By Kelly Gallagher
Robert F Kennedy Jr held the position of President of Waterkeeper Alliance for over 20 years. Under his leadership, the alliance grew to be the world’s largest non-profit focused solely on clean water. There are now more than 350 Waterkeeper groups in 48 countries, patrolling and protecting 2.8 million square miles of watersheds.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an attorney and his proudest achievement was cleaning up the Hudson. Photo credit: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Archives
Bobby’s legacy with Waterkeeper movement and the impact of his environmental advocacy changed the direction of the movement. He became the chief prosecuting attorney for the Hudson River Fisherman’s Association in 1984, helping merge that group and Riverkeeper into a single organization in 1986. The new merged group became a successful model for a worldwide movement of place-based environmental defenders patrolling and protecting their waters by boat, by air, in classrooms, in public meetings and in court. Their dedication to protecting and restoring the Hudson and its tributaries from the damage done by generations of industrial degradation and civic neglect restored the health of the Hudson.
Bobby helped found Waterkeeper Alliance in 1999 to help further the waterkeeper and riverkeeper model around the world.
One of the greatest achievements of Riverkeeper during Bobby’s time there was the closure of one of New York’s most egregious landfills that was contaminating the water supply. This closure not only protected New York City’s upstate reservoir system, it saved the city billions of dollars in unnecessary filtration costs ensuring that tens of thousands of acres of sensitive reservoir buffer lands would be preserved.
“Waterkeeper is my life’s work and will always be one of my proudest achievements.” RFK Jr.

Let’s face it. Biden is a very old 80 year old. The question is more will he make it to the end of 2024 in campaign mode than will he last an entire second term. Trump is Trump….. There really is only one candidate in a field of also rans. President Kennedy 2024
I’ll take another Biden term over the anti-vax horse dewormer conspiracy guy.
Science matters. So does common sense.
Correct, and you have neither…
You obviously didn’t read ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ or anything about vaccines yet you spew your unawareness out loud. Not smart
I read “The Real Anthony Fauci” and it was filled with nonsense and a withering supply of micro-details that supported nothing. I wasted two days of my time hoping there was something that I was missing. Unfortunately, Mr. Kennedy does not appear to know what Dr. Fauci’s job was and he does not know how any American Government or bureaucracies work.
Mr. Kennedy may be a wonder to the West View News and the Hudson River, but he has never been elected to his State Congress, been a Governor, or a member of the US Congress. Mr. Kennedy has never held any elected government position. And yet, he thinks he can be President of the United States of America.
Can any of you people who have worked for a living please stand up and tell Mr. Kennedy that he needs some job experience before we intend to give him the highest job in our Country?
Michael, you should try educating yourself before making eroneous statements. He isn’t an anti-vaxer. He has very legitimate concerns about vaccines, given the FDA/CDC have lied repeatedly about them. He says people should be given correct information, not lies and let them make up their own mind. Just can’t stand more ons like you.
Love how the Democrat trolls are now saying his vaccine advocacy is more important than environmental successes. Totally, 100% Gaslit trash
Amazing how many people say they don’t like RFK Jr because he is against vaccines that have been shown to harm people. BTW, he won those law suits. And they use an example of Horse Paste referring to the news media saying Ivermectin was horse paste. Then they say Science matters. These comments come from either ignorant, stupid people or trolling bots. Ivermectin is on the WHO most essential drug list, over a billion doses have been given to people and it is deemed safer than aspirin. Science does matter. Oh, and the FDA got sued over the horse paste comments and lost causing them to admit it was all a lie. The law states that an experimental vaccine could only be approved under an Emergency Authorization order, which can only happen if no other drugs were effective. Since Ivermectin was proven effective in other countries, the stories had to be censored and ivermectin discredited so big Pharma could make billions off our tax dollars. The FDA, CDC and NIH all receive about 65% of their funding from big Pharma, not our tax dollars. So they are reluctant to bite the hand that feeds them, and worse still, they do their bidding. Science dose matter. Stop getting your pseudo science from the MSM.
You obviously are too young to be able to spell or use English grammar correctly. Biden is in much better shape than people much younger than he. Age is just a number. Kennedy does not live up to his progressive heritage. He’s a conspiracy theory proponent.
Yeah thats why he dropped out 2 months after your post LOL. Try again brianlesss
…said the guy who can’t spell brain, lol
First, this puff piece makes no attempt to be thorough, let alone balanced. WestView News needs to do better.
More importantly, any candidate recommending horse dewormer pills — after a leading proponent of the movement recently died of known side effects — has zero credibility running for dogcatcher, let alone the Presidency.
The US has roughly a third of the GLOBAL deaths from COVID-19. This is a national tragedy, a deadly triumph of obstinate ignorance. Politically motivated bloviators and anti-science charlatans should be pilloried, not blindly celebrated, regardless of their celebrity.
