The Media Is Prematurely Burying Bernie Sanders.

By Arthur Z. Schwartz

After the October 12 Democratic Presidential Debate, The New York Times declared Hillary Clinton the “hands down” winner. She wasn’t knocked down, and Bernie Sanders, ever the principled guy looking to discuss issues, let her off on the email server business. I didn’t see the debate the way the Times did. I thought Hillary got away with a few meaningless platitudes. Here’s one: “How would you differ from President Obama?” “Well, I’m a woman.” Or, when asked about being a hawk on US Foreign Policy and her vote in favor of invading Iraq when she was a Senator, she said. “Barack Obama made me Secretary of State so he must not have been concerned.”

Fact is, the first few polls after Vice President Biden dropped out show most of his support going to Sanders. Polls taken in New Hampshire on October 22 show Sanders ahead of Hillary in New Hampshire by 51-39%, and show Hillary ahead in Iowa by a margin of $46% to 43%. Bernie continues to draw thousands of enthusiastic people to his campaign events, and he passed his one millionth on-line contribution in September, leaving him with as much money in the bank as Clinton. And his average contribution is $50, while hers is at the $2500 limit, which means he has many more pockets he can tap again.

The media wants Hillary to be the candidate. At this point in 2007 they had declared her the runaway winner over Obama, and we know what happened there.


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