Biden, Obama, Bush, the deep state, the corrupted government agencies, the CDC whatever…. we are now here.
We are on the brink of bankruptcy, stock market crashes, interest rates, inflation, homelessness, food shortages, energy crisis, weather extremes, climate issues, job layoffs, AI takeover and the world of social credit.
Do we really want more of what we had?
What happened to the WestView News? It used to be a great paper covering local stories, and it understood its readers. Now it has become a paper touting right-wing views and conspiracists like RFK Jr.
This “Opinion” piece is filled with more factual inaccuracies than opinions – it is just one more missive in a world of “alternative facts”, i.e. falsehoods.
If RFK Jr. should debate anyone, it should be Donald Trump, as even though he is registered as a Democrat, his current views are much more aligned with MAGA Republicans.
Please do better, Mr. Capsis!