Quinn Crosses a Line

New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn just exhibited another example of her blatant misuse of power in furtherance of her own ambitions. Quinn’s Tammany […]

Park Matters

One stark fact that Hurricane Sandy brought home to us was that the Hudson River Park is on an estuary of the Atlantic Ocean which […]


If, by some off chance, you have heard of my hometown of Longview, in Northeast Texas, you would know of it vaguely as an exit […]

Organ du Jour

SnackBar Dusty tomes on good housekeeping back in the day aren’t all lace doilies and tea sandwiches. Flipping through the brittle and stained pages of […]

New Arrival at 99 Bank

After a major two-month renovation of the old Paris Commune premises at 99 Bank Street, The Marrow restaurant opened for business on December 26. The […]