RFK Jr.’s baseless extremist attacks on Dr. Fauci and the medical epidemiology community are an instant disqualifier — or at the least, deserved to be mentioned in the article.
Then there’s the electoral politics. Unmentioned. Will RFK Jr. siphon votes away from Biden, or the Republican candidate? I have my suspicions. And I’m concerned.
Hero of the Hudson? Doubtless. Sentimental spoiler? Possibly. Nutcase from Nantucket? Definitely.
First off, have you really listened to his numbers dealing with the pandemic and the rush job vaccine that was pushed? Or are you just pushing the popular narrative the media and white house tells you to believe without truly giving real answers?
Also, we know that Fauci has been lying all along about the pandemic, it’s origins and covering it up so China doesn’t get bad press. Fauci was given way too much power when people were scared and needed true answers. And now he doesn’t want to give it up.
The disinformation experts (government & media) know their brainwashed audience intelligence deficits so well. “Let’s just call the Nobel-winning drug a ‘horse dewormer, horse dewormer, horse dewormer…”
That historical origin of that word “disinformation” is telling: “The dissemination of deliberately false information, esp. when supplied by a GOVERNMENT or its agent to a foreign power or to the MEDIA, with the intention of influencing the policies or opinions of those who receive it” [OED], 1955, from Russian dezinformatsiya (1949)” Source: etymonline dot com
Very on point!
Countries with the lowest vax rate have lowest death rate. Period.
Got any data to back up that assertion?
Per 91-divoc(dot)com which provides all kinds of graphs based on Johns Hopkins university data:
The US is roughly 25th from the best in terms of vax rate, roughly 15th worst in terms of death rate, and at 1.1M the US has more dead in total than any other nation (save for the EU when taken as a whole).
Clearly, covid vaccines save lives.
Conversely, people spreading disinformation — or pimping horse drugs — have blood on their hands.
See my reply to Ken for more.
I see that the scientifically illiterate ideologues and paid mudslingers are still hard at work pushing Fauci’s fraud and attacking anyone who points out the facts: Not only did the rushed and coerced vaccines not work as promised (fact), but also the government’s own VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) has recorded more reports of injuries and deaths from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines than all previous vaccines combined since VAERS was established (fact). And now they’ve been approved for infants while other countries Switzerland and the UK no longer recommend then for anyone. Thank goodness someone is speaking up against this madness to counter the legions of know-nothings, paid and volunteer, who can only manage fact-free personal attacks.
Mudslinger? Who wrote a book slamming whom?!?
Scientifically illiterate? Per the NYC DOH: “Vaccinated New Yorkers have much lower rates of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.”
Again, as per NYC DOH, roughly speaking, since the vaccines came out Jan 2021, unvaxxed New Yorkers are 3x as likely to get sick, 5x as likely to need hospitalization, and 6x as likely to die as vaxxed New Yorkers.
We seem to have different definitions of basic words like “science”, “fact”, and “mudslinger”.
See reply to John B. for more.
You’re not reading science you are reading or watching the “News” which is paid for by advertising. In this case the advertisers happen to be pharmaceutical companies and the Ad Council who made a fortune producing campaigns that said “ stay 6 feet apart” etc.
TV programming is always funded by advertisers which used to pit the news department against the sales department. Now News apparently just does what they are told. I worked at NBC and at an NBC affiliate. I saw it with my own eyeballs.
And BTW…. John Hopkins was part of Event 201 where they rehearsed the Plandemic in October of 2019. Google it. You can watch the videos yourself.
More hooey.
I was so relieved when Monash university found a cure for Covid in April of 2020 before Covid spread to the U.S. epidemiologists traced it to 96 percent eradication in 24 hours to 99.99 percent in 48 hours. People who call it horse dewormer don’t even realize horses use a paste. Humans use 3 mg tablets that were fda approved in the 70s and won the Nobel prize for Dr. Omura and Campbell. Yes it’s an antihelminth for parasites but is also an antiviral and anti inflammatory. Compare the vac to it on the Vacinne adverse reporting system. Flccc pulmonologists saved thousands. No one mentions Bill Gates financed a 3 month timed rejease ivm. Vaccine used in France by Medincell company. It was hush hush but look it up.
RFK Jr has been pointing out the conflict of interest between news organizations and the pharmaceutical companies that sponsor them. He has been pointing out the conflict of interest between government agencies (FDA, CDC, NIH, EPA) and the industry they’re meant to regulate through the existence of lobbying. You think it’s a coincidence that these same organizations are the ones smearing his name right now? Attaching childish labels like conspiracy theorist, antivaxxer, extremist, radical so people view him through the lens of these labels. It’s an obvious textbook smear campaign…
[…] of Kennedy’s proudest achievements is his work cleaning up the Hudson River, a monumental environmental victory that few people talk about today. In the 1980s, he served as […]