On Thursday May 12, the Village Independent Democrats held their monthly meeting at St. John’s Church on Christopher Street. Democratic district leader Keen Berger and club president Nadine Hoffman reported on a variety of issues, including the renovation of the club’s office on Perry Street.
A slate of judicial delegates, which serve on committees to pick candidates for various judgeships, was elected by the club. Tony Hoffman reported on a variety of other election related issues; including petitioning for Deborah Glick for New York State Assembly and recruiting volunteers to travel by bus to Pennsylvania to assist in elections there, including the presidential election. Jen Hoppe reported on the recent successful fund raising award gala at Tio Pepe’s restaurant.
The majority of the meeting was taken up with hearing eight candidates for various judicial elections present their qualifications and ask for club support. An actual endorsement meeting was scheduled for May 23rd to choose among them.
The need to get voters out for the Democratic primary on June 28th when club-endorsed Jerry Nadler will be running against newcomer Oliver Rosenberg was also stressed.
—Alec Pruchnicki

Alec Pruchnicki is a member of the VID executive committee.

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