The needs of my children have prevented me from doing what I have increasingly felt needs doing and that is giving our community a new, clear, strong, and uncompromising voice in the State Assembly.
Fortunately, Jim Fouratt has offered to become that voice.
He has been an activist all of his adult life but with a difference: He is simply incapable of compromise and he owes nothing to anybody.
We now have a chance to enlarge the former St. Vincent’s Cancer Center on 15th Street into a full hospital with a trauma one emergency room.
Go to your election station on September 9th. There, you will see just two names: Deborah Glick and Jim Fouratt.
If you vote for Jim you vote to return a community emergency room close enough to save the life of a friend or a family member.
—Arthur Z. Schwartz
I would advise going to your polling place on September 13th and not on September 9th as Arthur advises. If you go on the 9th they won’t let you vote. There won’t be voting machines there.