Seniors, Take Care of YOU This Holiday Season


The holiday season is here and, with a little planning, you can enjoy it without compromising your health. I have put together a few tips to keep in mind during the season.

  • Make a Plan. As with anything, be it your health or wealth, pre-planning is the key. Start organizing that plan NOW rather than waiting until you’ve eaten too much, missed your medicine, or skipped an activity. Stop and think about it.
  • Get Support. Think about how you will manage your health during the holiday season. To help you stay on course, ask your family and friends for support. Being healthy requires keeping your stress level down too. If you can’t afford to overeat or overspend, communicate this to them now so that you don’t stress over unrealistic expectations.
  • Take Your Medicine. The holidays are busy. To help make sure you take your medicine as prescribed, make a list of the medicines you take and check it daily. If you are traveling, make sure to bring twice as much medicine as you need just in case you stay longer than planned.
  • Monitor Your Numbers. Whether you’re concerned about weight, blood pressure, and/or blood sugar, you may want to monitor these numbers more often during the holidays to stay on track, or get back on track if you veer off. There’s nothing like seeing the numbers and knowing the status of your health. This is a good way to remain alert and get back on track before it’s too late.
  • Plan Your Food Choices. What food choices will you make during the holidays? Do you plan to taste a bit of everything, or do you plan to have one piece of your favorite cake or pie the day of the holiday? And, what about the days between the actual holidays? A lot of non-nutritious foods are available at this time of year. Plan how you will get the nutrition you need during this period. It does matter.
  • Develop an Activity Routine. Adding some activity into your holiday schedule is doable. If you are already active, continue. If you are able, go for a group walk with family and friends or play a game like charades.
  • Problem Solve. Unexpected problems can and usually do arise during the holidays. Be prepared by planning for the unexpected. Usually, when you are ready, the unexpected tends not to happen.
  • Be Thankful. Whether you have family, friends, or are alone, think of something you are thankful for. Every one of us has something to be thankful for. It will help you…
  • Enjoy the holiday season!

Joy Pape is an internationally known, board certified Family Nurse Practitioner, author, writer, and presenter. She believes that every person is an individual and deserves personalized medical, integrative care, and hope for a healthy and full life. She can be reached at (212) 933-1756 or

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