BREAKING NEWS—Hope: The situation in China seems to be improving

By Hannah Reimann

WestView News was very fortunate to have Shen, a Chinese intern, on board with our team last Summer. Since his return to China in September, Shen and I have corresponded. 

I received the information below from him via email last night. We hadn’t communicated since before the pandemic broke out and I was so delighted to hear from him. He wanted to know how we were all doing. He sympathized with me when I wrote that things are grim in New York City and that it’s sometimes hard for me to keep my chin up. We are all losing people now and the isolation makes us lonelier.

“The situation in China is getting much better now. The COVID-19 cases have been zero growth for days and the stores are reopening now. But we had also undergone a tough time. From the end of January to March, there were a large number of people affected and no people stepped out of their homes. So I understand your state of mind now.

With the experience of China, if all the people are aware of the seriousness of the virus and if the government is taking measures, it will take about two months to get everything back on track. From your words, although New York City is like a ghost city right now, I think it is a good signal to some extent. At least measures are already taken. Under those circumstances, everything will get better!

The borders are closed and many flights are cancelled. I think it’s because they want to cut down the spread between countries.”

We look forward to sharing more news from Shen as things move forward. We are very lucky for this connection and that we can learn from him and his country’s experience first-hand.



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