By George Capsis
One of the newest members of the WestView family is Kambiz Shekdar whose business card offers he is a Ph.D. and as such worked at the Rockefeller Institute on an invention which then evolved into the creation of the Research Foundation to Cure AIDS of which Kambiz is the President. His foundation paid the sum of $1 for all of the rights to the invention in order to develop and share a not-for-profit cure for AIDS.
Kambiz is handsome, compact and intense and being born in Iran he speaks with accented precision and early on made it very clear he wanted to write for WestView and not just an article or two but a monthly column. He gradually shared an intense assessment against the marketing of the most popular drug to protect people from AIDS called Truvada—marketing he believes is being used to bypass the doctor’s office and instill a delusional sense of security. Shockingly these ads are produced by AIDS organizations which, according to Kambiz, are paid millions to offer them to unsuspecting adolescents.
Kambiz is insisting on offering in his article a number of ads to illustrate how this drug is being touted as a cure-all for AIDS (just pop it in your mouth like candy). Kambiz sees his column this month as “the head of an octopus.” Subsequent issues will tackle its tentacles.