-By Robert Shapiro
Our beloved West Village has never had such an influx of young people adding to the identity of the neighborhood. Here are a few suggestions to help them enjoy the Village lifestyle.
When in a hallway, staircase, or elevator, it feels good to hear a “Hello” from you. This is especially true for your older neighbors and maintenance workers, and if you hold the door for us you get neighborly bonus points.
Please don’t pound your feet when walking in your apartment, and don’t play music too loudly when you are getting ready to go to work. Some of us are retired and have earned our extra sleep time.
Puh-lease separate your trash and recyclables, and don’t let the metal bin covers slam shut. (Village people sleep at all hours of the day.) Also, please put your junk mail in the recycling container, not on the shelf in the mailroom, please don’t use the trash can on the corner for household garbage, and please don’t let your dogs relieve themselves on our precious plantings and trees.
When at a bar, please don’t take up multiple stools with your clothing or face each other sideways. Your neighbors are thirsty too.
Always remember that your smile makes a difference. Sharing it will enhance your life and the lives of those around you. See ya soon!
If you’d like to contribute, please cut this out or copy it from the WestView News site and hang it in your lobby—maybe even frame it!