Dear Editor,
In the April issue of WestView I opened up my heart for everyone to see and wrote about my father who is the kidnapped love child of John F. Kennedy and Marylin Monroe. I was surprised at the lack of response. Yes, it is hard to believe and it has been many years since he was taken from his mother and she died, then he died. However, we do have DNA now so why don’t we have hard DNA truth? We don’t have it because the Kennedy clan will not offer a sample to prove or disprove it. And the Federal Court System will not make them give it up, hesitant, I am sure, to do anything which would turn modern history upside down with what people always suspected. Just like Thomas Jefferson. Still staying at home to save others is difficult but we do it. We do it not because it is easy but because we are entrusted with each other’s lives. It is disconcerting that even the meetoo movement is taking time to help the world’s love goddess’ child in this age of technological advances. Clearly she is the poster person for vulnerability. My father and I are ready to set things straight. Please reach out to us if you are interested in joining this project. God Bless. Stay Safe. Be Happy.
—William Henry Kennedy